The Ruling Number 1 - Number 1 in Numerology - Importance of Number 1
For ages, the human species has been evolving. With evolution, we started learning about many new things. We came to know about Sun, Moon and other such subjects. In the same way, everything related to planets, nakshatras and signs came to be known as Astrology. Anything we learnt about the lines on our palms came to be known as palmistry. In the same way, whatever we learnt about numbers was defined under Numerology. In this Webcast, we will talk about Number 1 in Numerology. This talk will be based on English alphabets.
Alphabets and Specialties of Number 1
Each alphabet in the English language has been denoted a number. A, J and S are associated with Number 1. Number 1 is ruled by Sun. Due to the effects of this number, you are courageous and brave.
You try to accomplish everything on your own. Moreover, you are very energetic and passionate about everything. Due to the presence of Sun, you may also be very stubborn.
Positive Impact of Number 1
Every person has positive as well as negative traits. However, we will tell you about some positive traits of people ruled by Number 1. Your biggest advantage is that you are able to stay calm even in the most difficult situations. Moreover, you are also able to come out of such situations. Sun is considered to be a King. In the same way, you like to isolate yourself from others and consider yourself a King. You never mingle with the crowd and make your own path.
You like being independent and living your life freely. You are not afraid of anything or anyone. You make your own identity on the basis of your work. You get a lot of good opportunities in life. These opportunities help you to earn respect. You have the skills to make the most out of these opportunities.
You like to make your own path and guide yourself in the right direction. You never try to copy anyone. You are genuine and original.
Personality and Business of People Ruled by Number 1
You always have independent thoughts which rule your actions. You live your life on your terms. You always plan everything and try to work towards your goals. Hence, you always know what you want in life.
You always do something which involved intelligence. You are never involved with any sort of physical activity. You have good leadership qualities. Due to this, you earn love, respect and power. You take quick decisions. Your supporters are always ready for you to guide them. You are always ready to tackle all kinds of situations.
You are always rewarded for your efforts and hard work. You keep getting good opportunities which help you to succeed in life.
You can become a very good engineer, architect, designer or planner. You may also become a society’s president. You may be a writer, musician, teacher or the head of a religious institution.
You may also work in a museum, library or departmental store. You will never like to work under someone else’s authority. You will like to be self-employed. If you work for yourself, it will be more beneficial for you. You will never get along with your colleagues. You are ambitious and work hard to make a name for yourself.
Negative Impact of Number 1
Besides positive signs, number 1 also has some negative traits. One major flaw that people ruled by number 1 have is that they try to handle everything on their own. They never ask for anyone’s help. This may be a waste of time. You may be very stubborn and rude. You always keep trying to prove your point.
You never listen to other people’s opinion. You may be very aggressive and filled with pride. You may even be isolated from your colleagues at work. You are never popular among people at work or home. People may even try to avoid you.
You never get along well with your colleagues. You always stick to your own point of view. You may commit some huge mistakes because of your stubbornness and rushing into decisions. You never trust others easily. This may also cause some problems.
Personal Life of People Ruled by Number 1
You can be a very good life partner. You can easily express yourself according to the situation and circumstances. You have a jolly nature. You always consider your life partner’s feelings and stay in your limits. You get attracted to confident and attractive people. You never like people who are lazy and have a lot of expectations. It may be your business partner or even your life partner.
You expect a lot of love and care from your life partner. You also want him or her to be patient and understanding. You never like it if someone accuses you of something. You also hate it if someone tries to hurt you.
You never like people who are careless and have bad manners. All these may cause problems in your married life. You like to see something new in your life partner. This keep your bonding stronger.