The Heart Number - Part 2 - Importance of Heart Number in Numerology
If we dig deeper into Numerology, we can know a lot of different things about a person. Every number is important in it’s own way. In this webcast, we will talk about Heart Numbers. Every person has a Heart Number. In this Webcast, we will talk about Heart Numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22.
Characteristics of Heart Number 6
You always like to live in harmony with everyone. You live your life in the same way, no matter where you are. You know when it’s time to take a step back.
You are always compassionate and sympathetic towards others. You have a pure soul and a true heart. You never run away from your responsibilities. You completely understand them and try to fulfill them.
You are an extremely emotional person. This is why you always need a companion in life. You admire beauty. Love and support are very important to you in life. You also give importance to marriage, home and children. You believe in humanity and have a sacrificing nature. You always sacrifice your own desires for others.
Characteristics of Heart Number 7
Heart Number 7 makes you a very choose person. You think carefully before making any choices in life. You don’t like a lot of things. Due to this, some people might think that you have an attitude problem.
Your choices are always pre-determined. No one can make you change them. You never compromise for something you don’t like. You prefer isolation for meditation, concentration and studying. You never like to perform a task amidst noise or among people.
You like to perform every task elegantly. This is one of your most important qualities. You may be a successful scientist. You may also be involved with religious activities.
However, you should be careful. You may be involved in unethical activities if other numbers that influence you are not right.
Characteristics of Heart Number 8
You have a materialistic approach towards life. You always keep making efforts to acquire luxurious items. You are fond of living a luxurious life.
You are also attracted towards power, politics and success. You always keep planning one thing or another to acquire these.
You have the ability to accomplish all kinds of tasks. You are able to easily resolve any problem presented to you. Moreover, you also have great business sense. Therefore, you may be able to achieve new heights because of these qualities.
You may be an excellent philosopher or hypnotist. At times, you may be out of control. You may also be obstinate in life.
Characteristics of Heart Number 9
You are not a formal person. You treat everyone equally. You don’t like formalities in life. You are quite simple in life. You get influenced by even the most subtle incidents.
You are always ready to help others at all costs. You go out of your way to help those who are in trouble. You are a very generous person. You can easily forgive others. You are also kind towards others.
You have great insight and intuition. You are able to predict future incidents. You can be quite successful in religious and spiritual aspects of life. At times, you may act weird. You may also be very moody and get irritated over petty issues.
Characteristics of Heart Number 11
Your heart number will be 11 if the sum of vowels in your name is 11. You will not add this number any further. Number 11 is considered to be very auspicious in numerology. You have a special gift from God. You can easily predict future events.
You are able to inspire those around you. You are inclined towards religion and spirituality. Your conscience always encourages you to make sacrifices for others. You always have good thoughts and like to express them.
You would like to work for the welfare of mankind. You may be a humanitarian and perform related tasks. You may be very emotional in life. This may cause some problems for you. You should try to keep your feelings and emotions under control.
Characteristics of Heart Number 22
Usually, you are quite aware of your surroundings. You have vast knowledge about your surrounding environment. You are very active in life.
You have a strong desire to create universal enterprises. You don’t believe in fantasies. You have a realistic and practical approach towards life.
You may attain a highly reputable position in life. This position will give you tremendous power. People will follow your orders and guidance.
You never misuse your position or power. However, you may take a lot of stress to generate awareness among the masses. This may make you restless.
Click on that link to watch the Heart Number Part 1 (heart numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) - Heart Number Part 1