Representations of Various Positions of Line of Heart
It may originate from three important positions : from the middle of the base of the index finger, between the index and middle finger and from the centre of mount of Saturn. Some general representations of the head line on the basis of its position are provided below.
- When the line of heart originates from the centre of mount of Jupiter, it symbolizes that the person will get the highest kind of love. This love will contain pride, mutual respect and passion. A subject with such a formation will be firm, consistent and trustworthy in his relationships.
- When this line commences from the mount of Jupiter, it also represents that person will never marry the person below his station.
- When the line of heart comes from the index finger and travels across the mount of Jupiter, it imparts a fierce passion and blind enthusiasm in the subject. The love of such kind of person will always be ardent.
- The line which originates between the index and the middle finger represents a calm and deeper nature in matters of love.
- Such individuals seem to rest between the idealism given by Jupiter and passion given by Saturn.
- When the line of heart arises from the mount of Saturn, the subject will have a fierce passion and will be more or less selfish in satisfying his affection. He will dominate in a relationship.
- When this line arises very high on the mount of Jupiter or from the middle finger, it represents that the person is far more passionate and sensuous than any other. The person may also be very selfish in this case.
- When this line lies low down on the hand and thus is close to the line of head and line of heart, the heart always interferes with the affairs of head.
- On the contrary, when this line lies high on the hand, the head completely rules the emotions and the person becomes hard and cold-natured.
- When the line of head lies so low that it droops down towards the line of head, it is a sign of unhappiness in a relationship during the early phase of life.