Posts for Tag Anka Shastra

Following is the list of Articles in the tag Anka Shastra

Destiny numbers are calculated by adding the numbers in the date of birth. The summation result of date, month and year of birth gives destiny number . For Example : A person is born on 6th June 1959, then the procedure
In this article, we will present the basics of Root number and some important facts about it. Numerology is a way to predict the events in life and direct them towards positivity and Root number is one of the simplest
It is very easy to calculate the birth number and destiny number in numerology . Almost everyone is aware of the procedure to calculate these numbers but calculating the name number is a long procedure and many people
People born on 5, 14 and 23 dates of any month come under the category of number 5. Mercury is the lord of number 5. These people are peace lovers, conscious and non-violent in nature. Some people are stubborn but all
Number 3 is an influential number in numerology . Jupiter is the lord of number 3 and people of this number are highly influenced by planet Jupiter . According to the western astrology , Jupiter rules the people of this
Fortune number 1 holds an important place in numerology . A person can know about his profession, career and other important things through a fortune number. Fortune number is considered to be very important in
The lord of number 8 is Saturn and people belonging to this number are influenced by it. According to the western astrology also, Saturn is the lord of number 7. People born on 8, 17, 26 belong to this number. People
Sun takes 365 days to go through all the 12 zodiac signs . In numerology , each month is assigned to one number based on the position of sun . The period of these months are different from the normal period. The period
Numerology is one of the important aspect of astrology . Number 1 is considered to be the number of Sun in numerology. People who are born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month belong to number 1. Number 1 is considered to