What is the Impact of Birth Number 6 (Lucky Number 6) on Your Life

People belonging to number 6 are dedicated towards their work. This number is influenced by Venus which is a symbol of love. These people are inclined towards music, beauty and creative things. People born on 6, 15 and 24 dates of any month belong to number 6.

Venus is the lord of number 6. Variety of emotions can be found in people belonging to this number. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious days for the people of number 6.

Venus has magnetic properties in it and people who are influenced by this planet have the ability to attract other people. Venus is a symbol of Kamdeva. Thus, these people are active in attracting people and intimacy related activities.

People of number 6  inherit the feeling of affection which can be described as love. These people have an amazing potential to love everyone around. They have a great sense of romance and feeling of love in them and are lovable and beautiful.

People with number 6 are open to make new friends and are inclined towards beautiful and creative things. They are fond of beautiful things and can always be seen well dressed. They do not like clumsy and filthy things and people are attracted to them automatically.

Characteristics of Number 6

Incorporation of talent and smartness can be found in people of number 6. They are the symbol of intellect, gentleness, humour and worldly pleasures. People who come under number 6 make a good astrologer and business man. These people like working in their own way and do not like any one’s interference in it.

People with number 6 are able to make new friends very soon and due to this they have a huge friends and social circle. These people always carry smile on their face which attracts everyone around. They are charming, fun loving and flamboyant in nature. They believe in living a tension free life.

People with number 6 are very restless in nature and cannot remain tensed for long on one matter. It is hard to know them internally and they are mysterious in nature. They are fond of travelling. If they are in love with someone then they tend to do anything and everything for that person.

They spend with both the hands and are fond of getting well dressed for which they shop whenever they get time. They like wearing modern and western dresses made with good quality fabric.

Demerits of Number 6

People belonging to number 6 should sacrifice stubbornness and control the feeling of ego in them. They will be able to do so with calm and composed mind.

They cannot live alone for a longer period of time and need friends in every situation. If they are angry, they do not tolerate any opposition.

They can quickly become a victim of any drug and should avoid getting addicted to drugs and any other form of addiction which is bad for health.

Avoid getting anxious, angry and moody and try to understand the situation. Excitement is in their nature. It is not good to cling to anything and should keep a space for flexibility in thoughts and ideas. Sometimes listening to others can prove out to be beneficial for you.

People with number 6 can get influenced by Venus and have too many desires. They should keep the habit of luxury trips and desires in control.

They can get easily attracted to opposite sex as an affect of planet Venus. They should keep this habit also under control and balanced.

They are stubborn. Once they form a perception regarding anything then changing it is way too difficult for them. They are argumentative in nature and avoid getting into any kind of physical labour.