Importance of Signs, Planets and Numbers in Numerology

People with number 1 and 4 maintain good relations with people belonging to number 2 and 7. People born on 1,4,10,19,22,28 and 31 dates of any month belong to number 1 and 4, whereas people born on 7,11,16,20,25 and 29 dates of any month belong to number 2 and 7. These people interact with each other sweetly and compassionately. Any person born in the month of Sun, i.e, from 21st July to 20-27th August will form an understanding and an intimate relationship with the person born in the lunar month, i.e, from 20th June to 21-27th July. These people are very similar in terms of nature and behaviour.
All the other numbers also form a negative or positive relationship with other numbers and planets. These relationships are as follows:
- Number 9 is assigned to the period from 21st March to 19th April and has a positive impact.
- Number 6 is assigned to the period from 20th April to 20th May and has a positive impact during this period.
- Number 5 is assigned to the period from 21st May to 20th June and has a positive impact.
- Number 2 is assigned to the period from 21st June to 20th July and has a positive impact.
- Number 1 and 7 are assigned to the period from 21st July to 20th August and have a positive impact during this period.
- Number 5 is assigned to the period commencing from 21st August to 20th September and has a negative impact.
- Number 6 is assigned to the period commencing from 21st September to 20th October and has a negative impact.
- Number 9 is assigned to the period commencing from 20th October to 21st November and has a negative impact.
- Number 3 is assigned to the period commencing from 21st November to 20th December and has a positive impact.
- Number 8 is assigned to the period commencing from 21st December to 20th January and has a positive impact.
- Number 8 is assigned to the period commencing from 21st December to 20th January and has a negative impact.
- Number 3 is assigned to the period commencing from 19th February to 20th March and has a negative impact.
Zodiac signs have been divided into four parts each in Numerology. These four divisions are as follows:
Fire Triangle
- The first house is from 21st March to 19th April.
- The second house is from 21st July to 20th August.
- The third house is from 21st November to 20th December.
Air Triangle
- The first house is from 21st May to 20th June.
- The second house is from 21st September to 20th October.
- The third House is from 21st January to 19h February.
Water Triangle
- The first house is from 21st June to 20th July.
- The second house is from 21st October to 20th November.
- The third house is from 19th February to 20th March.
Earth Triangle
- The first house is from 20th april to 20th May.
- The second house is from 21st August to 20th September.
- The third house is from 21st December to 20th January.
Each planet is assigned one number in Numerology. They are as follows:
Planet Numbers
Sun 1
Moon 2
Jupiter 3
Uranus 4
Mercury 5
Venus 6
Neptune 7
Saturn 8
Mars 9
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