Articles in Category Jyotisha Basics

Malefic and Benefic Planets for Different Ascendants

Some other factors are also considered while determining malefic or benefic planets from the acendant (lagna) in a horoscope. Let us try to learn about Badhak Place and Badhak Planet in this

Aspects Relationships of Planets

All the planets in astrology gives results according to their condition, conjuction, and aspect. If the planet is in benefic house such as Trikon Bhava , Kendra Bhava ,then it gives good results or

Avasthas of Planets-II

Among the different planetary avasthas in different signs, today we will try to learn about Baladi Avastha. In the last chapter we learned about Diptadi Avastha. Baladi Avasthas are of 5 kinds. They

Avasthas of Planets-III

After studying about Diptadi Avastha and Baladi avastha, lets try to understand about an Avastha created by Rishi Parashara known as Jagratadi Avastha. This Avastha is also based on the different

Characteristics of Different Ascendants

The first house in a horoscope is the ascendant house. A horoscope begins from the ascendant house. The sign in the ascendant house is known as the ascendant sign. Signs in other houses are

Characteristics of different ascendants-II

In the last chapter we studied about the ascendants in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. In this chapter we will study about the remaining signs in ascendants. Leo Lagna Mars , Jupiter and Sun are

Characteristics of different ascendants-III

In last two chapters we have been studying about the planets which are malefic and which are benefic .In this chapter we will study about the malefic and benefic results of the remaining ascendants.

Relationships of Planets

Friendly Planets and Enemy Planets, Panchdha Relationship-IV Panchadha Chakra is formed based on the Natural Friendship and Instantaneous Friendship Panchadha Chakra are classified in 5 types.These

Significance of Houses and their Features

Vedic Astrology is based on 12 houses, 9 planets and 27 constellations. To apply Vedic Astrology, the birth date and time is considered to create birth horoscope. This birth horoscope has 12 houses,

Name of the Signs and their Symbols

According to an ancient belief, when disaster drowned entire universe into the darkness, and there was water everywhere, Lord sun divided the whole universe including the nakshtras, planets etc into

Kalpurusha Rashi - Sectionalisation of Parts

According to Vedic Astrology, a male figure named Kalpurusha is drawn in Kundali.This Kalpurusha depicts all the parts of a human body. The division of human body parts as per Kalpurusha is as

Descriptions of Signs and the Lord of signs

If 12 signs are arranged as a wheel, then the confederation formed is known as Bhagadh. Sun is the lord of signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn of this wheel. Vedic astrology

Ownership of signs in Predictive Astrology

There are 12 signs in Indian Astrology. These are : .Aries Sign Taurus Sign Gemini Sign Cancer Sign Leo Sign- Virgo Sign Libra Sign Scorpio Sign Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Ownership of

Characteristics of Planets in Predictive Astrology

Characteristics of Planets Planets have been divided into two parts, as follows : Benefic Natural Planets In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter and Venus come under the category of natural benefic planets. If

Significance of Sun in Predictive Astrology

Characteristics of Sun There are 9 planets in astrology. Sun is ranked highest among all. Let us study further about the planet Sun. The Administrative Division of Planets Are : Sun is considered to

Qualification of an Astrologer

People get curious to know about the skills of an astrologer. It is also very important to know whether a person can practice astrology or not. Although many people try but not everyone can master

History of Astrology in India

Development of Astrology in Parashar Era A major part of Vedic astrology is based on Parashari astrology. This is based on the principles and beliefs of an astrologer, sage Parashar. That is why, the

General Rules for Dispute Related Questions

In the questions related to disputes the person asking questions is analyzed through ascendant or the one whom the person supports is analyzed through an ascendant. These days the questions related

Classifications of Signs

In the last chapter we studies that the total value of 12 signs is 360 degree . Each sign is of 30 degree. Now we will learns the position of each sign. Sign - Value of the sign. Aries - 0-30 degree

Terms used in Astronomy

Celestial Sphere To know what is celestial sphere, we have to understand the concept of universe first. According to the astronomy, the imaginary sphere of vacuum surrounding earth is known as