Surya Shashti Fast – Surya Sashti Vrat 2025 – Surya Sashti 2025

Surya Shashti Fast is celebrated on the Shasti Shukla paksha of Bhadrapad month. In 2025, it will be celebrated on 28 august. This festival is dedicated to Lord Surya Deva. On this day Lord Sun is worshipped by chanting gayatri mantra. Sun has special importance in our lives. He is the one who provides life and energy to plants and creatures on this day.

Therefore, Lord Sun is worshipped on this day with proper rituals by the devotees. People observe Surya Shashti fast to get blessed with suitable life partner, child, or prosperity. The glory of Surya deva can be read in various ancient scriptures, It is believed that worshipping him with full faith and respect fulfills all the desires of a person.

Surya Shashti Fast Rituals

On the day of Surya Shashti the observers should wake up early and take bath in a lake, pond or river near to his house. After taking bath, he should worship the sun during sunrise while standing at the bank of the river. Light a lamp with pure ghee and worship the lord with kapoor, dhoop and red flowers.

After taking bath in the rivers, the observer should offer water containing seven type of flowers, rice, sandalwood, sesame, etc. to the rising sun. He should bow his head and offer his prayers to the lord while chanting surya mantra “ Om Grihni Suryaya Namah” and “Om Suryaya Namah” 108 times.

After performing the rituals, the observer should chant Lord Surya name and his mantra entire day and feed brahmins and poor people as per his potency. He should also donate clothes, food, grains etc to the priest or to a poor man.

Importance of Surya Shashti

Surya Shashti fast is all about the worship of Lord Sun. There is an immense importance of worshipping Lord Sun during this period. A person worships Lord Sun on this day in order to be blessed and attain happiness. This fast is considered to be very important. It is believed that it brings happiness and wealth. This fast cures all kinds of eye diseases. Sun is considered to be the life and energy of the universe. Many people observe this fast for a child. It is also believed that this fast makes the bond stronger between the son and the father.

A person observing this fast should do it with full faith and as per the rituals. Many dieaseas and health problems such as arthritis, weak immune system, weak bones etc can be treated with the rays of the sun.

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Radha Ashtami Festival – Radha Ashtami 2025 – Radha Ashtami Fast

Radha Ashtami is celebrated on Ashtami of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year, it will be celebrated on 31 august 2025. Devotees visit Gahavar forest which is situated on the hills of Barsana. Barsana is crowded during this part of the year. A lot of devotees can be seen celebrating Radha Ashtami. A lot of traditional programmes are organized. Religious bhajans and kirtan can also be heard.

Radha Ashtami Story

Radha Ashtami story is associated with the birth of Goddess Radha. Radha was born as a daughter of Vrishbhanu Gop. Her mother’s name was Kirti. According to Padma Purana, Radha ji has been said to be King Vrishbhanu’s daughter. According to Padma Purana, Vrishbhanu received Radhaji when he was cleaning the floor for organizing a Yagya. Vrishbhanu considered Radhaji to be his own daughter and took care of her.

It has also been mentioned in Padma Purana that Lord Vishnu asked his family members to come to planet Earth as incarnations before being born as Lord Krishna. Therefore, Goddess Laxmi who is Lord Vishnu’s wife incarnated as Radhaji. According to Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Radhaji was a friend to Lord Krishna. She was married to a person named Rapan or Rayan. Radhaji is also considered to be Lord Krishna’s lover.

Radha Ashtami Worship

A fast is kept on the day of Radha Ashtami. Radhaji’s idol is cleaned with panchamrit. After this, the idol is decorated. An idol made of gold or silver is established in the house. Radhaji’s idol is worshipped with total devotion and dedication. Aarti is performed with dhoop and lamps. Prasad is also offered to her. According to many religious scriptures, Radhaji should be worshipped with Lord Krishna on this day.

First of all, Radhaji should be cleaned with panchamrit. Then the idol should be decorated. Leaves from 27 different trees and water from 27 different wells should be collected in a temple on this day. A worship should be organized with milk, curd, ghee and bura. Shyama Shyam should be chanted while worshipping Radhaji. According to Narad Purana, a person fasting on this day is able to gain knowledge of all secrets related to Braj. Such a person is free from all sins.

Radha Ashtami in Braj and Barsana

Just like Janmashtami, Radha Ashtami is also celebrated in a big way in Braj and Barsana. This day is celebrated as a festival in the temples of Mathura, Vrindavan, Barsana, Rawal and Maant. People of Goswami community can be seen celebrating this day in Radha Vallabh temple with a lot of zeal and excitement. People are very excited and happy on this day.

Turmeric and curd are collected in the temples. This mixture is thrown on the people of Goswami community. They can be seen getting more excited when this happens. Bhoga is offered to Radhaji once the temple doors are closed. Bhajan and kirtans are organized throughout the day. Once the doors open again, people can be seen chanting Radhaji’s name. In the end, an Aarti is performed.

Importance of Radha Ashtami

According to Vedas and Puranas, Radhaji is also known as Krishna Vallabh. Lord Krishna was very fond of Radhaji. People listening to Radha Janma Ashtami story are free from any problems. They are blessed and live a prosperous life. Such people are wealthy and receive all material desires. People chanting Radhaji’s mantra attain salvation. It is believed that Lord Krishna’s worship is incomplete without Radhaji’s worship. Radhaji is believed to be the controller of Lord Krishna’s life.

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Vaman Dwadashi Fast – Vaman Dwadashi 2025

Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month is celebrated as Bhadrapad Dwadashi. This year, Vaman Jayanti will be celebrated on 04th September, 2025. According to religious scriptures, on this auspicious day Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vaman in Abhijit muhurta of Shravana Nakshatra. A person should worship Lord Vishnu in the morning on this day.

Vaman Dwadashi Worship

A special puja is organized in temple on this day. Lord Vishnu’s various incarnations are worshipped. Bhagvat katha worship is organized in many different places and Vaman story is read. Lord Vaman should be worshipped as mentioned in Shastras. After this, food made of rice and curd should be donated. In the evening, a person keeping this fast should worship Lord Vaman, listen to Vaman worship story and distribute prasad among his family members. If a person keeps a fast on this day, Lord Vaman blesses him and fulfills all his desires.

Vaman Dwadashi Story

Lord Vaman is considered to be Lord Vishnu’s one of the most important incarnations. Lord Vaman has been talked about in Sri Madbhagvad Purana. According to Vaman story, in a battle between Devas and Demons, Devas had started losing. The demon army has waged a war against Amravati. Lord Indra asked Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu promised to help him and took birth as Lord Vaman from Aditi’s womb. Saint Kashyap and Aditi were married and Lord Vaman was born soon on the day of Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. Lord Vaman disguised himself as a Brahmachari.

Vaman Incarnation and Bali Prasang

Saint Kashyap, Devas and other saints provided a lot of things to Lord Vaman before he left to meet King Bali. He was given Yagyopaveet by Saint Pulaha, Mrigcharam by Saint Agastya, Palash Dand by Saint Marichi, clothes by Angiras, Chhatra by Sun, Khadau by Bhrigu, Janeu and Kamandal by Jupiter, Kopin by Aditi, Rudraksha Mala by Saraswati and a plate for Bhiksha by Kuber. Lord Vaman visited King Bali who was performing an Ashwamedha Yagya on the northern bank of river Narmada.

Lord Vaman disguised himself as a Brahma and went to King Bali’s place. Lord Vaman asked for three feet land as donation. King Bali decided to give threee feet land to Lord Vaman. Lord Vaman placed one foot in heaven and the other one on Earth. He placed the third one on King Bali’s body. Lord Vishnu was very happy as King Bali was true to his word. Lord Vishnu made him the King of the Underworld. In this way, Lord Vaman helped Devas.

Vaman Dwadashi Fast results

According to beliefs, this fast is even more important with the presence of Shravana Nakshatra. Devotees should keep a fast and worship a gold idol of Lord Vaman. A person keeping this fast and worshipping Lord Vaman is free from any sort of problems. Such a person lives a prosperous life and all his desires are fulfilled.

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Lalita Shashti Fast 2025 । Lalita Sashti Fast 2025

This fast is celebrated on Shashti of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year it will be celebrated on 28th august, 2025. Lord Krishna has set the guidelines for this fast. Lord Krishna said that a person who keeps this fast would be fortunate and blessed with a skilled child. According to Hindu Panchang, this fast is dedicated to Devi Lalita and devotees keep this fast in order to bless her.

This fast is celebrated in many different parts of India on the day of Shashti of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. Devotees worship Devi Lalita and ask for her blessings. People usually keep this fast for longevity and happiness of their children.

Lalita Shashti Fast Worship

A person should wake up early in the morning and wear clean clothes. He should sit on a platform facing eastern or northern direction. A lot of things are needed for this fast including Lord Kartikeya’s picture, Lord Shaligram’s vigraha, Lord Shiva’s idol, Goddess gauri’s idol, copper glass, coconut, kumkum, rice, turmeric, sandalwood, amber, red gulaal, lamps, ghee, flowers, milk, water, mausami, sweets, red thread etc.

All these things should be dedicated to Devi lalita and the following mantra should be chanted :

Om Hrim Shashti Devyah Swaha

In the end, you should ask for Devi Lalita’s blessings. You should ask Devi lalita to bless your family and child. Women having daughters should always keep this fast. This fast is celebrated in a lot of different ways. Therefore, variances can be seen in different parts of India.

Lalita Devi Fast Importance

This fast is kept by women for their husband’s long life and prosperity of their children. On this day, Devi Lalita is worshipped and ask for a child’s long life and a happy married life. Sweets and malpua are offered to Devi Lalita. In some places, Lord Vishnu is worshipped with sandalwood on this day. Even Lord Shiva and Goddess Gauri are worshipped in some places.

Lalita Shashti fast is also known as Satan Shashti fast. A person keeping this fast is blessed with a child. A person who already has a child is able to free him or her from all problems. This fast gives quick and auspicious results. This fast eliminates all problems of your child and cures any sort of diseases that he or she may be suffering from.

Lord Shiva and Skand Mata are also worshipped on this day. This fast is very auspicious for devotees. It is believed that if a person keeps a fast on this day, he is blessed from both Devi Lalita and Goddess Parvati. Such a person lives a prosperous life and achieves success.

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Sri Mahalaxmi Fast – Mahalaxmi Fast 2025 – Mahalaxmi Vrat 2025

Sri Mahalaxmi fast begins on Ashtami of Shukla Paksha in Bhadrapad month. This year, this fast will be celebrated on 30/31 August 2025. This fast is celebrated on the day of Radha Ashtami. Goddess Laxmi is worshipped on this day.

Sri Mahalaxmi Fast Worship

First of all, a person should wake up early and begin the fast. The following mantra should be chanted while beginning the fast.

Karishyaha Mahalaxmi Vratame Tvatparayana |
Tadvighnen Men Yatu Samapti Swatprasadat ||

A thread should be worn in the wrist. It should consist of sixteen knots. A lot of things are needed for worship including sandalwood, plate, leaves, garland of flowers, rice, durva, red thread, supari, coconut etc. A red thread should be cut in sixteen different threads. Once the fast is over, a manda is built with cloth. Goddess Laxmi’s idol is placed in this mandap. This idol is cleaned with panchamrit. After this, the idol is worshipped in sixteen different ways. Food is offered to Brahmanas with donations.

Food should be offered to sixteen brahmanas. This fast ends once you have done all this. A person keeping this fast acquires a lot of wealth. Udyapan for this fast is done on the sixteenth day. If a person can’t keep this fast for sixteen days, he can do it for three days. These three days should be the first, eighth and sixteenth day of the period. If this fast is kept for sixteen consecutive years, a person receives auspicious results. You should not consume food during this fast. Only fruits, milk and sweets should be consumed.

Mahalaxmi Fast Story

In ancient times, a poor brahmana lived in a village. This brahmana was totally devoted to Lord Vishnu and used to worship him regularly. Lord Vishnu was impressed and appeared in front of him. He asked the brahmana to express his desire. Brahma asked Lord Vishnu for wealth. He wanted Goddess laxmi to reside in his home. Lord Vishnu guided the brahmana towards Goddess Laxmi. He said that a lady would come to the temple and the brahmana should invite her to his place. Lord Vishnu also said that the same lady was Goddess Laxmi.

Lord Vishnu said that if Goddess Laxmi was in the brahmana’s home, he would acquire a lot of wealth. The brahmana waited in front of the temple at 4 in the morning. When he saw the lady, he invited her to his place. Goddess Laxmi realized that Lord Vishnu had said all this to the brahmaa. She asked the brahmana to keep Sri Mahalaxmi Fast for sixteen days. She said that all his desires would be fulfilled if he pours water to the Moon on the sixteenth night of the fast.

The brahmana fasted for sixteen days and called out Goddess Laxmi by facing the northern direction. Goddess Laxmi kept her words and the brahmana became rich. Since that day, this fast is kept in order to please Goddess Laxmi and receive her blessings.

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Rishi Panchami Fast 2025 | Rishi Panchami Fast

Rishi Panchami is observed on the fifth day of the Shukla paksha in the Bhadrapada month. In 2025, Rishi Panchami is on 28 August. This fast is observed by the devotees with devotion and faith and is believed to provide fruitful results to all. On this day, saints around the country are worshipped as per the rituals. Reciting the vrat katha on this day have special significance. Observing this fast gives relief from all kind of sins and bless the devotees with good results. This fast represents the respect, devotion, gratitude and dedication towards saints.

Rishi Panchami Puja Rituals

As per the rituals, this fast was only observed by men but with the change in time and modern outlook women also started observing it. Bathing in holy rivers has special significance on this day. The idols of saptarishi are established and worshipped with panchamrit, followed by applying sandalwood tilak and offering flowers, incense, diya etc. The devotees must wear white clothes and chant mantras.

Rishi Panchami Katha

As per the legends, a priest and his loyal wife use to live in Uttak village. They were blessed with a daughter and a son. The priest married her daughter in a brahmin family. But, due to unfavourable circumstances the his son-in law dies soon. The widow daughter comes back to his paternal home and starts living there. One night she suddenly finds huge number of insects crawling over her body.

The parents of the girl got very upset seeing her condition. They took her to a priest and told everything about their daughter’s life. The priest tells them about the past sins of the daughter, and how she despite of being a brahmin used to work in homes. He told them that rajaswala girls are not allowed to work and since she broke the tradition she is now being punished due to her sin.

The saints advises them to ask their daughter to observe Rishi panchami fast with devotion and faith to get rid of her past sins. The girl does as directed and eventually gets relief from the ill-effects of her past sins.

According to another legend that was told by Lord Krishna to Yudhisthir, when Indra did a sin of killing a brahmi named Brijasura he went to Lord Brahma to apologise for his mistake. Lord Brahma provided Indra relief from his sin and divided it into four parts. The first part went into the fire volcano, second into the rain water for rivers, third in the form of mountains and fourth one  into the seminal fluid of women. Thus, for the purification of this sin women are suppose to observe fasts every year.

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Dakshinavarti Shankh – Dakshinavarti Shankh Puja

According to Shastras, a Dakshinavarti shankh (conch) holds an important place in hindu religious ceremonies. Dakshinavarti shankh represents the appearance of Goddess Laxmi. It is a symbol for fame and success. Worshipping this shankh makes a person’s life rich and prosperous. It brings success in business. It is believed that pouring water to the Sun from a Dakshinavarti shankh eliminates eye problems. It is also believed that if you fill water in this shankh and keep it besides your bed at night, your home will always have a peaceful atmosphere.

Importance of Dakshinavarti Shankh

There are a lot of different types of conches. Out of these, two are considered to be very important. One is Vamavarti shankh and the other is Dakshinavarti shankh. Vamavarti shankh is open on the left side. On the other hand, Dakshinavarti shankh is open on the right side. In Tantra Shastra, Dakshinavarti shankh is considered to be more important than Vamavarti shankh. Dakshinavarti shankh has a closed mouth and therefore, it is only worshiped and does not emit any sound.

Benefits of Dakshinavarti Shankh

Dakshinavarti shankh is considered to be beneficial and pure. It is believed that Lord Vishnu is fond of this shankh and it represents Goddess Laxmi. Dakshinavarti shankh brings fame and success. If a person keeps this shankh at his home, he is relieved off nightmares. Keeping this shankh in an office will bring success to your business. Family atmosphere is also peaceful and sound.

Establishing Dakshinavarti Shankh

Dakshinavarti shankh should be purified before being established in a house. It should be cleaned on Wednesday or Thursday in an auspicious muhurat with milk, ganges water, dhoop, deep, panchamrit etc. It should be kept on a red cloth lying on a silver platform. The open end should be facing the sky and the other end should be facing you. This shankh should be filled with rice and red thread. A swastika should be drawn on this shankh and it should be worshipped with sandalwood, flowers, dhoop and deep.

Worship of Dakshinavarti Shankh

Once a Dakshinavarti shankh is established, it should be properly worshipped. To achieve quick results, you should worship it and chant :

Om Hrim Shrim Namah
Sridhar Karasthaya Payonidhi Jatayan
Laxmi Sahodaraya Fal Pradaya Fal Pradaya
Sridakshinavarta Shankhaya Sri Hrim Namah

This shankh relieves you of poverty and brings fame, success, prosperity etc.

Dakshinavarti Shankh and Tantra

Dakshinavarti shankh is widely used in Tantric experiments. According to Tantra shastra, a person is free from all problems if he keeps water in a Dakshinavarti shankh. This shankh brings positive energy and eliminates negative thoughts. If water from this shankh is sprinkled on a person or object, it is freed of any tantric experiments. This shankh brings fortune and it is believed that it solves all problems related to money and wealth.

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Purushottam Ekadashi – Purushottam Ekadashi – Purushottam Ekadashi Fast

Purushottam Ekadashi Fast will be celebrated on Purushottam Ekadashi fast is observed in the month of Purushottam. In the context of this ekadashi, Dharmaraj Yudhisthir asked Lord Krishna about the significance of observing Purushottam fast. On this Lord Krishna said that, “ a person who observes this fast gets relief from all his sin and get his desires fulfilled”

Purushottam Ekadashi Puja

The devotees observe Purushottam fast on the dashami. The observer is not allowed to take meal after the sunset, and should devote himself into the worshipping of the lord while singing devotional songs. The next morning after getting free from the routine work, he should start observing the fast and pray to the lord with rituals with full devotion and faith.

Purushottam Ekadashi Fast Katha

As per the legend, a priest named Shiv sharma had five sons. One of his son gets indulged into bad company and thus performs bad deeds. Seeing his evil side his family members disowns him and asks him to leave the house. As a result, due to his bad deeds he had to wander around in the forests and suffered from long exile. One day while wandering around he reached Prayag from Devyoga. In search of the food he reached to the ashram of saint Harimitra. He saw all the saints listening to the Kamla Ekadashi katha on the auspicious day of Purushottama month. He overheard the katha and observed fast along with all other saints.

During night goddess Lakshmi appeared in front of him and told him that she is pleased with his devotion. She gives him a boon, on which the boy asks her to recite the importance of purushotam fast to him. Goddess tells him that observing this fast gives freedom from the sins and bad deeds performed by the person in all lives. After listening to it, the boy indulges himself into the worshipping of the goddess and becomes a wealthy and fortunate person. He goes back to his house and tells his father about all the events that occurred in his life.

Significance of Purushottam Ekadashi

Those who worship Lord Purushottam with devotion and faith in the modern times gets relief from all suffering and is blessed with great fortune.

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Shri Satyanarayana Puja – Lord Satyanarayana – Satyanarayana Katha

Lord Satyanarayan is another incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to the legend, Lord Vishnu incarnated into this to break the arrogance of Indra. He meditated in badrinath in the form of Narayana and adopted Satya – truth, hence was known as Satyanarayana. Devotees who worship Lord Satyanarayana offer banana leaves, panchamrit, betel leaves, moli, roli, kumkum, durva, sesame etc in front of the idol of the lord.

Devotees prepare panchamrit to worship the lord made with milk, honey, banana, gangajal, tulsi leaf, and  mewa. It is believed that all these things are loved by the lord. For prasad other than fruits and sweets, churma is prepared with wheat flour and sugar.

Shri Satyanarayan Katha

There are various legends of Lord Satyanarayana out of which one was told by Sootji on request of Sankadi saints. Before him, Lord Narada told this tale to Lord Vishnu according to which a brahman  used to wander around places and beg from people to fill his needs.

Lord Vishnu felt bad for that brahman and himself incarnated into a brahman and went on earth to ask the beggar brahman about his reason of living such a low life. He listens to the story of the brahman, and asks him to perform special puja of Lord Satyanarayan as per the rituals. The brahman did everything as per the instructions given by Lord Visnu with full faith and devotion. As a result, he became wealthy and started living a good life.

Shri Satyanarayana Puja Rituals

The devotee should take the pledge of worshipping Lord Satyanarayana with full devotion. The place where the lord idol’s will be placed should be purified with cow’s dung, followed by keeping a chakki. Then banana trees are placed on all the four corners of the chakki. Now, establish the picture or idol of Shri Satyanarayan on the chakki. The puja should be commenced only after worshipping Lord Ganesha first.

After that other gods are also worshipped in the following sequence: Paanch Lokpal, Ram Sita, Lakshman and  Radha krishna, followed by worshipping Lord Satyanarayana. After this Lord Shiva, goddess Lakshmi and Lord Brahma are also worshipped in the end.

Significance of Shri Vishnu Puja

The devotee consider hindu lord Vishnu as the most powerful, all-pervading core of all creations, the present and future, the creator and destroyer of all existence, the supporter, the one who provide and preside in the whole universe  and the one who made and develop all the creatures within. He was illustrated as having the divine color of water filled clouds, four armed, holding a lotus, mace, conch and chakra.

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Bhairav Sadhana – Lord Bhairav – Lord Bhairav Names

Shri  Bhairav is considered to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva. According to various scriptures the other forms of Bhairavnath are: Asitang Bhairav, Chand Bhairav, Ruru Bhairav, Krodha Bhairav, Kapali Bhairav, Bheesham Bhairav, samhar Bhairav, Umnat Bhairav etc. Scriptures like Bahuja Jyotish Arnav granth have talked about various mantras that are used to worship Lord Bhairav. Other than this, granthas like Shardatilak, Rudrayamaltantra and Saptvinshatirahasyama have described various glory and character of Bhairava in detail.

Worshipping Lord Bhairav provides strength and protect the devotee from all kind of fears and enemies. Chanting ten names of Lord Bhairav every morning give relief from all sufferings in life. These names are: Bhairav, Bheem, Kapali Shoor, Shuli, Kundali, Vyalopveeti, Kawachi, Bheemvikram and Shivpriya. The description of Bhairav shatnaam, sahasranama kawach can be found in various ancient scriptures.

Forms of Bhairav Sadhana

Reminence of Baituk Bhairav gives relief from the diseases and provides longevity. The devotee who remembers his rajas form gets all his desires fulfilled. On the other hand, remembering his tamas form destroys the effects of hypnotism and mesmerism. It also destroys the negative effects caused due to black magic and occult practices.

Bhairav Kawach

Om Sastrare Mahachakre Kpurdhvle Guru |
Patu Man Butuko Devo Bhairav Sarvkarmasu ||

Purvasyamsitango Man Dishi Rakshatu Sarvada |
Agneyam Cha Ruru Patu Dakshine Chand Bhairav ||

Netratyam Krodhan Patu Unmatt Patu Pashchime |
Vatavyam Mam Kapali CHa Nityam Payatu Sureshwar ||

Bheeshano Bhairav Patu Uttrasyam Tu Sarvada |
Samhar Bhairav Payadeeshanyam Cha Maheshwar ||

Udharva Patu Vidhata Cha Patale Nandko Vibhu |
Sadyojatstu Man Payat Sarvato Devsevit ||

Ramdevo Vanante Cha Vane Ghorstathavatu |
Jale Tatpurush Patu Sthale Ishaan Avam Cha ||

Dakini  Putrak  Patu Putran Men Sarvat Prabhu |
Hakini Putrak Patu Darastu Lakini Suta ||

Patu Shakinika Putram Sainya Vaim Kalbhairav |
Malini Putrak Patu Pashunashvan Ganjastatha ||

Mahakalovatu Shetram Shriya Me Sarvato Gira |
Vadyam Vadyapriya Patu Bhairvo Nityasampada ||

108 names of Shri Bhairav

Bhairav, Bhutatma, Bhootmath, Shretragya, Shetrad, Shetrapal, Shetriya, Bhut-Bhavan, Virat, Mansashi, Rakttap, Shamsham-Vasi, Smarantak, Panap, Sidha, Sidhid, Kharparashi Sidhi Sevat, Kal Shaman, Kankal, Kal-Kashtha-Tanu, Pingal-lochan, Bahu-Netra, Bhairav, Trinetra, Shool-pani, Kankali, Khadag-Pani, Bhutap, Yogini-pati, Abhieeru, Bhairavi nath bhairav, Dhanvan, Dhoom lochan dhanda, Adhan Hari, Kapal-bhrit, Vyom-kesha, Pratibhanvana bhairav, Naag-kesha, Naag-har, Kal kapal-mali trishikhi kamniya tri-lochan kala-nidhi jwalshetra, trenetra-tanaya, trelokap, Dimbhu, Chatu-vesha, Khatvanga, Vatuk, Bhutadhyaksha, Paricharak, Pashu-pati, Bhishuk, Dhurta, Shoor, Digambar, Harni, Pandu-lochan, Shudh, Shantinand, Shankar priya bandhav, Ashta-murti, Gyan-chakshu-dharak, tapomaya, Nidhisha, Shadadhar, Ashtadhar, Kant, Kala-nidhi, Dush-bhoot-nihevit, Kamini Krit, Sarvshidhiprad, Jagad-rakshakar, Vashi, Anant Bhairav, Maya-mantroshadi, Vaidhya, Vishnu.

Significance of Bhairav Sadhana

Chanting 108 names of Shri BHairav gives relief from all troubles and suffering of life. The devotee gets freedom of bad dreams,  sufferings, fear of theft and enemies. He is also protected from the the effect of bad spirits and occult practices.

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