Bhaum Pradosh Fast – Bhaum Pradosh Vrat 2025

There is a tradition of observing Pradosh fast on the thirteenth day of the lunar period. Fasts of Pradosh Kaal are kept on every month’s shukla paksha and Krishna paksha. The time of the day immediately after sunset is known as Pradosh kaal. The period of Pradosh kaal changes according to the region and country. Therefore, the period of the day between the sunset and onset of the night is known  to be Pradosh kaal.

Worshipping Lord Shiva during this period gives fruitful results. Fast kept during this period are believed to fulfill all wishes. Devotees should observe the fast with dedication and devotion towards the lord. It gives relief from the burden and obstacles of life. Worshipping Lord Shiva during Pradosh Kaal relieves a person from these negative forces and purifies the surroundings.

Significance of Bhaum Pradosh Fast

According to the ancient scriptures, observing Bhaum Pradosh Fast gives results equivalent to making donations. It is believed that people who observe this fast receives the blessings of Lord Shiva and attains salvation. This fast is observed on Tuesday. It gives relief from diseases and provide health benefits to the observer.

The night time is considered to be full with negative energies and destructive forces Thus this fast is observed for the destruction of evil forces. Fasting on this day provides a person with peace and contentment. Hence, Lord Shiva should be worshipped during Pradosh Kaal to free oneself from all sorts of problems.

Bhaum Pradosh Pujan

The person observing the fast should wake up early in the morning before the sunset and perform all the routine work before beginning the puja. Food is not consumed during this fast. In the evening the observer should again take bath and worship Lord Shiva before concluding the fast.

The puja shoulds be done in the north-east corner of the house. Purify the place of worship with gangajal and establish the platform to keep the idolo of the lord. This platform is made with five type of flowers and colors. The observer should face the north east while performing the puja. Recite Lord Shiva’s mantra and pour pure water on the idol of the lord. Aarti is performed in the end along with performing shanti path. In the end, the observer should feed to the priests and donate clothes and dakshina on departure.

Pradosh Kaal is an auspicious time and is known for worshipping Lord Shiva.Worshipping Lord Shiva during this period gives fruitful results. It is also believed that Jyotirlinga is strongest during the Pradosh Kaal due to which it is considered auspicious. This fast relieves a person from all problems and sins.

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Vishnu Saptami – Vishnu Saptami 2025 – Vishnu Saptami Fast

Vishnu Saptami fast is observed on the seventh date of the Margashirsha Shukla Paksha. In the year 2025, it will be celebrated on 27th November Margashirsha month has a special significance in Hindu culture. This is a month of spiritual deeds. Sun being the Karaka of soul helps the observer to achieve his desires during this month.

Each and every date of this month has its own special relevance in terms of spirituality. It is believed that observing fast on Vishnu Saptami and worshipping Lord Vishnu help in accomplishment of tasks. Vishnu Saptami of Shukla paksha is also known as Arogya Dayini in Vishnu purana. Worshipping Surya-Narayana in this period gives relief from all kind of sufferings, diseases and obstacles in life.

Vishnu Saptami Pujan

Observing Saptami fast is considered to be very auspicious. Person observing this fast should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. He should wear clean clothes. Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are  worshipped in the morning while taking the resolution for fast. In the afternoon, the observer should worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati with sandalwood, rice, lamps, naivedya, supari and coconut.

On the day of Saptami kheer, puri and jaggery are used for Naivedya. Kalava should be dedicated to Lord Shiva for the protection from evil and negative influences. The same kalava should be worn and the story associated with this fast should be heard. In the evening the lord should be worshipped with rice, lamps, naivedya, supari, vermillion, turmeric and coconut. Recite  aarti in the end before conclude the fast.

Significance of Vishnu Saptami

Lord Vishnu is believed to be the creator, nurturer and protector of the earth. Lord Vishnu resides everywhere and in everything. He is the one responsible for the existence of everything. He is present in different forms and protects the whole world. Various Vedas and Puranas talk about Lord Vishnu’s magnificence. His beauty has been considered to be glorious. His beauty explained by the devotees is astounding.

He is sitting on Sheshnag and has four hands. He is holding Shankh, Chakra, Gada and Mani in his hands. His looks as bright as the Sun while wearing yellow-coloured clothes. His Shankh is known as Pachhajanya, Chakra as Sudarshan, Gada as Kaumodaki and Mani as Kaustabh.  He has eyes which are as beautiful as a Lotus. Lord Vishnu is the basis for everything that exists and he is the creator and developer of this world along with Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva. A person devoted to him is free from all sins and problems and goes to Vishnu Lok.

Lord Vishnu as extremely generous and caring. People worshipping him are free of all sins and problems. Such people attain salvation. People recite bhajans, kirtans and mantras to chant his name. A Mantra that can be used to worship Lord Vishnu is “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” . This powerful mantra helps people to get relief from their sins and attain salvation.

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Mokshda Ekadashi 2025 – Mokshada Ekadashi – Mokshada Ekadasi Fast

The Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha, Margashirsha Masa is called Mokshada Ekadashi. In the year 2025, this Ekadashi will be on 01  December. This Ekadashi fast removes many sorts of sins of a person. This Ekadashi is also called Vaikuntha Ekadashi in South India. It is believed that on this day Lord krishna gave Arjun the lesson of Srimad Bhagavad Gita before the commencement of Mahabharata.

Worshipping Lord Krishna and Geeta on this Ekadashi gives favourable results. Brahmans are given donations and food. Lord Damodara is worshipped with incense sticks, lamps, Navedy etc., on this day.

Moksha Ekadashi Puja

The person observing fast should go to the temple for performing Puja after taking the bath. Vishnu Path should be performed either in the temple or at home while taking the resolution of fast in front of God. The fast is concluded on Dvadashi (a day after Ekadashi), after giving donations to the Brahmans. Performing Jagran on the night of Vrat, increases the virtues obtained by fasting. By observing the fast of Mokshada Ekadashi, ancestors of a person reach to heaven, who were staying in hell, after death.

Significance of Moksha Ekadashi

In ancient time, a king named Vaikhanas used to live in the city of Gokul. His kingdom had the scholar Brahmans of the four Vedas. One night, king dreamt of his  father in hell. He became upset by seeing the condition of his father.

Early morning he reached the Brahman and narrated his dream. He said after seeing the condition of his father all comforts and luxury seemed useless for him. He requested the Brahmans to tell him about any meditation, charity, Vrat etc. which could give salvation to his father’s soul. Brahmans told him about a Muni named Parvat, who knew about the past and future. And, they suggested the king to get solution from the Muni.

King reached the Ashram of Muni and saw many sages performing meditation in silence. King approached the Muni, bowed to him and told about the problem. Muni immediately closed his eyes and after sometime, he said “Your father had committed some wrong works in his last birth, so, he went to hell, after death.”

Listening this, king pleaded Muni to tell him a way for his father’s salvation. Muni said him to observe the fast of Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha, Margshirsha Masa. And told that, by the virtues of this Ekadashi fast, father of the king shall get salvation. Hence, the king observed the fast together with his family. As a result, his father received heaven and, his father gave him blessings while going to heaven.

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Dattatreya Jayanti – Dattatreya Jayanti 2025 – Lord Dattatreya

Margashirsha Purnima is also celebrated as Dattatreya Jayanti. It is believed that Lord Dattatreya was born on this day. According to religious texts, Lord Dattatreya is known as an incarnation of all Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Dattatreya is believed to possess qualities of both the Lord and the Master and hence is also known as Gurudev Datta.

According to beliefs, Dattatreya was born on the day of Purnima in Margashirsha month during Pradosh Kal. According to Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Dattatreya acquired knowledge from 24 masters. Datta community originated because of him. Many different temples devoted to him can be seen in southern India. Worshipping Lord Dattatreya on the Purnima of Margashirsha month relieves a person from all problems and sins.

Dattatreya Appearance

Dattatreya Jayanti celebrated on the full moon day of Margashirsha every year all over the country.  It is believed that Lord Dattatreya was born with three different portions of the trinity gods. The child form of the lord is worshipped on this day. As per the legend, Goddess parvati, Saraswati and Lakshmi were proud of their loyalty towards their husbands. When Lord Narad gets to know about it, he boasts about the penance of Anusya towards her husband. All the three goddesses decide to challenge Anusaya Sati Dharma, and Lord Dattatreya was the result of this test.

Dattatreya Jayanti Katha

Lord Narad visited swarglok and boasted about the loyalty of Anusya for her husband in front of all the three goddesses. Ansuya’s Sati Dharm  awakened the sense of malice in Devi Parvati, Lakshmi ji, and Devi Saraswati and to take her test they sent their husbands Shivaji, Vishnuji and Brahma ji to Ansuya.But the gods of the ladies tried to explain ,when Devi’s did not understand  and the three gods forcibly reached the ashram of sage.The gods there went in disguise of sages and began to demand food at the entrance to the ashram.

When Devi Ansuya started offering food to them , they put a condition in front of her . That they all will only accept this offering if she’ll serve it without wearing clothes.On this Devi became tensed , that how could she do that . Atlast , Devi closed her eyes and imagined her husband on which she got an intuition that these sages are gods in disguise.

On that devi said that she would do as they want , but for that they have to take the form of her sons.  The three gods agreed to it , and were then served food by Mata Devi.This way all the three gods started living there as Devi’s sons. Anusaya maintained her loyalty. As a result, all the three gods started to live with her as her sons.

After a while when the gods did not reach back to parlok, Devi Parvati, Lakshmi ji, and Devi Saraswati became concerned and devastated .All the three goddess apologised Devi Sati and asked her to free them from her sons form and give them back their husbands. The trinity gods before leaving blessed her that portions of themselves would be born as her sons. Later on, she gave birth to Soma as an incarnation of Lord Brahma, Dattatreya as Vishnu’s incarnation and Durvasa as Shiva’s incarnation.

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Margashirsha Amavasya – Margashirsha Amavasya 2025

Margashirsha month is full of devotion and dedication. In 2025, Margashirsha Amavasya will be celebrated on 19 November. There is a great importance of Lord Krishna in this month. Visiting and performing Tarpan at religious places is considered favorable in this month. It is believed that performing pitra puja on this month gives peace and salvation to the soul of ancestors. Those who were not able to perform shraddha can do tarpan on the amavasya of this month for salvation of dead ancestors.

As per the ancient scriptures, it is very important to please dead ancestors before the almighty god. People who have pitra dosha in their kundali, devoid of pleasure of a child, or when Rahu is debilitated in the ninth house should definitely observe fast on this amavasya. Fulfillment of this fast gives desirable results. According to Vishnu purana, by observing this fast all the deities Lord Brahma, Indra, Rudra, Ashwini kumar, Surya, Agni, birds, animals, and evils can be pleased along with dead ancestors by observing this fast.

There is a great importance of Lord Krishna in this month. In Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna himself says that he is the Margashirsha month out of all the months. In Satyug, Devas considered the first day of Margashirsha month to be the beginning of the year. During this month, baths should be taken in rivers and Tulsi and roots of Tulsi plant should be used. Namo Narayanaya mantra or Gayatri mantra should be recited while taking a bath. Devotees can be seen involved in Bhajans, Kirtans etc. throughout this month. There are rallies of these devotees which can be seen early morning during this month.

Margashirsha Amavasya Significance

Just like other months including Kartik, Magh, Vaishakh etc. taking baths in river Ganga is also considered sacred during this month. Margashirsha Purnima is considered very important. Lord Satyanarayana should be worshipped on the day of Margashirsha Purnima as it relieves of all problems and sins. Donations and charities are considered important in the month of Margashirsha amavasya. The observers should worship Lord Satyanarayana on this day. Reciting Satyanarayan katha gives pleasurable results.

Agahan Maas

The onset of Margashirsha month is said celebrated in the devotion of Lord Krishna. This month is related to the onset of Mrigasira star. According to the astrologers, the purnima tithi of this month begins from Mrigashira nakshatra. This is the reason why this month is known as Margashirsha maas. This month is also known as Magsar, Agahan and Agrahayan. Donations, baths etc are of great importance during this month. Lord Krishna told the importance of this month to Gopis and said that taking a bath in the Yamuna river during this month gets a person closer to him. Hence, taking baths in a river is considered extremely sacred during this month.

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Paush Sankranti – Poush Sankranti 2025 – Poush Sankranti Puja

Sun will enter Sagittarius sign during Paush Sankranti. Paush Sankranti will begin on 16 December 2025,  This Sankranti falls in the Paush month which is considered to be auspicious by Hindus. Taking a bath in Ganga-Yamuna is considered to be very important on this day. People are devoted and dedicated towards Lord on this day. Devotees take a bath in holy rivers since early morning. Devotees offer water to Lord Sun while taking a bath.

It is believed that doing this purifies the soul. It provides bliss and blessings. Gayatri Mahamantra and Surya mantra should be chanted on this day. This provides knowledge and intelligence. Sankranti begins with a parikrama of Lord Sun. Sweets are offered to the Lord on this day. These are also distributed among family members as Prasad. 

Paush Sankranti Worship

Lord Satyanarayana is worshipped on Paush Sankranti. Satyanarayana katha is also organized on this day. Banana leaves, bananas, panchamrit, supari, pan, sesame seeds, red thread, sindoor, kumkum, durva etc. are used to worship Lord Satyanarayana. Panchamrit is prepared using milk, honey, bananas, ganges water and tulsi leaves. Prasad is also prepared in the same way. Lord Satyanarayana is worshipped once Satyanarayana katha is over. Goddess Laxmi, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma are also worshipped. Prasad is distributed among devotees.

Paush Sankranti Importance

People take baths in holy rivers like Ganga on Paush Sankranti. People take such baths in Haridwar and other similar places. They believe that they are freed of any sins by doing so. Taking a bath in a holy river on Paush Sankranti is considered to be very important. Magh Snan (bath) begins with Paush Purnima. This is considered to be an auspicious occasion. It is believed that this festival fulfills all kinds of desires.

Pilgrimages, baths in holy rivers, worships and donations are considered to be very important on Paush Sankranti. Donations should be made on Sankranti, Purnima as well as Eclipses. People who are unable to go on a pilgrimage can worship the Lord in their home and make necessary donations. Vishnu Sahasranama should also be read this month. You should offer food to Brahmanas on Amavasya as well as Purnima. Sweets and clothes should also be offered. Following all these principles frees a person from all kinds of sins and fulfills all his desires.

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Paush Purnima 2025

Taking a bath in Ganga or Yamuna is considered to be very important on Paush Purnima. Everyone is filled with devotion on this day. Devotees take a bath in a holy river early in the morning. Devotees pour water to the Sun while taking a bath. Water is also poured on Shivalinga on this day. People also meditate and organize various religious activities in temples and other religious places. Ramayana, kirtan, pravachan, satsang etc. are organized.

Other Celebration of Paush Purnima

Charta Festival

People residing in villages of Chhattisgarh celebrated Charta festival on the day of Paush Purnima. This is an important festival for people residing in these areas. They celebrate this festival with a lot of zeal and excitement. People cook a dish using chivda, sesame seeds and jaggery. Such a dish is distributed as prasad. Children living in these villages visit various homes in groups and sing songs. ‘Char Charta Kathi Ke Dhaan Har Larika’ is a famous song sung on this day. They ask for sweets and food. In the night, all villagers sing a song called Lokdi.

Shakambari Jayanti

Paush Purnima is also celebrated as Shakambari Jayanti. Devi Shakambari is considered to be Goddess Durga’s incarnation. According to a story related to Devi Shakambari, there was a draught on Earth and there was no rain for hundred years. People were terrified and faced a lot of problems. All animals and plant life started dying gradually.

All the saints and sages worshipped Devi Bhagvati together. Devi Bhagvati was impressed and incarnated as Shakambari. She blessed the people of Earth with rain and life could go back to normal. This incarnation of Goddess Durga is worshipped as Devi Shakambari. This day is also celebrated as Shakambari Purnima or Shakambari Jayanti.

Paush Purnima Rituals

Lord Satyanarayana is worshipped on the day of Paush Purnima. Banana leaves, bananas, panchamrit, supari, pan, sesame seeds, red thread, sindoor, kumkum, durva etc. are used to worship Lord Satyanarayana. Panchamrit is prepared using milk, honey, bananas, ganges water and tulsi leaves. A prasad made of wheat and sugar is also used. Lord Satyanarayana is worshipped once Satyanarayana katha is over. Goddess Laxmi, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma are also worshipped. Prasad is distributed among devotees.

Paush Purnima Importance

People take baths in holy rivers like Ganga on Paush Purnima. People take such baths in Haridwar and other similar places. They believe that they are freed of any sins by doing so. Taking a bath in a holy river on Paush Purnima is considered to be very important. Magh Snan (bath) begins with Paush Purnima. This is considered to be an auspicious occasion. It is believed that this festival fulfills all kinds of desires.

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Utpanna Ekadashi – Utpanna Ekadashi Fast 2025

The fast of Utpanna Ekadashi is observed on Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha in the month of Margshirsha. In the year 2025, Utpanna Ekadashi(Smartta) will be on 15 November , Salvation is said to be the ultimate result of this fast. 

The virtues obtained by making donations on Sankranti, solar and lunar eclipse, bathing in Kurukshetra can be received just by observing the fast of this Ekadashi. The fruit of giving food to 10 great Brahman is equal to the 10th portion of the virtues of this Ekadashi. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. A person observing fast should not have food on the night of Dashmi (a day before Ekadashi).On the day of Ekadashi, in the early morning, Lord is worshipped with flowers, lamps, incense sticks and Akshat at the Brahma muhurat.

People who observe the fast of Utpanna Ekadashi, enjoy all kinds of comforts and gets the shelter of Lord Vishnu, after death. Person observing this fast should prohibit use of certain food items such as meat, garlic, masoor dal, and alcohol. He should wake up early in the morning, on Ekadashi and complete his routine work like bathing etc. After bathing, Lord Vishnu is worshipped with lamps, incense sticks, Navedy. At night, DeepDan should be done.

This work should be performed with full devotion. Sleep is sacrificed, on the night of Ekadashi. Bhajan, Kirtan or Jagran are performed on the night of Ekadashi. Brahmans are given donations and forgiveness is asked for the mistakes, on Ekadashi. If possible, vrat of Ekadashi should be observed for both the Paksha, of this month.

Utpanna Ekadashi Fast

In ancient time, there was a fierce monster. his name was Mur. He won over God like Indra etc. and threw them down from their place. Then, Lord Indra prayed to Lord Vishnu to save them from the suffering of the atrocities of Mur and spending our life on Mrityu Lok. After listening this, Lord Vishnu assured them that he will kill the monster and save their lives.

Lord Vishnu went along them. During that time, Mur was marching along with other demon, for the war. When the demons saw the Gods, they started fighting with them.

Monsters started using weapons on Lord Vishnu. The weapons used by Lord Vishnu to kill Mur, used to destroyed and converted to flowers, by the power of Mur. The fight was carried on to many years, but, Mur could not be defeated. At last, Lord Vishnu went to a deep cave in Badriyakashram for resting. Mur also reached there to kill Lord Vishnu.

That time, a beautiful girl appeared in the cave and started fighting with Mur. She made him unconscious by pushing him. And, she had cut his head. When Lord Vishnu woke up, he saw that someone had killed the monster. The girl told “monster was coming to kill you, so I originated from your body and killed him.” Lord Vishnu named him Ekadashi as she was born on the day of Ekadashi.

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Bhairav Ashtami Puja – Kaal Bhairav Ashtami – Bhairava Ashtami Pooja 2025

In 2025, Bhairav Ashtami will be celebrated on 12 November  . Bhairav Ashtami is also known as Kalashtami and therefore, considered to be an auspicious day for occult activities. It is believed that Bhairav is another form of Lord Shiva and worshipping him protects the devotee from all kind of evils and sufferings. It is one of the most difficult sadhana observed. As per the ancient scriptures, Lord Shiva appeared in the form of Bhairav on an auspicious day of Margashirsha Krishna Paksha.

By worshipping Lord Shiva in the form of Bhairavnath, one can get relief from all the sins and sufferings in his life. It is also believed that all the wishes of the devotee gets fulfilled by worshipping Bhairavnath if done with full faith and dedication. It is considered fruitful to observe fasts and worship Lord Bhairav with proper rituals on the day of Bhairava ashtami

According to the Shastras, worshipping Kalbhairav on this day gives desired results. Lord Bhairav nath has the knowledge of tantra-mantra and is himself a Rudra. Shiva Purana has mentioned Bhairav as another form of Lord Shiva. He is the one who created and nurtures the universe. The one who comes under his shelter gets relief from all the sufferings in life. Bhairavnath always protects his devotees.

Rituals To Worship Bhairav Ashtami

People should worship Lord Bhairav nath with proper rituals and full faith. Jaagran should be performed at night to worship Lord Bhairav nath. Katha and kirtans should also be performed. It is utmost important to recite Bhairav katha while performing the puja. At the middle of the night, the devotee should perform Bhairav aarti with conch, drum, gong etc. Lord Bhairav nath rides a black dog. So one should offer food to a dog to please Lord Bhairav nath. The one who performs the puja and observes a fast gets relief from all the sufferings and fears related to ghosts, evil spirits also go away.

Worshipping Lord Bhairav eliminates the negative effects of planets. The devotee is blessed with all the three kinds of tantra sadhana. Lord Bhairav destroys the occult activities such as stambhan, vashikaran, uchchatan and smohan. The person gets successful in every work performed with dedication and is protected by every kind of disease.

Significance of Bhairav Sadhana

Worshipping Lord Bhairav provides strength and protect the devotee from all kind of fears and enemies. Lord Bhairav has a special significance in hindu devas. He is considered to be the protector of the directions. It is believed that Lord Bhairav is another manifestation of Lord Shiva. He is also known as Rudra, Krodha, Unmatt, Kapali, Bheesham and Samharak.

Worshipping Bhairav provide freedom from evils, salvation, court-cases and so on. Worshipping him on Tuesdays and Sundays gives auspicious results. The person should get free form his routine work and perform the puja with pure heart. Worshipping Lord Bhairav brings peace and harmony in the family, maintains health of the family members and protects them from getting affected by various diseases

Lord Bhairav is the devotee of Lord Shiva and goddess Durga. He is of a calm, courageous and pure nature. The devotee gets freedom of bad dreams,  sufferings, fear of theft and enemies. He is also protected from the the effect of bad spirits and occult practices. Bhairava temple is Kashi has special significance in ancient scriptures. It is believed that Lord Shiva himself established Bhairav temples beside every Shakti peeth.

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Basant Panchami Saraswati Puja Mantra – Saraswati Puja

Sun moves out from Dakshinayana and enters Uttarayana on Makar Sankranti every year. People can be seen welcome spring season by celebrating the festival of Basant Panchami. Basant Panchami is the birtday of Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of Vedas.

Saraswati is the Goddess of learning and speech, and one of the three Mahadevi (great Goddess). Basant Panchami has special significance as it is the birthday of Maa Saraswati.

On this day Lord Vishnu, God Krishna-Radha and Goddess of education Mother Saraswati is worshiped with yellow flowers, Gulaal, water offerings, incense, lamp etc. As per the tradition, yellow and sweet rice and yellow coloured Halwa is offered to God in the pooja and then eaten as Prasadam. Basant Panchami Saraswati Puja Mantra is should be recited for the fulfillment of desires.

In scriptures, Mother Saraswati is described in the following way :- Mother is called by : of Shuklavarn, prevalent in the livings as well as non-living beings of the universe, Aadi-Shakti, Idea of Lord Brahma and philosopher of all ideas. I pray to Mata Sharda, the forgiver of all the sins, the remover of ignorance, the carrier of Veena, books and crystal garlands, sitting on a throne and provider of wisdom and decorated with all the wealths.

Worshipping Goddess Saraswati On Basant Panchami

Goddess Saraswati is the mother of wisdom and music. Panchami is also celebrated as the birthday of Goddess Saraswati. Vasant Panchami is the festival of king of all seasons. This begins from spring season and carries upto Panchami of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month. This festival is especially considered significant for lovers of art and education.

According to an ancient belief, Lord Brahma created this universe. This festival is celebrated in north India with full glee and delight. As per another mythological story, this day Lord Rama ate half tasted grapes of Shabari and to commemorate this day, the festival of Basant Panchami is celebrated.

The day of Basant Panchami is the most auspicious for worshiping of Goddess Sharda. This day, small girls of age group ranging from 2 to 10 are offered meal of yellow – sweet rice and then they are also worshiped. After the pooja, yellow colored clothes and ornaments are given to unmarried girls and poors. It is said that it enhances knowledge, art, peace and happiness of the family. Apart from this, worshiping Shiva Linga with yellow flowers is also considered auspicious.

Saraswati Puja Mantra

Ya Kundendu Tusharhar Dhavalaa, Ya Shubhra Vastravritaa;
Ya Veenavardandmanditkara, Ya shwet Padmasana.
Ya Brahmascheut Shankar Prabhritirbhirdewah Sadabanditah;
Sa Maam Patu Saraswati Devi, Ya Nishesh Jadyapahaa.

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