Martand Saptami 2025 – Martand Saptami Puja

Lord Sun is also known as Aditya. Lord Sun is also known by this name as he was born to Aditi. Lord Sun is known by many different names. He is also known as Martand. Martand is worshipped on Shukla Saptami of Paush month. This incarnation of Lord Sun is considered to be very energetic. A person worshipping Lord Sun on this day is fortunate and healthy.

Martand Saptami Story

Daksha Prajapati’s daughter, Aditi, was married to Saint Kashyap. Aditi gave birth to many sons. Her sons were known as Devas. Aditi’s sister, Diti, also gave birth to lots of sons. Her sons came to be known as demons. Demons did not like Devas. They wanted to kill Devas and rule the heaven. Demons defeated Devas and established control over heaven.

Devi Aditi was distressed to see her sons defeated by demons. She offered rigorous austerities and started worshipping Lord Sun. Lord Sun was impressed with her devotion and blessed her. Devi Aditi asked Lord Sun to take birth as her son and protect his brothers from demons.

Lord Sun blessed Devi Aditi and fulfilled her wish. When Devi Aditi was carrying Lord Sun in her womb, she offered austerities and kept fasts. Devi Aditi started getting weak because of such rigorous austerities and fasts. Saint Kashyap tried to convince Devi Aditi about not keeping any more fasts. But she did not listen. Saint Kashyap was angry and asked her if she wanted to kill the child. Devi Aditi felt very bad and tried to explain that her womb was not normal and she was carrying a Lord. Hence, Saint Kashyap need not worry.

Saint Kashyap asked for Lord Sun’s forgiveness. Lord Sun forgave him and took birth as Lord Martand, who was an energetic child. This incarnation of Lord Sun is worshipped on Martand Saptami. Lord Sun is also known as Aditya as he was born to Devi Aditi.

Martand Saptami Worship

A person should keep a fast on Martand Saptami. He should be completely devoted and dedicated. Such a person should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. Once a person has taken a bath, he should worship Lord Sun. A person should offer water to Lord Sun and chant Om Sri Suryaya Namah, Om Diwakaraya Namah, Om Prabhakaraya Namah. A person should worship for his family’s health and well being. Saptami Katha should be read once a person has worshipped Lord Sun. Worshipping this form of Lord Sun eliminated any sort of health problems. According to Shastras, this fast is known as Arogya Dayak (eliminating health problems).

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Makar Sankranti 2025 – Makar Sankranti Festival 2025

Sun entering  the Capricorn sign is known as Makar Sankranti. In the year 2025, Sun will enter the tropic of Capricorn on 14 January.  In south India, the Tamil year begins from this date. This festival is known as “Thai Pongal” in South India. Sindhi people call this festival as “Tirmauri”. This festival is known as “Makar Sankranti” in North India and “Uttarayan” in Gujarat. Other names of this festival are as follows: Lohri(13th January) in Punjab, Uttarayani in Uttarakhand, Uttarayan in Gujarat, Pongal in Kerala, Khichadi Sankranti in Garhwal.

On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankrati, bathing in Haridwar, Kashi and other spiritual sites have a great significance. Lorn Sun is worshipped on this day. While worshipping sun, Shwetark and flowers of blood color are significant.

Significance of Donation on Makar Sankranti

The value of doing charity on the day of Makar Sankranti is much more significant as compared to other days.  This day one should possibly donate food, Til(sesame), jaggery to poor people. Donating Til, sweet(ladoo) of Til, or other eatables made of Til is considered as auspicious work. Everyone should do charity on the day of Makar Sankranti as per their potency.

Historical Significance of Makar Sankranti

There are various historical facts related to the celebration of Makar Sankranti. Lord Ashutosh blessed Lord Vishnu with a wisdom of soul. Capricorn is a sign of Saturn. On the day of Makar Sankranti, sun enters into the sign of Saturn.Sun God is the father of Saturn. . From this day the doors of Heaven are opened, so people celebrate the auspicious occasion. The days of devas also begun from this day onwards. According to religious scriptures, Sun in Dakshiyana is known as the nights of Devas and Uttarayana are called days. The period of Uttarayana and Dakshinayan is of 6 months each.

In the era of Mahabharata, Bhishma Pithama had a blessing of wish death. Although lying on the bed of arrows, he did not sacrifice his life in the Dakhsinayan, and waited for the Sun to go in Uttarayan. It is believed that on the day of Makar Sankranti, when sun entered in the Uttarayan, Bhishma Pithama, discarded his body.

According to the religious scripture, on this day Gods and pilgrimages reside in water. So, on these days, bath should be taken in river or scared pool. The weather starts changing from the day of Makar Sankranti. This is the reason behind shortening of nights and lengthening of days. Summer season begins due to the movement of Sun towards northern hemisphere

Sun Uttarayan Festival

Sankranti is known as the period when Sun enters into another sign. Hence, Sun entering into Capricorn sign is known as Makar Sankranti. It is believed that all the gods and goddess visit the earth during this period. Souls get salvation. Doing charity and religious work have utmost significance and considered to be an important part of this day. Donating rice, til and jaggery are considered to be very auspicious and significant after taking bath in holy water.

Til is used on a large scale in the recipes of Makar Sankranti. The aroma of the items made of Til could be felt everywhere on the day of Makar Sankranti. Eating and donating Til on this day is considered auspicious. Massage of Til, using Til oil, bath of mixture of water and Til, drinking the mixture of Til and water, Til-Havan, eating and donating the items of Til, reduce the sins and increase the auspicious fruits.

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Saphla Ekadashi – Saphla Ekadashi 2025 – Saphala Ekadasi Vrat

The fast of Safla Ekadashi is observed on Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha, Paush Masa.  Person observing this fast should wake up early in the morning and complete his routine works. Then, the Aarti is performed and prasad is prepared for God. On this day, worshipping Lord Narayana has a special significance. Brahmans and poor people should be given donations in terms of food, money etc. On Ekadashi, Jagran and Kritan Path performed at night give fruitful results. A person observing this fast gets success in all the activities. This Ekadashi gives virtues to a person, according to its name.

Saphla Ekadashi Fast

Performing Jagran on the night of Ekadashi is considered auspicious.  It is believed that the virtues of this Ekadashi Vrat are equal to the result of meditating for 1000 years. The fast when observed with faith and devotion, gives salvation. Sins of many generations of a person are removed, by observing the fast of Saphla Ekadashi. Ekadashi fast purifies the heart of a person and gives salvation.

Saphla Ekadashi Fast Pujan

Lord Narayana is worshipped on the day of Saphla Ekadashi fast. The person observing the fast should begin following the rules of the fast from Dashmi (a day before Ekadashi). He should follow the general rules of fast. He should only have satvik food on Dashmi and avoid taking salt.

Meal should be taken only once on the night of Dashmi. On the day of Ekadashi, person observing the fast should wake up early in the morning and complete his routine work like bathing etc. Then, the resolution of this fast is taken before the idol of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is worshipped with incense sticks, lamps, fruits etc. And, Lord Narayana is worshipped with Panchamrit.

Person observing this fast should not sleep in the daytime, on Ekadashi. In the night, Jagran should be performed. On Dwadashi (a day after Ekadashi), after bathing, Brahmans are given alms. This way, the fast is concluded.

Significance of Saphla Ekadashi

There was a king named Mahishmaan in a city called Champavati. The king had four sons. His eldest son was Lumpak and he was a great sinner. He always used to do wrong works. He used to waste his father’s money in his evil works.

He always used to say bad about God, Brahman etc. Once, the king got to knew about the activities of his son. He threw his son, out of the Kingdom. When Lumpak was abandoned by everyone, he started thinking what to do and what not to do. At night he decided to steal in the kingdom of his father.

In the daytime in used to stay out, and at night he did stealing and other wrong activities like creating trouble for the people residing in the kingdom etc. Guards used to catch him and leave him considering as king’s son. The forest in which Lumpak lived was very dear to Lord. There was a very old Pipal tree, under which Lumpak used to stay. After few days, on Dashami of Krishna Paksha, Paush Masa, Lumpak fainted because of the cold. That night was very tough for him. He came back to his consciousness, during the afternoon.

Because of the weakness in body, he could not eat anything. He collected the nearby fruits and kept near the roots of Pipal tree. And asked God to have those fruits. Then he again became unconscious. He again woke up at night. This way, Lord was pleased by the fast and Jagran performed by the sinner, Lumpak. All of his sins were removed.

Lumpak got excited by hearing that all his sins were removed. He immediately wore new clothes and reached to his father. His father handed over the kingdom to Lumpak, and went into the woods, leaving everything behind.

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Lohri 2025 – Lohri Festival Celebration

Lohri is a festival of joy and is a symbol of prosperity. Farmers celebrate this day with enthusiasm and joy after harvesting their crops.  Lohri is a festival of thanking nature, and, the spark of joy is different when it is celebrated in Punjab and Haryana. Lohri is not just limited to Punjab and instead celebrated in every part of the country with immense joy and enthusiasm.

According to Hindu Panchang, the celebrated of Lohri begins on the day of Makar sankranti. In 2025, Lohri will be celebrated on 13th January. Makar Sankranti is a way or synonym to thank for this blessing. Without the presence of nature, we can not live even for a moment

Beliefs Related To Lohri Festival

There are various beliefs related to the celebration of Lohri. Some people visit different houses in their neighbourhood and ask for Lohri. At some places people also sing songs of Dulla bhatti. Dulla bhatti was a dacoit, but was against female trafficking. He used to save such girls who have been a victim of such a crime and get them married in a decent family. Due to this people used to respect him and remember him till date while singing songs in Lohri celebration.

As per the Hindu religion, it is believed that what ever we donate something in fire, it directly reach to our God and ancestors. On the day of Lohdi, the swinging crops from farm are brought home, then it is burnt in fire. Dancing and singing people move around it and do a thanks giving. Here also, there is a different style of worshiping God.

Although the festival of Lohri brings in happiness for every class and age people of north India. But, it is particularly special for young men, women and newly married couples. Today, youth, girls and guys, dress up beautifully and organise a competition of signing. With the burning of wood in fire, the newly married couple wish for their happy and peaceful married life. At the places of cultural functions, the preparation of Lohri starts a day before the day of festival.

Celebration of Lohri

The folk songs and dances in the evening of Lohri, make the environment musically beautiful. The fascinating songs, Bhangra and Gidda performed by charming ladies of Punjab to celebrate the joy of the festival. Students in schools and colleges take part in special events organized to celebrate the festival. They sing beautiful songs and perform traditional dances to represent the love towards nature.

The echo of Bhangra, fire of woods in the evening and the smell of food items dedicated to fire, binds one village to another and one house to the other. This celebration is carried out till late night. Beats of huge drums, which tire the people people playing it, but the moments and dancing of legs don’t stop and together the taste of Rewdi and peanut is enjoyed the whole night. The color of Lohri is dimmed after the first rays of morning.

Commencement of Magh

As the festival of Lohri is celebrated just an evening before Makar Sankranti. The festival has a direct relation with sun entering in Capricorn sign. From the day of Makar Sankranti, the sun enters in Uttarayan resulting in long days. Lohri is celebrated on the last night of the Paush month that represents the onset of Magh month and Uttarayana.

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Mitra Saptami – Mitra Saptami 2025 – Mitra Saptami Festival – Mitra Jayati

Mitra Saptami is celebrated on the Shukla Paksha Saptami of Margashirsha month. Worshipping Lord Sun on Surya Saptami Day is an important part of Hindu culture. This festival is celebrated with joy and happiness all around the country. Sun is also known as Mitra i.e a friend and hence this day is also celebrated as Mitra Saptami. On this day Lord Bhaskar is worshiped with full devotion and rituals by his devotees. People worship the Sun and offer water to it while standing on the bank of holy rivers such as Ganga and Yamuna.

Historical Significance of Mitra Saptami

Surya Deva was born to Kashyap and his wife Aditi. This was known as Aditi putra i.e the son of Aditi. As per the legends, the wrath of demons was increasing day by day troubling all the gods and the goddess. Ultimately the army of the demons established their kingdom on the heaven, due to which everyone gets upset and wanders around in search of a solution for the problem. Seeing the plight of everyone around, the mother of the gods (Deva Mata) Aditi performs a penance to please the Sun god. Sun god gets pleased with the dedication of Aditi and appears in front of her. In order to solve the problem of demons, he tells Aditi that, he will take birth from her womb to protect the sons of god from the wrath of demons. As told by the god, after some time Aditi conceives.

To protect her son from all the troubles and suffering she observes various kind of fasts and worship. Seeing all this Kashyap gets upset, and advises her to take care of her health, rather than stressing her body by observing too many fasts. This could cause miscarriage and is not good for the foetus as well. On this Aditi tells her husband not to worry much, as her child is a blessing of god and no power can destroy it. Aditi gives birth to a son at an auspicious time. He becomes a protagonist and kills the army of demons. Thus, protecting the gods and goddess from their wrath. Surya Upanishad, Bhavishya Purana, Matsya Purana, Brahma Purana, Markandeya Purana and Sampurna are some of the scriptures describing the glory of the Sun.

Mitra Saptami Puja

Mitra Saptami fast is observed in dedication of Lord Sun. The rituals to worship Lord Sun begins with the commencement of Margashirsha month. Lord Sun is worshipped on the day of itra Saptami. On this day the observer wakes up early in the morning before the sunrise and worships the lord after completing all of his routine work. Lord Sun is worshipped with proper rituals. Fruits, and various kind of dishes are offered to the lord.

The observer should only eat fruits on Saptami and conclude the fast on Astami by eating sweets. By observing this fast the observer attains longevity. It is said that absorbing sunlight on this day is considered to be very auspicious.

Significance of Mitra Saptami

All the members of the family should participate in the prayer ceremony. Fruits, milk, vermillion, almonds, cashews etc. are prepared on the day of Mitra Saptami to worship the lord. This is considered to be a very auspicious and fruitful fast in hindu rituals. It gives prosperity and wealth to the observer.

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Akhand Dwadashi Fast – Akhand Dwadashi Fast 2025 – Akhand Dwadashi Vrat

Dwadashi of Shukla Paksha in Margashirsha month is celebrated as Akhand Dwadashi. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. Purity, hygiene and principles are of importance on this day. A person keeping a fast on this day and worshipping the Lord acquires wealth and achieves success. This fast is also believed to cure all kinds of ailments. This year, Akhand Dwadashi fast will be celebrated on 15th December 2025. This fast frees a person from all kinds of sins and makes him fortunate. The principles of this fast are similar to Ekadashi. It is believed that a person keeping this fast attains salvation.

This fast provides a person with many blessings. Prayers are dedicated to ancestors (Pitra Darpan) on this day. Food is offered to Brahmanas with complete devotion and dedication. Various Havans and donations are also organized on this day. Lord Vishnu is worshipped and ‘Om Namo Narayanaya Namah’ is chanted. It is believed that this fast fulfills all kinds of desires. This fast should be kept with devotion and dedication. This fast provides a person with wealth and success.

Akhand Dwadashi Worship

A person should wake up early in the morning, take a bath and worship Laxminarayana. Bhajan and kirtan should also be dedicated to the Lord. Prasad should be offered to the Lord and distributed among other people. A person should pray for his family’s well being, wealth, success and salvation. Food should be offered to Brahmanas before eating your own food. Dwadashi fast is considered to be very important. A person should wear white clothes while worshipping Lord Narayana. Fragrance, flowers, rice etc. should also be used.

Akhand Dwadashi Importance

Narad Muni asked Lord Brahma about Dwadashi. Lord Brahma was very impressed with his curiosity. Lord Brahma said that Dwadashi worship and katha provides auspicious results equivalent to Vajapeya yagna. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day who is also known as Sri Dhar, Hari, Vishnu, Madhav, Madhusudan etc. Lord Vishnu’s worship provides auspicious results equivalent to taking a bath in Ganges, Kashi, Pushkar and Naimisharanya.

Lord Brahma also said that Lord Vishnu’s worship provides results equivalent to taking a bath in Kashi and Kurukshetra on the day of solar or lunar eclipse, donations, Godavari in Leo sign’s jupiter and taking a bath in Gandaki river. People worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day are blessed by all Devi-Devas. Lord Vishnu’s worship provides many blessings to a person.

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Margashirsha Purnima Worship 2025 – Margashirsha Purnima Puja

On the auspicious occasion of Margashirsha Purnima, people take baths in holy rivers like Ganga. A lot of devotees visit Haridwar and other holy places to free themselves of an sins. Taking a bath in a holy river is considered to be very important on the day of Purnima. Donations and charities on this day give auspicious results. This is considered to be an auspicious occasion. It is believed to fulfill all desires and free a person from all kinds of sins.

Worship and fast on the day of Margashirsha Purnima gives auspicious results. Margashirsha Purnima will be celebrated on 4th December 2025. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. A person should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. Mantras should also be chanted. Moon should be worshipped on the day of Margashirsha Purnima. This is because Moon was blessed with Amrit (Holy water) on this day. Clothes should be given to your daughter or other women in the family.

Margashirsha Purnima Importance

Margashirsha month is filled with devotion and dedication. Bhajans and Kirtans are organized in the morning. A lot of devotees sing devotional songs. Lord Krishna’s worship is considered to be very important in this month. According to legends, Devas began the year on the first day of Margashirsha month. Tulsi’s mud and Tulsi leaves should be used to take a bath in a holy river. Namo Narayana or Gayatri Mantra should be chanted while taking a bath.

It is believed that donations and charities on this day free a person from all kinds of sins and provide numerous blessings. It is also believed that a person receives blessings equivalent to 32 times of what he usually gets. Due to the same reason, Margashirsha Purnima is also known as Batteesi Purnima.

Margashirsha Purnima Worship

A square platform is used to organize a havan. The Lord should be worshipped once the havan is over. Prasad should be eaten and distributed among others. Food should be offered to Brahmanas and donations should be made. One should pray to Lord Vishnu and ask for his blessings.

Donations and baths in holy rivers are considered to be very important in Margashirsha month. Kartik, Magh, Vaishakh and other months are considered to be very auspicious for taking a bath in Ganga river. In the same way, Margashirsha month is also considered to be very important to do so. Margashirsha Purnima is considered to be very important. A fast should be kept on this day and Lord Satyanarayana should be worshipped. A katha should also be organized which is considered to be very auspicious.

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Pishach Mochan Shraddha – Pishach Mochan Shraddha 2025

Pischach mochan shraddha is performed for the salvation of the soul of dead ancestors residing preta yoni. In the year 2025, Pishach mochan shraddha will be performed on 07th September . This shraddha and tarpan is performed in the name of those family members who had suffered from untimely death. It is believed that those who perform remedies for Pitra dosha shanti during shraddh gets relief from pitra dosha. There are many causes and remedies mentioned in shastras for pitra dosha. Shraddha performed in the month of Margashirsha month have special significance in hindu scriptures.

Rituals to Perform Pishach Mohan Shraddha

Fasts, holy baths, tarpan, homas, donating food and clothes in the name of ancestors on this day are considered to be very auspicious. As per the rituals, the observer should wake up early in the morning, perform all the routine activities and take a resolution for fast. The observer should fill water in a utensil on Kush Amavasya and offer water to his ancestors while facing south direction. Now take a copper utensil and fill it with water, milk, curd, ghee, vermilion, sesame seeds, rice and grass.

Take water in your hands and take the name of the ancestor for whom the tarpan is being performed. Now leave the water on the ground and continue with the rituals as described in the scriptures. Pour water on the Peepal tree and pray for the salvation of the souk of your dead family members.

Significance of Pishach Mochan Shraddha

By observing the rituals of Pischach mochan sharaddh one can help the manes get relief from pret yoni. According to the belief, those who do not perform these ceremonies have to suffer from pitra dosha, leading to various troubles in life. Pitra Dosha is formed if anyone in the family dies unnatural death or it happens many times. The sorrows of the families include, inability to get a child or a job, money loss, professional difficulties or household conflicts and so on. The future generation is not able to achieve their goals and accomplishments. To get relief from such suffering, the descendants must perform special ceremonies for the peace of their ancestors. It is said that before pleasing the lord, one should please their own ancestors.

Shraddh performed with rituals mentioned in the scriptures brings welfare.If any family is suffering from Pitradosha and poverty and are not aware of the date of death of their ancestors should perform Sharaddh and Tarpan with proper rituals and devotion on this day. Those who perform pitra shraddh are blessed with child birth, wealth, wisdom, and other pleasures of life.

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Margashirsha Purnima – Margashirsha Purnima 2023 – Margashirsha Purnima Importance

Margashirsha month is filled with devotion and dedication. Bhajans and Kirtans are organized in the morning. A lot of devotees sing devotional songs. Lord Krishna’s worship is considered to be very important in this month. Lord Krishna said in Geeta, ‘Main Margashirsha Maah Hun’ (I am Margashirsha month). According to legends, Devas began the year on the first day of Margashirsha month. Tulsi’s mud and Tulsi leaves should be used to take a bath in a holy river. Namo Narayana or Gayatri Mantra should be chanted while taking a bath.

Margashirsha Month

Margashirsha month is associated with Lord Krishna. It is believed that this month is also associated with Mrigashira Nakshatra. This month’s Purnima comprises of Mrigashira Nakshatra, which is one of the 27 Nakshatras in astrology. This is the reason why this month is known as Margashirsha.

This month is also known as Magsar, Agahan and Agrahayana. Donations and taking a bath in holy rivers is considered to be very important in this month. Lord Krishna explained the importance of this month to Gopis. He said that one could feel him by taking a bath in Yamuna on this day. Therefore, taking a bath in holy rivers is considered to be very important.

Significance of Margashirsha Purnima

Kartik, Magh, Vaishakh and other months are considered to be very auspicious for taking a bath in Ganga river. In the same way, Margashirsha month is also considered to be very important to do so. Margashirsha Purnima is considered to be very important. A fast should be kept on this day and Lord Satyanarayana should be worshipped. A katha should also be organized which is considered to be very auspicious.

It is believed that donations and charities on this day free a person from all kinds of sins and provide numerous blessings. It is also believed that a person receives blessings equivalent to 32 times of what he usually gets. Due to the same reason, Margashirsha Purnima is also known as Batteesi Purnima.

Dattatreya jayanti

Margashirsha Purnima is also celebrated as Dattatreya Jayanti. According to religious beliefs, Lord Dattatreya was born on this day. Lord Dattatreya is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. He is considered to be the Lord as well as a teacher. He is also known as Guru Devdutt.

According to beliefs, Lord Dattatreya was born in Pradosh Kaal of Margashirsha Purnima. According to Srimad Bhagvad Gita, Dattatreya was taught by 24 Gurus. His followers emerged in the form of Dutt community. A lot of temples in South India are devoted to him. Lord Dattatreya is also worshipped on Margashirsha Purnima. Keeping a fast on this day fulfills all kinds of desires.

Margashirsha Purnima Worship

Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. A person should wake up early in the morning and take a bath. Om Namo Narayana should be chanted by the person who is keeping a fast. A square platform is used to organize a havan. The Lord should be worshipped once the havan is over. Prasad should be eaten and distributed among others. Food should be offered to Brahmanas and donations should be made. One should pray to Lord Vishnu and ask for his blessings.

Moon should be worshipped on the day of Margashirsha Purnima. This is because Moon was blessed with Amrit (Holy water) on this day. Clothes should be given to your daughter or other women in the family.

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Geeta Jayanti – Geeta Jayanti 2025 – Gita Jayanti Festival

Geeta Jayanti is an important Hindu festival. According to ancient scriptures, Geeta is considered to be very important. Geeta Jayanti will be celebrated on 01 December 2025. Geeta originated on Shukla Paksha of Margashirsha month in Kurukshetra. During Mahabharata, Lord Krishna guided Arjuna in the right direction. Whatever he narrated came to be known as Geeta. Geeta is a source of immense knowledge for mankind. It comprises of eighteen chapters.

Lord Krishna explained the importance of Karma to Arjuna. He told Arjuna about the difference between right and wrong. Besides Geeta Jayanti, Mokshda Jayanti is also celebrated on Ekadashi of Margashirsha Shukla Paksha. It is believed that a person keeping a fast on this day attains salvation.

Bhagvad Geeta should be read on this day. Flowers should be used and Geeta should be worshipped. Lord Vishnu should also be worshipped. It is believed that a person doing so is freed of all his sins. Such a person is blessed by the Lord. Worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day provides a person with immense knowledge and peace of mind.

Geeta Jayanti Story

Geeta explains the importance of Karma in life. It is still as important and popular as it was in ancient times. Lord Krishna’s thoughts and knowledge have been explained in a very simple way. Importance of soul has also been stated in this holy book.

Lord Krishna tried to eliminate confusion from Arjuna’s mind. He tried to guide him towards a righteous path. Lord Krishna explained that every human being is associated with Karma. He has to choose a path in life. Lord Krishna also explained the concept of soul to Arjuna. This laid the foundation of Geeta.

Geeta Jayanti Importance

Geeta explains the importance of soul and Lord. Arjuna was able to acquire immense knowledge from Lord Krishna. This helped in eliminating all kinds of doubts from Arjuna’s mind. Geeta provides immense knowledge to mankind. It explains the concept of soul and guides a person in the right direction. Acquiring this knowledge may help a person to free himself from all kinds of material desires.

People are associated with lust, desires and luxuries in present times. People are selfish and think about competing with others. Geeta may help in guiding us towards the light and truth. Geeta explains that a person can not attain salvation or peace of mind till he is surrounded by fear, selfishness, anger, desires, lust etc.

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