Ganesha Til Chaturthi Festival 2025

In the year 2025, Ganesha Til Chaturthi will be celebrated on 1 February. According to the Hindu Calender, the fast of Ganesha Chaturthi is observed on the Chaturthi of Magh Shukla Paksha every year. Donating sesame seeds is considered auspicious on this day. Lord Ganesha is offered Ladoos made of Til. Ganesha supreme among all deities. He is called Vighan Harta, the one who removes all sorts of obstacles. People of worship lord Ganesha regularly, they have happiness and wealth in their homes.

Rituals to Observe Ganesha Til Chaturthi Fast

Person observing fast should wake up early in the morning and complete his routine works like bath etc. Then, sit on a pew and worship lord Ganesha with incense sticks, lamps etc. After performing Puja with flower, fruit, Akshat, Roli, Moli, Panchamrit, lord is offered items made of Til or Ladoos of Til.

Person observing this fast should wear red color clothes. While performing Puja, a person should sit facing towards the East or North direction. During the worship, person should chant the mantra  “Om Ganeshaya Namah:” for 108 times along with the Gayatri Mantra-

  • “ Ekandtaya Vighare, Varkantunda Dhimahi, Tano Danti Prachodyata ||
  • Mahakarnaya Vighare, Varkantunda Dhimahi, Tano Danti Prachodyata ||
  • Gajananaya Vighare, Varkantunda Dhimahi, Tano Danti Prachodyata ||”

In the evening, Aarti of lord Ganesha is performed after hearing the story. It gives a mental peace and bring happiness in home.

Donations for Ganesha Til Chaturthi

People whether observing fast or not, give donation to poor people according to their potency. On this day, warm clothes, blankets etc. are donated to poor people.  Lord Ganesha is offered Ladoos made of jaggery and Til, and Prasaad is then distributed among the poor. They are also given other food items apart from ladoos.

It is believed that the person who observes the fast and donate sesame to poor people gets all wishes fulfilled. Fast observed on Chaturdashi of Magh Shukla Paksha, is called Ganesha Til Chaturthi. In the evening, Sankashti Ganesha Chaturthi fast story is heard or read to seek the blessing of Lord Ganesha. People observing fast get happiness and prosperity. By observing this fast, a person is showered with the blessings of Lord Ganesha. A person gains growth in his business and gets a mental peace.

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