Saptami on Shukla Paksha of Magh month is also known as Surya Saptami, Achla Saptami, Arogya Saptami etc. When this Saptami is on Sunday, it is known as Achla Bhanu Saptami. The importance of Saptami is even more on this day. On 04 February 2025, Saptami on Shukla Paksha of Magh month.
Achla Saptami – Mythological Basis
According to Shastras, Sun cures all kinds of diseases. It is believed that if a person worships Lord Sun, all kinds of diseases are cured. A lot of stories have been explained about Achla Bhanu Saptami in mythological scriptures. According to such a story, Lord Krishna’s son, Shamb, was filled with pride because of his physical strength. Shamb disrespected Saint Durvasa because of his pride. Saint Durvasa cursed Shamb to suffer from leprosy.
Lord Krishna asked Shamb to worship Lord Sun. Shamb worshipped Lord Sun and his illness was cured. Due to this, it is believed that a person worshipping Lord Sun on this day is cured of all kinds of diseases. Moreover, such a person is blessed with a son and wealth.
Achla Saptami – Sun’s Worship
Lord Sun is believed to cure all kinds of diseases. Devotees keep a fast on this day and worship Lord Sun. There is nothing in this world without Sun’s light. On this day, a person worshipping Lord Sun is cured of all kinds of diseases. Presently, Sun’s worship is associated with Ayurvedic remedies.
Lord Sun’s worship is believed to cure diseases related to physical weakness, joint pains and weak bones. A person should face the Sun and offer prayers to get some relief from skin diseases. This fast is also considered to be important if you want to be blessed with a son. This fast maintain a good relationship between father and son.
Bhanu Saptami Worship
On this day, a person should take a bath in a river, lake etc. before sunrise. After taking a bath, a person should worship Lord Sun. Lord Sun should be worshipped while standing near a pond, lake or river. Lamps should be donated on this day. A person should also donate camphor, dhoop, red flowers etc. A person should make donations to Brahmanas and poor people.
According to another notion, a person should take a bath in flowing water before sunrise. A person should take a bath while keeping seven Badar or Ark leaves on the head. After taking a bath, a person should mix seven types of fruits, rice, durva, sandalwood etc. in water and offer it to Lord Sun. A person should also chant ‘Om Ghrani Suryaya Namah’ or ‘Om Suryaya Namah’. Reading Aditya Hridiya Stotra is also considered to be auspicious.