According to the Hindu calendar, Basant Panchami is celebrated on the Panchami (fifth date) of Magh Masa, Shukla Paksha. In 2025, Basant Panchami will be celebrated on 02 February. People worship Lord to thank him for
The festival of Vasant Panchami is celebrated on fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Magh Mas. On this day, Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Goddess Radha, and Goddess of education, Mata Saraswati are worshiped with yellow flowers,
Basant Panchami is celebrated on fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Magh month. In 2025, Basant Panchami will be celebrated on 02 february. On arrival of Basant Panchmi the chill of winter season is on its departure. People