Kartik Sankranti is one of the most important festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated when the Sun enters Libra sign. It is mainly celebrated in the mid of October. This year it will be celebrated on 17 October 2025,
The transit of the Sun in Leo sign in Bhadrapad month is called Bhadrapada Sankranti. Lord Krishna and Surya Devta are especially worshipped on this day as per the Hindu calendar. Sankranti period is the period of
What is Kharmas? Kharmas in not considered auspicious for any form of auspicious tasks, especially marriage. For this reason, it is believed that marriage should be avoided in this period. Let us understand what is the
Sun will enter Cancer sign during Shravan Sankranti. Shravan Sankranti will begin on 16th July 2025, The religious ceremonies like holy bath, donation, homas etc. performed in this sacred time gives fruitful results.
Chaitra Sakranti is celebrated in the month of Chaitra. Sun will enter the Pisces sign during Chaitra Sankranti. Chaitra Sankranti will begin on 14th March 2025, The auspicious period will begin after sunset. It is