Baisakhi: Jallianwala Bagh Martyrs' Memory Day
Where on one hand, Vaisakhi festival is related to farmers and crops, on the other
hand it is celebrated as a memorial day of Jallianwala Bagh massacre at the time
of British rule. On April, in the Jallianwala massacre, hundreds of people were
shot together with bullets. The people who died in this massacre included unarmed
men and women. This incidence is remembered as the cruelest act in human history.
Before or after this, probably there may be no such incident in which so many people
where killed together.
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
At the time of remembering martyrs, we should not just talk about the once who came forward and contributed to the freedom struggle but we should also remember the once who died in by the bullets of a British general. The festival of Baisakhi is not just to party but also to remember the martyrdom of people who make us feel proud to be an Indian. The story of inhumanity of General Dyer in the Jallianawla massacre is still spoken by the Bagh itself. Places like Jallianwala Bagh were never counted less than spiritual or religious place. Everyone should get together and bow to the people who died in this.
Many years have passed to Jallianwala Bagh incident. It has changed from present to historical event. In this case, number of people who died from bullet where so many that up till now the real number are still not known. Today also only a presumption is made. With time crores of money is being used in development of that garden. And every year politicians come here to give their tribute. But, the fights and death of that day still could not dull the color of blood.
To understand the incident of April 1919, we will have to go back to history. As per the British report, more than 1000 people died and near about same number of people were injured. This counting was done on the bases of the bullets used. This counting does not include the people who crushed in the running of crowd and not even the ones who jumped into the well.
Oath of Udham Singh: Revenge for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
In the history of Indian freedom struggle, the day, April 1919 was written with tears. General Dyer, killed hundreds of Indian by blindly firing bullets on people in Amritsar’s Jallianwala Bagh. This massacre included the death many children of mothers, old aged, and the young.
This accident shook freedom fighter Udham Singh, and he took a pledge to take the revenge from the Britishers from behalf of the people who died. This day is also celebratd as Udham Singh’s “Resolution Day” (Sankalp divas). Udham Singh kept the foundation for unity of Hindu, Muslim and Sikh. To clarify the religious unity he changed his name to” Ram Mohammad Aajad Singh”. And blamed General Dyer for this vandal incident, and took a resolution to kill him.
Udham Singh wanted to kill General Dyer and take the revenge of this incident. To accomplish his mission, he travelled to different countries like Africa, Nairobi, Brazil and America with different names. In the year 1934, Udham Singh went to London and started living on 9 Elder street, Commercial road. there he purchased a car for travelling and also, bought a revolver with bullets.
21 years after the Jalianawala Bagh murder on 13th march 1940, Royal Central Asian Society’s meeting was organised in London’s Kakastten, where Michel O Dyer was also one of the speakers. That day, Udham Singh reached the meeting hall at that time. He hided his revolver in a thick book. The pages of books were cut in such a manner, that the weapon used to kill Dyer could easily be hidden.
After the meeting, Udham Singh, shot Michel O Dyer, from behind the wall. Dyer had two bullets in him which caused his instant death. In this firing, two other companions of Dyer were injured. Udham Singh, did not tried to escape from that place and surrendered. A case was run on him. In the court, Udham Singh was asked that he could kill other companions of Dyer also, then why he did not.
Udham Singh answered, there were many ladies as well, and attacking on ladies is a sin according to our Indian culture. Udham Singh was declared as the convict of murder and on 31st July 1940 he was hang till death in the Pentonville Jail. This way, Udham Singh, the revolutionist got famous in the freedom struggle of India. Hence, this day is celebrated as the Resolution Day of Udham Singh.