Atmakaraka in 9th House - Atmakaraka in Ninth House

Atmakaraka planet is considered to be the most important planet in a horoscope. It is believed to be the soul of universe or the king of the horoscope or your natal chart. Atmakaraka behaves similar to its name, i.e like a king. A favourable placement of Atmakaraka makes the native a happy king and depicts a happy kingdom. On the other hand, a sad King depicts a sad kingdom. This planet has a direct affect on your lives and auspicious or inauspicious effects. Ascendant in a horoscope can be related to intelligence and Moon can be related to mind. However, they are secondary planets in comparison to Atmakaraka graha.

The term Atma means a divine soul which is trapped into eight different types of bondage. It is important to understand the meaning of Karaka for detailed study. The term Karaka means a moving significator. Both of these terms can be associated with the functioning of eight chakras which have been mentioned in our mythology. As mentioned earlier, such a planet is more popularly known as Atmakaraka graha.

Navamsa chart or D-9 is considered to be an important part of vedic astrology. It plays a significant role in ascertaining the predictions of a native's previous, as well as present life. The strength of the 9th house in D-9 kundali is the most significant parameters to analyze the navamsa chart. Atmakaraka in the 9th house is one of the highest degree of position in the vedic philosophy. It brings fortune, happiness and prosperity to the native. Therefore both 9th house and the Atmakaraka are the Treasure points of the navamsa chart.

If Atmakaraka is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and fortunate. The 9th house position of the Atmakaraka is considered to be one of the most auspicious position and brings in full results of fortune to the native. A powerful Sun in this placement brings rajyoga to the native and enables him to be very influential individual. In the content of education and spirituality, the native is able to influence the thoughts of others and direct them to the right path. With Atmakaraka in the 9th house, the native can also become a guru or preacher if Jupiter is powerful in the kundali. Materially such a native has no concerns in this world.