Articles in Category Tarot Cards

A Brief History of Tarot Cards

It is believed that Tarot cards originated in Italy in the 14th century. To be precise, the earliest dates are believed to be the year 1391. The pack of cards, known as the Tarocco, is made up of 22

What are the Different Types of Tarot Cards

Many different stories and arguments are famous about the origin of the Tarot cards . Many people believe that Tarot cards originated in the 15th century in Italy. Some say that they originated in

Ace of Cups - Meaning of Ace of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Ace of Cups is a symbol of possibility in the area of deep feelings, intimacy, compassion and love. In readings, it shows that a seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life although

Ace of Wands - Meaning of The Ace of Wands in Tarot Cards

The Ace of Wands is all about inventing a better way and exploring your own potential. It deals with expressing yourself and opening to greater possibilities. It helps a person is stimulating his

Wands - Meaning of Wands in Tarot Cards - Minor Arcana Cards

Wands in Tarot cards are also known to be a part of the minor arcana cards. The can be associated with Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. These cards can be related with fire and primal energy. They usually

The Emperor - Meaning of The Emperor in Tarot Cards

The Title for The Emperor Tarot card is, ‘Sun of the morning, chief among the mighty’. The image seen on The Emperor card is that of a flame clad God bearing equivalent symbols. Here we have the

Meaning of Three of Wands in Tarot Cards - Three of Wands

On the three of wands, we see a figure standing on a cliff looking out over the sea to distant mountains. From this height, he sees all that lies ahead. This is a card of vision and foresight. When

The Hermit - Meaning of the Hermit Tarot Card - The Prophet

The Title of The Hermit Tarot card is, ‘The Prophet of the Eternal, the Magus of the Voice of Power’. The image seen on the card is that of an ancient walking who is wrapped in a cloak and cowl and

The Death - Meaning of the Death in Tarot Card

The title of The Death Tarot card is, ‘The Child of the Great Transformers. The Lord of the Gate of Death’. The image seen on the card is that of a skeleton with a scythe mowing man. This card

The Tower - Meaning of The Tower in Tarot Cards

The Tower Tarot card signifies the collapse or destruction of a current belief. This card can be related to the replacement of a current belief with a new belief. Sometimes, there is a lack of

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

The title of The Fortune Tarot card is, ‘The Lord of the forces of life’. The image seen on the card is that of a wheel of six shafts, whereon revolve the Triad of Hermanubis, Sphinx and Typhon. The

How do Tarot Cards Work

People usually think that Tarot cards are all about a lady sitting with a deck of cards and a crystal ball who will be telling you about your future. That is not actually Tarot card reading . That is

Tarot Cards - What They Are and How They Help

Tarot cards are actually made up of 78 cards. Each deck is exactly the same. Tarot cards usually come in a variety of different sizes with different designs on the front and the back of the card. The