Articles in Category Tarot Cards

Four of Wands - Meaning of Four of Wands in Tarot Cards

The Four of Wands can be closely associated with the special feeling of celebration and thrill. In the heart of The Four of Wands lies the bubbly, high as a kite feeling. As adults, people contain

Two of Wands - Meaning of Two of Wands in Tarot Cards

The Two of Wands glorifies individual courage and greatness. This card taps the same energy as The Magician , but with one important difference. The Magician represents the archetype power and the

Ten of Cups - Meaning of Ten of Cups in Tarot Cards

On The Ten of Cups, we see a loving couple with their carefree children. The family home is in the background, surrounded by trees and water. A rainbow of cups is overhead blessing the scene. A cynic

Nine of Cups - Meaning of Nine of Cups in Tarot Cards

The man on The Nine of Cups reminds of the cat who ate the canary. Now, a canary is a pet strictly off limits to hungry felines. Any cat that manages to catch one is going to feel pretty smug about

Eight of Cups - Meaning of Eight of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Eight of Cups stands for those moments when we realize, once and for all, that the past is gone. What was true is no longer true. The signs of change are in our face, and we must accept them. It

Seven of Cups - Meaning of Seven of Cups in Tarot Cards

As I gaze around the room right now, taking in the casual disarray, I know The Seven of Cups speaks to me - for better or worse. It says, ‘Yes, order and hard work are nice, but ain’t it more fun to

Six of Cups - Meaning of Six of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Six of Cups can be associated with violence, anger and mean spirits in the world. Certainly there is enough of this, but there is also much good will and caring. A mother hands a drink to her

Five of Cups - Meaning of Five of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Five of Cups is about loss. On this card, we see a figure draped in black and covered in grief. He so dominates the card that is hard to look beyond him. The Five of Cups refers to that time when

Four of Cups - Meaning of Four of Cups in Tarot Cards

Those who enjoy kayaking and other river sports know that there are areas of the river where the water flows in a dangerous circular motion. Instead of moving forward, it turns back on itself. In the

Three of Cups - Meaning of Three of Cups in Tarot Cards

There are three cards in The Tarot that focus on the group - each from a different point of view. For The Hierophant, its the formal approach. For The Three of Pentacles, its teamwork and for The

Two of Cups - Meaning of Two of Cups in Tarot Card

To understand The Two of Cups, all you have to do is to look at its image. A man and a woman are gazing at each other, ready to share their cups, which mean emotions. Here is the very picture of

The Page of Cups - Meaning of Page of Cups in Tarot Cards

The Page of Cups is Cupid bringing you opportunities for love. He delivers real chances to experience romance, deep feelings and the inner life - the wonders of the Cups suit. In readings, The Page

The Knight of Cups - Meaning of Knight of Cups in Tarot Cards

On the positive side, The Knight of Cups is a sensitive soul. He is a poet - a lover of all things romantic and refined. He uses his imagination in wondrous ways and taps the deepest levels of

The Queen of Cups - Meaning of Queen of Cups in Tarot Cards

The personality of The Queen of Cups combines the positive water energy of the Cups suit with the inward focus of a Queen. Because she has a sweet, loving and sensitive nature, The Queen of Cups has

The King of Cups - Meaning of King of Cups in Tarot Card

The personality of The King of Cups is a combination of positive water energy of the Cups suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is wise ad understanding, with a deep knowledge of the world

What do You Mean by Tarot Vastu

Besides the inner environment, there is also the setting of a reading to consider. The ideal place is one that elicits feelings of quiet, peace and even reverence. You could do a reading in a crowded

What is the Modus Operandi of Tarot Reading

Preparing for Reading Before beginning the operation, formulate your question definitely and repeat it aloud. Make your mind as blank as possible while shuffling the cards. Put out of the mind

How to Prepare Yourself to Read Tarot Cards

The Tarot is a deck of 78 picture cards that has been used for centuries to reveal the hidden truths. The Tarot can help you understand yourself better and teach you how to tap your inner resources

An Introduction to Tarot - Introduction Tarot Card Meanings

The true Tarot is symbolism. It speaks a language that arises from the collective mind of man. Deep understanding of the inner meaning of the symbols in the cards gives mystic powers and esoteric

Tarot Card Reading - History and Origin

There have been many arguments among historians about the origin of Tarot cards. Many people believe that Tarot cards were used as playing cards as late as the 18th century. In fact, some also