Queen of Swords - Meaning of Queen of Swords in Tarot Cards

The personality of The Queen of Swords combines the positive air energy of the swords suit with the inward focus of a Queen. You can always count on her to tell you exactly how it is. Above all else she admires honesty, and she lives by her commitment to being truthful. Lies, tricks and games are no interest to her, but she is not easy to fool. She is experienced in the ways of the world, good and bad. The Queen of Swords can size up a situation quickly. She understands human folly, but does not condemn it. She prefers being straight forward and direct. Her observations are candid, but never hurtful. In fact, this Queen has a delightful sense of humor. She likes a good laugh and always has a witty comeback ready to hand. She knows that life is not meant to be taken too seriously. The Queen of Swords is refreshing in her candor and lack of pretense.

In readings, The Queen of Swords asks you to think and feel as she does. The Queen of Swords can be associated with facing the truth, even if it is unpleasant. A person with The Queen of Swords is always upfront with everyone. Such a person likes everything on the table and plays by the rules. A person with this card avoids lies and deception. A person with The Queen of Swords sizes up the situation quickly. A person with this card understands hidden motives and desires. Such a person is very difficult to fool, trick or con. A person with The Queen of Swords figures out the unspoken rules and agendas. Such a person is usually very quick on the uptake and understands everything.

This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her or an atmosphere of honest, direct communication. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life. A person with The Queen of Swords is direct and open in all his dealings. Such a person gets to the heart of the matter and acts without pretense or guile. A person with The Queen of Swords is usually straight forward and does not believe in any sort of non sense. Such a person can even be candid whenever necessary.

A person with The Queen of Swords has a delightful sense of humor. Such a person diffuses awkward situations with a funky remark. A person with this card never takes anything too seriously. Such a person laughs at everything including even himself. A person with this card has usually done and seen everything. Such a person has strength due to life’s hard knocks. He is usually free of self righteous judgements and has realistic expectations.

The following can be associated with The Queen of Swords :

  • Honest
  • Astute
  • Forthright
  • Witty
  • Experienced