Swords - Meaning of Swords in Tarot Cards

The Swords in Tarot cards are considered to be a part of the minor arcana. These cards are associated with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These cards can also be associated with air and the mental aspect of our daily lives.

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords can be associated with developing an identity which actually means separation. It also represents the birth of ideas and concepts. This card can be related to triumph and conquest.

Two of Swords (Peace)

The Two of Swords show attempts to reconcile difference. This can be a desire to return to a previous partner or relationship after a period of separation. You may be trying to reconcile new thoughts and ideas, hoping you can assimilate them into the present situation with little or no effort, and so that nothing really changes.

Three of Swords (Sorrow)

Three of Swords represents a situation in which a person is unable to decide between the old and the new. He has doubts if he wants to stay with the new things in life or if his past was better.

Four of Swords (Truce)

The Four of Swords is a time of rest and recuperation so that you can assimilate those potential hurts and loss experienced in the Three of Swords.This card can be associated with vigilance, retreat, solitude and exile.

Five of Swords (Defeat)

The Five of Swords can be associated with an attack on the fortune of a person. It can also be associated with degradation, destruction, infamy, dishonour and loss.

Six of Swords (Science)

The Six of Swords is a time of outreach, travel, study and learning. You are empowered by your own knowledge and the accumulation of knowledge. You are inspired to travel, to go out and explore your inner and outer worlds.

Seven of Swords (Futility)

The Seven of Swords creates doubts in the mind of a person if his efforts and ideas were worth it or not. This card promises a good life after competence has been secured.

Eight of Swords (Interference)

The Eight of Swords shows continued thinking and analysis to the detriment of your emotional and physical needs. Thoughts and ideas in the head stay as thoughts and ideas. Thinking is dissociated from the rest of you, so that there is no way of connecting to outer experience.

Nine of Swords (Cruelty)

The Nine of Swords shows that the continued dissociated thinking from the Eight of Swords results in gloom, despondency and despair. We are all doomed to suffering and sorrow. Everything is death and decay.

Ten of Swords (Ruin)

Ten of Swords can be associated with a break down of the thinking process. It is closely related with anger and frustration. It can be associated with mental sorrow torture from others.

Page of Swords

The page of swords is considered to be jealous young woman who just silently observes what is going on. This card can be associated with authority, vigilance, spying, overseeing and examination.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is considered to be idealistic and full of positive ideas. It can be associated with skill, bravery, capacity, defence, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance and ruin.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is associated to a woman who has lost in love or is a widow. It can also be associated with female sorrow, embarrassment, absence, sterility, mourning and separation.

King of Swords

The King of Swords is a serious, professional man. He works in a office and might be a lawyer. This card can be associated to whatsoever arises out of the idea of judgment and all its connexions like power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law offices of the crown and so forth.