Page of Swords - Meaning of Page of Swords in Tarot Cards

The Page of Swords is a messenger bringing you challenges. He suggests that an opportunity for growth may come your way in the guise of a problem or a dilemma. These challenges may not be your favorites. In fact, you probably will want to refuse to take them on. The Page of Swords can be associated with analyzing the problem before trying to solve it. A person with The Page of Swords uses logic and reason. Such a person reexamines beliefs and develops an idea or plan according to his own understanding. A person with this card studies or researches the facts. Such a person learns everything and teaches them further. A person with The Page of Swords thinks everything through before reaching to a decision. Such a person is usually an analyst.

The Page of Swords asks you to embrace these difficult situations. Think of them as trials designed to test your mettle. If you accept and prevail, you will become stronger and more resilient. In meeting these challenges, you are encouraged to use the tools of the Swords suit - honest, reason, integrity and fortitude. The Page of Swords can be associated with acting honestly in every situation. A person with the Page of Swords faces the facts and stops deceiving. Such a person tries to clear up the confusion before analyzing any situation. A person with The Page of Swords tries to expose what is hidden and speaks directly.

The Page of Swords can also stand for a child or young at heart adult whose interactions with you involve truthfulness, ethical behaviour, discouragement or matters of the mind. This relationship is likely to be troubled or difficult in keeping with the challenges of the Swords suit. The Page of Swords can be associated with turning something which is wrong into right. It is about acting ethically and treating others equally. A person with The Page of Swords works for a cause and tries to be fair with everyone. Such a person does what he knows is right. A person with The Page of Swords accepts responsibility and acknowledges the other point of view from a person.

Sometimes, The Page of Swords implies that your entire situation is suffused with the spirit of learning, discovery and mental activities of all kinds. At such times, use your mind and enjoy the delights of the intellect. A person with The Page of Swords faces problems squarely. Such a person refuses to be discouraged and meets setbacks with renewed energy. A person with The Page of Swords keeps a firm resolve. Such a person moves out of depression and keeps his chin up and head high. A person with The Page of Swords never loses hope and keeps on trying.

The following can be associate closely with The Page of Swords

  • Using your mind
  • Being Truthful
  • Being just
  • Having fortitude