Two of Swords - Meaning of Two of Swords in Tarot Cards

On The Two of Swords, we see a young woman who has put a barrier of swords across her heart. Her rigid posture tells us of her struggle to keep her feelings under control. She is fending off any approach from the outside. She seems to say that nothing comes in and nothing goes out. The Two of Swords is all about denying true feelings and stifling a natural response. A person with this card keeps another at arm’s length. Such a person is very good at hiding distress. He usually turns a deaf ear. A person with The Two of Swords is usually defensive and maintains his cool most of the times.

The Two of Swords is about the barriers we put up between ourselves and others and those we create within ourselves. Internally, we block off emotions and refuse to feel them. We avoid looking at the truth and pretend that everything is alright. We think one way, but feel another. In countless ways, we divide off parts of ourselves and try to maintain them even when we know they need to be reconciled. The Two of Swords is about refusing to look at the facts. It is about pretending that everything is fine. A person with The Two of Swords usually ignores the warning signs. He closes his eyes and does not want to see what is going on around him. A person with this card chooses not to know about something unpleasant. Such a person avoids being in an unpleasant situation and even accepting that there is one.

In readings, The Two of Swords often appears when you are not willing to accept some truth about yourself or the situation. It forces you to think about what you are really feeling. It asks you if you are afraid of getting hurt or if you are angry even though you are smiling. It even asks you to look at what you are actually refusing. Notice the blindfold on this woman. She can not look at the truth or even acknowledge that there is trouble. A person with The Two of Swords feels afraid to act. Such a person reaches an impasse and stays stuck in a situation. He refuses to decide for himself or anyone else and is usually unwilling to do anything. A person with The Two of Swords believes in staying on the fence.

The most common barrier is a closed heart. When we cut ourselves off emotionally, we sever the connection that allows our love to flow outward. Sometimes this action is necessary, but it always comes at a great price. Every time we close off our heart, we find it more difficult to open again. Another barrier between people is a deadlocked situation. The lesson of The Two of Swords is that barriers are not the answer. We must stay open if we are to find peace and wholeness. The following can be associated with The Two of Swords :

  • Blocked emotions
  • Avoidance
  • Stalemate