Ganda Moola Nakshatra - Are they really unlucky
How Gandamool Nakshatra affects the life of child taking birth under it ?
According to Vedic astrology, there are 27 Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra has its own basic nature. Some are auspicious while others are inauspicious. There are six Nakshatras which are found at the conjunction of two signs. These Nakshatras belong to Ketu or Mercury. The ending stage of Ketu’s Nakshatra and the beginning of Mercury’s Nakshatra is known as Gandmool Nakshatra.
There are many misconceptions about Gandmool Nakshatras. It is believed that a person born in this Nakshatra causes problems for the father. But, this is not true. In fact, Gandmool Nakshatra provides different results for different qaurters. In this webcast, we will talk about Gandmool Nakshatras. We will also talk about their formation and effects.
Number of Gandmool Nakshatras
Gandmool Dosha comes into existence when the Nakshatras are present at the conjunction of two signs. These connecting points are considered important. For example, the time of dawn is known as Brahma Muhurat and is believed to be auspicious. In the same way, the time of dusk known as Godhuli is also considered important. It is said that one should remember god at this time. One should also follow certain religious principles and norms at this time. The time of dawn and dusk can be favourable as well as destructive. This time is usually considered inauspicious to carry out any auspicious works.
According to Indian Vedic astrology, six nakshatras are known as Gandmool nakshatras.
These six nakshatras have been categorized into two parts, Nakshatras of Ketu and Nakshatras of Mercury.
The first series of Gandmool Nakshatras consists of Ketu Nakshatras which are Ashwini, Magha and Mool.
It is believed that that if a child is born in Gandmool Nakshatra, his father should not see his face for 27 days till a Gandmool Shanti puja is performed. Gandmool Shanti is performed when the Moon comes back in the same Nakshatra after 27 days.
The second series of Gandmool Nakshatra consists of three Nakshatras of Mercury which are Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Rewati.
Many scholars also believe that Gandmool Shanti for Mercury Nakshatras can be carried out on the 10th or 19th day from the day of birth.
Effects of Ketu’s Gandmool Nakshatra Ashwini on a child’s life
Ashwini Nakshatra stays in Aries sign from 0 degrees to 13 degrees and 20 minutes. If Moon is placed between these degrees at the time of birth, the child is born a Gandmool Nakshatra.
You might face a lot of obstacles in life if you are born in the first stage of Ashwini Nakshatra. This stage gives results based on the bad deeds of the past life. A child born in this stage of Ashwini Nakshatra may cause some problems for the father. But, this Nakshatra should not be considered negative because of these effects. Other combinations in a Kundali should also be analysed before reaching to a conclusion.
The second stage of Ashwini Nakshatra gives auspicious results. A child born in this stage lives a happy life.
The child taking birth in the third stage of Ashwini Nakshatra gets a high position and honour in society. He also gets cooperation of his friends. He might travel a lot when he grows up.
A person gets respect and gifts from government if he or she takes birth in the fourth stage of Ashwini Nakshatra. But, he may suffer from minor health problems.
Effects of Gandmool Nakshatra Magha on a child’s life
The beginning of Leo sign also marks the beginning of Magha Nakshatra. If Moon is in Leo sign from 0 degrees to 13 degrees and 20 minutes, it is said to be in Gandmool Nakshatra.
A child born in the first stage of Magha Nakshatra may cause some problems for the mother.
In the same way, a child born in the second stage may cause some problems for the father.
A person gets auspicious results throughout his life, if he is born in the third stage of Magha Nakshatra.
If a person is born in the fourth stage of Magha Nakshatra, he is usually stable in his profession. Such a person efficiently handles the situation, whenever there is a chance of some monetary benefit. A person born in this stage is usually successful in life. He also pursues higher education.
Effects of Gandmool Nakshatra Mool on a child’s life
If Moon is in Sagittarius sign from 0 degrees to 13 degrees and 20 minutes at the time of birth of a child, the child is said to be born in Gadmool Nakshatra.
Many drastic changes occur in the life of a father when the child is born in the first stage of Mool Nakshatra. These changes might be positive as well as negative.
A child’s birth in the second stage of Mool Nakshatra is considered inauspicious for the mother since this causes a lot of problems for the mother.
If a child is born in the third stage, there are chances of loss of wealth. The person might also be deprived of his property and money.
The fourth stage of Mool Nakshatra gives auspicious results if Shanti puja is performed. Normally, it gives average results. A child born in this stage of Mool Nakshatra may suffer a great loss at least once in his life.
Effects of Mercury’s Gandmool Nakshatra Ashlesha
Ashlesha Nakshatra stays in Cancer sign from 16 degrees 40 minutes to 30 degrees. If Moon is in Cancer sign between these degrees, it said to be in Gandmool Nakshatra.
The first stage of Ashelsha Nakshatra is known to be inauspicious. But, it may give auspicious results if Shanti Puja is performed. Some people associate loss of wealth with this stage. But, it is not clear whether the loss will be incurred by the parents of the child or by the child himself once he grows up.
A child born in the second stage of Ashlesha Nakshatra may cause some problems for his brothers and sisters. If the child inherits wealth, he may destroy his own siblings once he grows up.
A child born in the third stage of Ashlesha Nakshatra may cause problems for both mother and father.
If a child is born in the fourth stage, the father of the child may get some monetary loss and might also face some health problems.
Effects of Gandmool Nakshatra Jyeshtha on a child’s life
Jyeshtha Nakshatra stays in Scorpio sign from 16 degrees and 40 minutes to 30 degrees. If Moon is in Scorpio sign between these degrees, the child is said to have been born in Gandmool Nakshatra.
According to Indian Vedic astrology, Jyeshtha Nakshatra is considered to be an inauspicious Nakshatra. It is believed that this Nakshatra gives results based on the bad deeds of past life. If a child is born in the first stage of Jyeshtha Nakshatra, he may cause some problems for his elder brothers and sisters.
The second stage of Jyeshtha Nakshatra is considered to be inauspicious for younger brothers and sisters. They may suffer from health ailments and other issues.
Health of the mother might become a matter of concern if a child is born in the third stage of Jyeshtha Nakshatra.
Taking birth in the fourth stage is not considered auspicious. The person may have to face a lot of obstacles throughout his life. But, one should let these obstacles come in the path of success for you.
Effects of Gandmool Nakshatra Rewati on a person’s life
Rewati Nakshatra stays in Pisces sign from 16 degrees and 40 minutes to 30 degrees. If Moon is in Pisces sign between these degrees, a child is said to have been born in Gandmool Nakshatra.
A person born in the first stage of Rewati Nakshatra lives a happy and successful life. Such a person earns a lot of wealth and gets respect in the society.
People born in the second stage of Rewati Nakshatra are appreciated for their hard work, intelligence and dedication. They also get promoted in their profession because of such qualities. Such people may live a royal life. Businessmen also achieve success in this stage. However, people born in the second stage may get some losses related to land and property.
If you are born in the third stage of Rewati Nakshatra, you will earn a lot of wealth. But, some chances of loss of wealth will also be there.
People born in the fourth stage of Rewati Nakshatra create problems for themselves. However, some scholars believe that people born in this stage can cause problems for their parents also. They may face a lot of struggle in life.
Pacification of Gandmool Nakshatra
You should worship the lord of your birth Nakshatra. This will always benefit you. If you are born in Ashwini, Magha or Mool Nakshatra, you should worship lord Ganesha regularly. People born in these Nakshatras should donate brown clothes or cat’s eye gemstone on a Thursday or Wednesday. Hoisting a flag in a temple is also beneficial.
You should worship Mercury if you are born in Ashlesha, Jyeshtha or Rewati Nakshatra. People born in these Nakshatras should donate things like green vegetables, coriander, emerald, bronze utensils or amla. These things should be donated on Wednesday.
A Shanti puja should be performed on the 27th day from birth if a child is born in Gandmool Nakshatra.
If you are unable to perform this puja on the 27th day, then it should be performed on the day when Moon comes back to the same Nakshatra.