Why do people get angry, An astrological analysis
Yogas resulting in anger and harsh voice
In this webcast, we will talk about the astrological combinations that result in anger and a harsh voice.
Yogas of a calm behaviour in a Janam Kundali
Every person in this world behaves differently. Some people are usually cheerful, while others tend to become sad and unhappy very often. In the same way, there are many people who are short-tempered while others stay calm and composed. Let us first discuss the astrological combinations for a calm nature.
The presence of natural auspicious signs in the ascendant makes a person calm and composed. A person also has a calm nature if the ascendant or the lord of the ascendant has an aspect of auspicious planet. Such a person does not get angry very easily and has a gentle and friendly nature.
The presence of auspicious planets in the 2nd or the 12th house is also considered a good sign. Such a person will usually be happy and he will not get angry easily. The ascendant describes a person’s nature. Hence, a person would be calm if the houses adjacent to the ascendant are well-aspected.
Moon is the Karak planet of the heart and mind. If Moon has an aspect of a malefic planet, a person would be restless and would get irritated easily. On the other hand, the influence of benefic planets will make a person happy and peaceful.
If the lord of Moon’s sign is under the influence of auspicious planets, the person would be calm and composed.
Yogas resulting in harsh voice in a Janam Kundali
Many people among us know how to control their anger while others are short-tempered and use inappropriate words when they are angry. We will now discuss some astrological combinations for a harsh voice.
A person’s voice is analysed by the 2nd house, the lord of the second house and the planet Mercury. An individual tends to use inappropriate words due to the presence of malefic planets in the 2nd house. A person also uses inappropriate words when the lord of the second house is under the influence of malefic planets.
We often find people which are diplomatic. They always try to play with words. Such a person is usually is trying to hide something.
The use of an indirect language is due to the presence of Rahu, Ketu or retrograde planets in the 2nd house.
If the lord of the second house is retrograde or if it is placed in an inauspicious house, a person lies a lot. Such a person also uses inappropriate words when he is angry. A weak Mercury and the placement of Mercury in a debilitated sign also results in a harsh voice since Mercury is the Karak planet of voice.
Astrological combinations resulting in an aggressive behaviour
A person may get aggressive if the malefic planets have an aspect on the ascendant or the lord of the ascendant.
The ascendant determines the behaviour of a person. The houses adjacent to the ascendant affect it substantially. A person gets angry very easily due to the presence of malefic planets in the 2nd house or the 12th house. A person may become very aggressive when inauspicious planets are present on both the sides of the ascendant and if the ascendant is afflicted.
Moon controls heart and mind in a body. A person may become irritable if the Moon is afflicted. Such a person reacts aggressively even towards small issues. A person also becomes short-tempered if Moon is placed in a fiery sign.
The 5th house in a Kundali is associated with intelligence. A person becomes confused due to the presence of malefic planets in the 5th house. If Mercury is afflicted or if it has an aspect of malefic planets, it is usually difficult to understand the reasons behind a person’s anger. Such a person gets angry very easily.
Remedies that help in controlling anger
Excessive anger leads to stress and lot of other troubles. Even people in a family avoid such a person. The Mantra for the planet which causes aggression should be chanted to control anger. This mantra should be chanted 108 times everyday.
A person should also wear a gemstone associated with the ascendant or the lord of the ascendant. You should also chant ‘Om namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya’ everyday.
Reciting Hanuman Chalisa everyday also keeps you calm.