Shape of the fingers and your personality - Palmistry

Shapes of fingers and nails

The shape of the fingers and nails can tell us a lot about the personality of an individual. One should observe the living part of the nail to study the shape of a fingernail. In this webcast, we will analyse the shape of the fingers and nails and learn what they reveal about a person’s personality.

Importance of thumb in a hand

The shape of the thumb is a strong indicator of the inner power or will power of a person. It should neither be at right angle to the palm nor it should lie close to the palm.

When it lies at right angles to the palm, the native will be extremely independent. It will be impossible to manage or control such person. These people will be often aggressive in their behaviour.

The thumb when is well-formed but is inclined towards the fingers denotes a nervous and cautious temperament.

If the thumb is long, the native will use his intellect to defeat his opponents. But if it is short and thick, he will patiently wait for the right opportunity to take action against his enemies.

A pointed or conical thumb shows an impulsive nature, while a square thumb is a sign of presence of good common sense in the native. A fleshy tip indicates a violent temper and a tip that bends a lot indicates that the native is usually involved in artistic activities.

Representation of long-shaped fingers

Fingers are either long, short or of irregular shape. These categories can be further divided into sub-categories like long thick fingers, long thin fingers, long clumsy fingers etc.

It is believed that longer the fingers are, the wiser a person is. The people with long fingers like to do everything in detail. They take a lot of time in decoration of a room, in the treatment of servants or in painting a picture.

Long-fingered people are elegant in the matters of lifestyle and quick to notice small attentions. They tend to worry over little things and are often very sensitive.

Long fingers when are thick and clumsy indicates that a person is more or less cruel and selfish. Such kind of person seeks self-interest in everything.

Representation of short fingers

The short-fingered people are interested only in quick results. Such people are very quick and impulsive since they generally jump to conclusion too hastily.

These kind of people never get troubled over small things because they take everything casually. They do not care much about appearances or for the rules of the society and are hasty and outspoken in speech.

When the short fingers are stiff and curved inwards or are naturally contracted, they denote an excess of caution and reserve in an individual and a cowardly spirit.

When these fingers are very supple and curved, they tell that the native is charming, curious and kind.

Other Shapes of Fingers

We also come across distorted, twisted or curved fingers. Let us see what does these fingers tell about a person. The distorted or naturally curved fingers indicate a cruel and evil nature when these are present on an ill-shaped hand.

These kind of fingers are rarely present on a well-shaped hand. But if found on a well-shaped hand, it denotes an irritating person.

When these fingers are thick and puffy at the base, the native thinks of his own comfort before others. On the other hand, if fingers at the base are shaped like waist, it represents an unselfish individual who works for the welfare of others.

Representation of Long Nails

The study of nails of a person can reveal lot of facts about his health. It also discloses a lot of hereditary traits of a person. The most important thing about the study of nails is that the care of nails does not affect the type of nails.

Long-nailed people do not have much physical strength as compared to people with short and broad nails.

Very long nailed people are likely to suffer from chest and lung problems and these troubles might increase when the nails are curved from the top. These troubles are more aggravated if the nails are thin or have fine markings on them.

People with long nails are less critical and show resignation and calmness in everything. Such people are idealistic and impractical. They are often creative and are inclined towards fine arts, painting and poetry.

Representation of Short Nails

Short and small nails on fingers indicate a hereditary heart trouble in a person. The short nails which are flat at base are signs of weak action of heart.

An individual with very flat and sunken nails which are buried down deep under the skin may suffer from nervous disorders.

Short-nailed individuals make the best critics since they are quick, sharp and keen in their judgement. They are also fond of debate.

These people also have good sense of humour but the habit of biting nails indicates a nervous and worrying temperament in them. Such people are quick and sharp in temper and are more or less doubtful about the things which they do not understand.