Analysing Yogas for Journeys through Palmistry

Palmistry can provide a lot of information about certain Yogas and incidents in your life. At times, Palmistry can guide you in the right direction. In this webcast, we will use palmistry to analyse Yogas related to your journeys.

Life Line and Moon Mount

In this slide, we will discuss the relationship between your life line and Moon mount. Moon mount is considered to be very important for analysing your journeys. This is because Moon is a Water element and you need to cross the ocean for your journey. In fact, in ancient times, people used to travel via seas to reach a foreign country. If a branch from your life line intersects Moon mount, you will definitely go abroad.

On the other hand, you go on multiple journeys if your life line is being divided into two different lines. For this to be true, one line should reach Venus mount, while other should extend up to Moon mount.

If the line extending up to Venus mount is thick, you will come back home after completing your journey. However, you will plan to stay abroad if the line intersecting Moon mount is thicker.

Analysis of Moon mount, Jupiter mount and Your wrist

Now, let us talk about your Moon mount’s relation with Jupiter mount and wrist. If a line originating from your Moon mount is intersecting Jupiter mount, it indicates a journey. Such journeys are considered to be very auspicious. You may also go on a journey if a line originates from your wrist and reaches Moon mount.

Similarly, if some lines originate from the thicker part of your palm and intersect Moon mount, there are chances of some journeys. On the other hand, you may travel abroad if an image of a fish is clearly visible on your Moon mount.

Other Yogas for journeys related to Moon mount

Let us discuss some other important Yogas related to your journeys. If a thick Saturn line stops at your brain line and gives rise to a light Saturn line, you may travel abroad during that particular period.

Similarly, you may also go abroad if your Moon mount is developed and Mercury line is clearly visible. There are chances of going on journeys if a line is parallel to your heart line and Moon mount is completely developed.

General Rules for Journeys

Before we conclude this webcast, let us talk about some general rules in palmistry related to your journeys. In order to travel abroad, it is important that your lines don’t suffer from any Dosha.

If lines in your palm are clear and don’t suffer from any Dosha, there are chances that your journeys will be auspicious. You will be happy with the outcomes.

Doshas related to your lines explain various problems that you may experience during your journey. If you have to go on an unexpected journey, its signs or indications will not be visible in your palm.

Last but not the least, density of Saturn line provides information about the time of your journey. In other words, Doshas related to Saturn line can tell alot about the time and duration of your journey. You may also travel abroad when Sun line rises in your palm.