Analysis of Ring Finger and Little Finger

Fingers are considered to be very important in palmistry. Each finger has its own characteristics. In this webcast, we will talk about the third finger, also known as Ring finger and the fourth finger, popularly known as little finger.

Characteristics of Ring Finger

Let us begin our discussion with Ring finger. This is the third finger in your hand. In Hindi, it is known as Anamika. This finger explains all the external forces affecting your life. It tells everything about how external forces are going to affect your life. It also describes everything you acquire from these sources and give them.

Ring finger is associated with subjects like fame, excitement, show-off and glitter. It talks about the prominence of these traits in your personality.

Sun mount is present at the origin of this finger. As a result, Ring finger represents this planet. When Ring finger is bigger than your index finger, it improves your sense of self-belief. You get more confident and passionate in life.

If Ring finger is longer than your index finger, you will be successful. You will also be famous. Instead of giving much importance to money, you will be more interested in respect and dignity.

On the contrary, you may lack confidence if your Ring finger is shorter than index finger. If Ring finger is equal to or longer than middle finger, you will be over confident. You need to understand that overconfidence can sometimes lead to failure.

In case your ring finger is longer than or equal to your middle finger, you will take a lot of risk in life. In fact, you will be interested in all those task which present an opportunity to take risk. For instance, you may be interested in gambling, racecourse, share market and so on. You have a keen interest in all such things.

Besides a longer ring finger, if your Mercury mount is also prominent, you will take risk in your business activities. In case you have a job, you may take a bribe. You will be an excellent sportsperson and achieve accolades if your Ring finger is longer and Mars mount is prominent.

On the other hand, you will never take any risk if your Ring finger is unusually short. You will never participate in anything which involves risk.

Analysis of Little Finger

In this slide, we will talk about your little finger. This finger is the shortest finger in your hand. However, this does not mean it is insignificant. In fact, little finger is considered to be the most important finger in your hand.

Western palmists consider this finger to be a lean thumb. The reason is that little finger tells a lot about your personality. Mercury mount is present at the origin of this finger. Hence, it clearly depicts Mercury’s characteristics.

If your little finger is slightly longer than the first line on your ring finger, it is considered to be average. It is long if it reaches higher than the first line. In the same way, it is short if it does not reach the first line on your ring finger.

An average-sized little finger makes you straightforward. Since this finger represents Mercury, your respiratory system will be well-developed.

You have an excellent ability to make contracts. Your sharp mind also supports this aspect of your personality. If your little finger is unusually long, you receive benefits from business, art and politics.

You can easily make a lot of friends and receive benefits from them. However, you don’t believe in standing by them. If your little finger is unusually short, you may suffer from an inferiority complex.