Sun-Moon Yogas - Veshi Yoga, Vashi Yoga, Ubhaychari Yoga, Sunafa Yoga, Anafa Yoga, Durudhara
Surya and Moon Yoga
There are numerous yogas in astrology. Some are based on the status of ascendant, while others are based on the position of different planets. There are some yogas which are formed on the basis of Sun and Moon. In this webcast, we will talk about such yogas. The yogas formed on the basis of Sun are Veshi, Vashi and Ubhaychari. The yogas formed on the basis of Moon are Sunfa, Anfa and Durudhara. We will also talk about the effects of these yogas in your lives.
Before we go any further, it should be noted that Surya (Sun) yogas are not formed with the presence of Rahu, Ketu or Moon. Surya yogas are destroyed if the planet involved in the formation of a yoga is in the same house as Rahu, Ketu or Moon. The same goes for Yogas formed with relation to Moon. Chandra (Moon) yogas are destroyed if the planet involved in the formation of a yoga is in the same house as Rahu, Ketu or Sun.
Formation of Veshi yoga and its effects
Veshi yoga is formed when any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon is placed in the second house from Sun. This means if Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn is in the second house from Sun, Veshi yoga is formed. In simple words, we may say that Rahu, Ketu and Moon should not be in the second house from Sun.
If you are born in Veshi yoga, you may be tall. But the upper part of your body will be droopy. This may happen gradually with time.
Due to the effects of this yoga, you would be neutral in your perspective toward almost everything. This means you will not differentiate one person from another.
A person born in this yoga is usually truthful and honest. Such a person is inclined toward religious activities.
Another aspect of Veshi yoga makes you lazy. But this is compensated by the fact that you would have a jolly nature with the presence of Veshi yoga. You will be a happy go lucky sort of person.
Veshi yoga is considered to be an auspicious yoga. You may have some limited sources of income or wealth if you are born in this yoga. But you will never lack money or be poor.
Formation of Vashi yoga and its impact on our lives
Vashi yoga is formed in a Kundali when any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Moon is placed in the twelfth house from Sun.
Being born in this yoga, you may have a broad upper body. You may even be fat.
A person born in Veshi or Voshi yoga is extremely beautiful. Such a person is also loved by his king. In modern times, when there are democracies, the person may be liked by a minister or a person at a high administrative post.
Due to the effects of this yoga, you are skilled, intelligent, famous and hard working. You may even be inclined toward charities and donations. You may even be filled with a lot of good qualities if you are born in Veshi yoga. You will excel in life on the basis of your hard work.
A person born in Veshi yoga has a very strong memory.
Such a person is determined about what he thinks is right. He also keeps his promises and is a man of his words.
Effects of Ubhaychari yoga and its formation
Ubhaychari yoga is formed when there are any planets except Rahu, Ketu and Moon in the second and twelfth house from the Sun.
Due to the effects of this yoga, a person has a balanced physique. He is neither too thin nor too fat.
Such a person is well mannered. He usually has all the resources at his disposal.
A person born in this yoga has a lot of wealth and is satisfied in life.
Being born in this yoga, you may be strong and courageous. You may even have a lot of friends along with a lot of servants.
Impact of Sunfa yoga and its formation
Sunfa yoga is formed when there is any planet except Rahu, Ketu and Sun in the second house from Moon.
Due to the effects of Sunfa yoga, you may be very intelligent. You may also be well mannered and full of positive qualities.
You will also have an immense knowledge of religion and shastras.
Sunfa yoga is formed on the basis of Moon. Therefore, a person born in this yoga is calm and composed. He is able to acquire all the happiness in life.
In case you are affected by Sunfa yoga, you will be able to acquire wealth on your own.
Formation of Anfa yoga and its effects
Anfa yoga is formed when there is any planet except Rahu, Ketu or Sun in the twelfth house from the Moon.
Due to the effects of this yoga, you have a beautiful and magnetic personality. Many people will be attracted toward you due to such traits.
A person born in Anfa yoga has many positive qualities. Such a person may even be a very good orator. He may even be influential because of his speech.
If you are born in this yoga, you would be famous and respected in the society. You would be appreciated for your work. This will make you feel satisfied.
Due to the effects of Anfa yoga, you would be free from any sort of diseases.
You may possess the qualities of a king. You will be able to acquire all sorts of happiness in your life.
A person born in Anfa yoga never likes to discuss his sorrows in public. He has a lot of patience and tries to be happy in front of people.
Formation of Durudhara yoga and its impact
Durudhara yoga is formed when there are any planets except Rahu, Ketu or Sun in the second and twelfth house from the Moon.
A person born in this yoga is able to provide for his family through his hard work and efforts.
Due to the effects of this yoga, a person is able to acquire all the material desires in life.
A person born in Durudhara yoga known how to manage his resources well. He is able to utilize the available resources to the maximum extent.
If you are born in Durudhara yoga, you are pure at heart. You are never able to deceive anyone and may even be very intelligent.