Vedic Astrology Yogas - Gada Yoga, Shakat Yoga, Vihag Yoga, Vajra Yoga, Yav Yoga
How Akriti Yoga affects our lives
Many references of Nabhas Yogas can be found in Indian astrology. Nabhas Yogas are of four different types. Akriti Yoga is one such category which consists of many Yogas. Sometimes in a Janma Kundali, planets are placed in a way that it creates the illusion of an image. Therefore, these Yogas are known as Akriti Yogas. In this webcast, we will discuss about various kinds of Akriti Yogas and their effects on a person’s life.
Effects of Gada Yoga on a person’s life
Gada Yoga is one of the type of Akriti Yoga which falls in the category of Nabhas Yogas.
It is formed when all the planets in your Janma Kundali are in the Kendra house from each other. For example, the first house and the fourth house are close to each other. In the same way, seventh house and tenth house are close to each other.
When this Yoga is formed in your Kundali, the planets are placed in a way that they seem to make an image like mace or Gada.
Gada Yoga is considered to be inauspicious in Vedic astrology. But, some scholars believe that it only affects a person’s health and fitness.
If you are born in this Yoga, you might be very rich. You may also be inclined toward religious activities. Being born in this Yoga makes you well versed in Shastras and keeps you interested in music.
You may join the Police department if you are born in this Yoga.
There is also a strong possibility that you would achieve success after the age of 28 years, if you take birth in this Yoga.
Impact of Shakat Yoga on a person’s life
Shakat Yoga is formed when all the planets in a Kundali are in the first and seventh house.
The term ‘Shakat’ means a bullock cart. Therefore, life progresses at a very slow rate if you are born in this Yoga. However, you should not be disappointed because of the slow speed as life will eventually progress at its own pace.
Due to the effects of this yoga, you may face a lot of troubles during your childhood and old age.
Some problems in your married life may also arise. Therefore, you should not fight with your spouse over petty issues.
If you are born in Shakat Yoga, you may be separated from your friends or close ones. You may usually get into fights or arguments with people who matter most to you.
A person born in this Yoga might suffer from various diseases. There is also a possibility that the person is cunning and selfish.
This Yoga usually gives results associated with health and business. So, these may be severely affected if you are born in Shakat Yoga.
Shakat Yoga is considered inauspicious since a person born in this Yoga is usually poor and his life progresses at a slow rate.
Such a person has a troubled life and faces a lot of struggle to earn his living. But, he should not be disheartened because the results of a Yoga depend on various other factors in a Kundali.
Importance of Vihag Yoga in a person’s life
Vihag Yoga is formed when all the planets in a Kundali are placed between the fourth and tenth house.
‘Vihag’ means a bird. The planets in this Yoga appear to be similar to an image of birds. Hence, this name has been given to this Yoga.
A person born in this Yoga may like cursing others. People consider him a blabbermouth due to this habit. Such a person should not involve himself in gossips.
A person born in this Yoga is usually very restless. Due to this, he might take wrong decisions very frequently. Therefore, a person born in Vihag yoga should take important decisions only after consulting others.
A person born in Vihag yoga works a lot during the middle age of his life. Such a person is involved in many activities.
Impact of Vajra Yoga on a person’s life
Vajra yoga is formed when all the auspicious planets in a Kundali are in the first and seventh house and all the malefic planets in a Kundali are in the fourth and tenth house.
The placement of planets in this Yoga is similar to the image of a Vajra. Therefore, this name was given to this Yoga.
If this Yoga is formed in your Kundali, you may have a troubled childhood and old age.
A person born in this Yoga is brave and courageous. But, he may also be cunning and inhuman.
Due to the effects of this Yoga, a person may usually be unhealthy and might face troubles in his married life.
A person with Vajra yoga is internally strong. He struggles throughout his life but is able to overcome all obstacles with his determination and hard work.
Formation of Yav Yoga and its Effects
Yav Yoga is formed when all the malefic planets in a Kundali are in the first and seventh house and all the auspicious planets in a Kundali are in the fourth and tenth house.
This Yoga is exactly opposite to Vajra yoga. The placement of planets in this yoga is similar to the image of Yav or Jau.
Yav yoga is considered to be an auspicious Yoga in astrology.
A person born in this Yoga has a good childhood and old age. However, the person struggles a lot during the middle years of his life.
A person born in Yav yoga is inclined toward religious activities. He may also be interested in donations and charities.
Such a person is usually fortunate and achieves success in life because of his good fortune.
Due to the effects of Yav yoga, a person becomes dutiful and responsible.