Muladhar Chakra - The seat of Kundalini and Mantra Shakti
How Muladhar Chakra controls the Human Body
The Chakras refer to the seven power points of life force or Prana in the human body which circulate energy in the whole body. The word ‘Chakra’ literally means a ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’ which refers to a spinning wheel of biophysical energy arising from the major nerve ganglion and branching forward from the spinal column.
The concept of Chakra originates in Hindu scriptures and is also found in Tantric and Yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. One of the most important Chakra among the seven Chakras is Muladhar Chakra. In this webcast, we will discuss Muladhar Chakra in detail. We will also learn the ways to strengthen Muladhar Chakra.
Location of Muladhar Chakra
Muladhara Chakra is one of the seven Chakras in human body according to Hindu tradition. It is also known as Mul Aadhar, Adhar, first Chakra, base or Root Chakra.
This Chakra may be represented by red colour but its root square form is usually yellow. Its gemstone is ruby and it acquires its energy from Sun.
It is the first Chakra of our body and is the base of vitality of a human body. Muladhara is considered the base from which the three main nadis namely the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna emerge.
It is also believed to be a subtle abode of lord Ganapati.
Muladhar Chakra is located between the base of spinal cord and sacral bone. But, its kshetram, or superficial activation point, is located on the perineum.
Appearance of Muladhar Chakra
Muladhara Chakra is often represented as yellow, square lotus, surrounded by eight shining spears on the sides and with four red petals.
The four Sanskrit syllables Va, Scha, Sha and Sa are written in gold on the four red petals representing the four Vrittis namely happiness, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passion and blissfulness in concentration.
These petals also symbolize the four Purusharthas or four goals of human life which are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
The square flower of lotus also symbolizes earth element.
Seed Mantra and seat of Kundalini
The seed Mantra of Muladhar Chakra is Lam.
The Bindu or point which forms a part of letter represents Brahma who has a deep red complexion and has four faces and four arms.
His shakti is a goddess called Dakini. She is believed to be seated on a red lotus and is shining red or white. She has a beautiful face with three eyes and four arms.
The Kundalini Shakti resides in the centre of the square below the seed syllable in this Chakra. It can be aroused through Yoga.
It is believed to be lying dormant in the form of a coiled serpent. This serpent is coiled three and half times around a smoky grey lingam.
When aroused through Yoga, Kundalini passes through Sushumna Nadi in the spinal chord and moves up to Sahasrara Chakra where the ultimate experience of enlightenment occurs.
Physical Importance of Muladhar Chakra
The Muladhar Chakra is considered the ‘root’ or ‘foundation’ Chakra since the female and masculine energies of Shakti and Shiva unite here.
The function of Muladhar Chakra is excretion and reproduction. It is the anal opening and is responsible for the discharge of faeces, urine and semen from the body.
This Chakra is the foundation of development of Kundalini energy and hence is responsible for psychological endurance and existence of human beings.
Muladhar Chakra regulates muscular system, mechanism of bones, manufacture of red blood cells and other internal organs of body.
In the case of malfunction of this Chakra, a person may suffer from ailments like pain in joints, spine related disorders, blood related abnormalities, underdeveloped body, cancer, osteoporosis, constipation, headache, renal disorders, sexually transmitted diseases and intestinal disorders. But, all these diseases can avoided by strengthening Muladhar Chakra through Yoga.
Emotional significance of Muladhar Chakra
The energy of the Muladhar Chakra gives us emotional security. Therefore, the Chakra when is weak may cause troubles like anger and insanity. The feeling of insecurity may also arise in an individual.
Situations like grumbling, pride, fear, instability, jealousy, hatred, addiction, negligence, tendency of suicide, feeling vulnerable etc can also arise in the individual. But, these troubles can be overcome by practising Yoga to strengthen Muladhar Chakra.
An individual is not aware of his or her personality and is often confused when this Chakra is weak since this Chakra is responsible for emotional stability in an individual.
On the other hand, purity, piousness and confidence resides in an individual when this Chakra is strong.
Remedies to heal the Muladhar Chakra
Wearing ruby, garnet, red stone or agate is beneficial when Muladhar Chakra is weak since red colour is the colour of Muladhar Chakra and it acquires its energy from Sun.
Include a red colored clothing item or accessory in your attire daily.
Use red colored bulb or night-lamp so that you may benefit from the energies while you sleep.
Visualizing the red color in your mind during day also strengthens this Chakra.
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