Introduction to handwriting analysis (Graphology)
Handwriting Analysis
In this webcast, we will talk about the importance of handwriting analysis and its application in our daily lives. We will also talk about the benefits and limitations of handwriting analysis.
Meaning and importance of handwriting analysis
Handwriting analysis has a much wider scope than what we can usually imagine. It is also known as Graphology.
Handwriting analysis is one of the best tool to determine a person’s character and personality. The scope for this tool has widely increased in recent times.
We all come across people of various kinds of behaviour and attitudes. It is quite difficult to gather information about a person’s nature if he is a stranger to you. In such situations, handwriting analysis comes into picture. It not only describes the character or personality of an individual, but also helps in determining any physical or mental ailments, drug or alcohol abuse and his prior work conditions and compatibility.
In corporate world, it is used in hiring, to attract clients or customers and even as a career guide. The handwriting analysis can also be pursued as a career. It is commonly used in assessing people in organisations in various activities such as recruitment, team-building, career-planning etc.
Benefits of handwriting analysis
Now-a-days, handwriting analysis is commonly used in homes, schools and other educational institutions as well as in business organizations because it provides a better understanding of an individual which helps in making best use of one’s personal and professional potential.
One can know about his potential, strengths and weaknesses by getting this analysis done. It can therefore assist or guide in identifying the career choices which are suitable for your style and needs.
It also helps you to identify the hidden talents and aptitudes. Thus, helping you to choose a right career path for yourself.
Handwriting analysis plays an important role in motivating employees to get better performance. It also helps a manager to understand the needs of his employees and work on them. It can improve teamwork by helping the manager to understand individual & team strengths and weaknesses.
Application of handwriting analysis
Handwriting analysis is not just restricted to the analysis of personality traits. It is also used in comprehensive background checks, employment profiling and recruitment process in big organizations.
The handwriting analysis reports are also used to develop compatibility between organizations and its employees.
Handwriting analysis is a great tool to improve the level of understanding between people and society. It analyzes the psychological aspect of the writer and helps him to coordinate with people, both personally and professionally.
This tool is also used in medical diagnostic practices. Research studies indicate that a detailed examination of handwriting factors like timing, fluidity, pressure and consistency of size, form and speed are effective in the process of diagnosis of ailments and the response of patients to pharmacological therapeutic agents.
Limitations of handwriting analysis
Everything on this earth comes with some advantages and disadvantages. In the same way, handwriting analysis also has its own merits and demerits. Although, no two people can have same handwriting, but handwriting analysis cannot tell us about the race, sex, color, nationality, age and gender of an individual.
The handwriting analysis reveals the true character and personality of an individual but it cannot tell us about the exact details of his experiences. It cannot give information on disability, cultural influences, physical strength, natural origin, physical beauty, socio-economic background etc.
It can neither reveal the details of future events nor can predict them.
The other limitation in handwriting analysis is determining the hand used while writing the content. It cannot tell whether the writer was right handed or left handed.