Fate Line - Reading and predicting using Palmistry

In this webcast, we will discuss the importance of line of fate in palmistry. We will also talk about the general events of life which can be predicted by it.

What is Line of Fate

The line of fate also known as destiny line, lies in the centre of the palm. It may originate from wrist, from mount of Moon, from life line or from the head or heart line.

This line is considered to reflect the events which are beyond the control of an individual. These decisions include the decisions related to education, career, choice of a life-partner etc.

It is common myth that a long line of fate is a symbol of great fortune and success. But, people with no line of fate are often very successful.

General Representations of Line Of Fate

The line of fate represents the success and failures faced in life by an individual, hurdles coming in the way, factors influencing those decisions and ultimate result of these decisions.

When the line of fate sends offshoots to any mount, the qualities of that mount will dominate the life of an individual. For example, when the line of fate throws an offshoot towards mount of Jupiter, it gives more than usual success in the fields related to academics, finance or judicial systems.

It also denotes people who influence career of a person. It also tells whether such influences will be beneficial or not.

Representation of Fate Line on the basis of shape

If the line of fate is straight and a line joins it from the mount of Luna, it symbolizes that an unexpected person will influence the career of a person. It also tells about the effects of these influences on the life of a person.

The breaks in this line represent ill-luck and loss and if the second portion of line begins before the other, it denotes a sudden and drastic change in life.

When one branch of this line originates from the base of the mount of Moon and the other from the mount of Venus, it represents that the fortune of the person will sway between imagination to pure passion.

The signs on the line of fate also play an important role in palm reading. The square and cross represent crisis and an island in the line of fate represent misfortune, loss and adversity in the life of an individual.

Representation of Fate Line on the basis of position

When the line of fate rises from the line of life, the subject will be very successful and will earn immense wealth whereas if the line rises from the mount of Moon, fate and success will be dependent on the plans of the other people.

If the line of fate is abruptly stopped by the line of heart, the chances of success will be ruined through the sentiments.

When this line is stopped by the line of head, it represents that the success will be denied to the person due to a stupid mistake or a good logical decision.

A clear and well-marked line of fate rising from the line of head denotes that the success will be achieved by a person through his intellect after a tough struggle.