Mercury and Vedic Astrology
In this webcast, we will talk about the astrological importance of Mercury. We will also discuss the effects of Mercury in a Kundali and their remedies.
Importance of Mercury in Vedic Astrology
Many stories related to Mercury are popular. The most important among all these is the one related to Moon and Tara. According to this story, Mercury is believed to be an illegitimate son of Moon and Tara since Tara was married to Jupiter. It is believed that Moon was attracted to Tara and he abducted her. Mercury was then born to Moon and Tara. Later, Moon accepted Mercury as his son who was also blessed by Jupiter.
According to another story, Jupiter once took the form of a woman. Moon saw her and he was attracted towards her. Mercury was then born to them. Jupiter stayed as a woman for nine months during his pregnancy.
Mercury is considered to be a prince among all the planets. It is believed that Mercury has four hands and he holds a sword, shield, mace and varmudra. He also wears a gold crown and a garland of yellow flowers. He wears yellow clothes and rides a lion. Mercury was named ‘Budha’ by lord Brahma because of his intelligence.
According to the Matsya Purana, when lord Brahma noticed the skills and knowledge of Mercury, he made him a planet. An extract from Mahabharata tells us that Mercury was married to saint Manu’s daughter, Ila. Ila gave birth to Pururva. In this way, Moon’s dynasty kept spreading. Mercury is worshipped in Ishanakon.
The Karakatwas of Mercury
According to the Vedic astrology, Mercury is considered the Karak planet of the tenth house in a Kundali.
It is believed that Mercury gives wealth and intelligence.
Among the gemstones, emerald is associated with the planet Mercury.
Other things associated with Mercury are green cardamom, green vegetables, green clothes, Moong dal, green fruits and other green objects.
Mercury is also considered the Karak planet of voice and skin. Usually, you need a strong Mercury to excel in activities related to business.
Mercury is also considered the Karak planet of mathematics, astrology, journalism and engineering.
The auspicious and inauspicious effects of all these Karakas depend on the placement and strength of Mercury in a Kundali. If Mercury is in an auspicious house or is the lord of an auspicious house, you will get positive results.
Impact of Mercury in a Kundali
According to Vedic astrology, each planet gives different results in different signs. Gemini and Virgo are considered the own signs(Swarashi) of Mercury. It gives auspicious results in these two signs. Mercury is considered to be in its Mooltrikon sign if it is in Virgo sign from 15 to 20 degrees.
If Mercury is in Virgo sign from 0 to 15 degrees, it will be exalted. Mercury is the only planet which is exalted in its own sign. It is considered debilitated when it is present in Pisces sign from 0 to 15 degrees. You may become rude and impolite in the Dasha of Mercury.
Relationship of Mercury with other planets
In Vedic astrology, planets are either friendly, neutral or enemies towards each other. Saturn and Venus are natural (Naisargik) friends of Mercury. Sun is neutral towards Mercury. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are considered enemies of Mercury.
Besides Naisargik Maitri, planets also have immediate friendship between them which is known as Tatkaalik Maitri. It depends on the placements of planets in a Kundali. Mercury will be friendly to the planets which are present three houses ahead and three houses back from the position of Mercury in the Kundali.
Panchadha Maitri is calculated by combining the effects of the naisargik and tatkalik maitri. It gives the final conclusion about which planets are friendly or enemies of Mercury. The auspicious or inauspicious results obtained by the person are determined on the basis of the Panchadha Maitri.
Let’s take an example. Moon is the natural or naisargik enemy of Mercury, but if in the kundali it becomes the Tatkalik friend, then combining the two effects will neutralize Moon’s relationship, with Mercury and Moon will become neutral towards Mercury in the Panchadha maitri.
Auspicious and Inauspicious results of a transiting Mercury
Planets in transit are analyzed by considering Moon to be the ascendant in Vedic astrology. If Mercury transits the second house, a person gets immense wealth and stays in the company of good people. A person’s family life is good, if Mercury transits the fourth house. If Mercury is transiting the sixth house, your health will be stable and you may get good clothes.
When Mercury transits the eighth house, you may get great success. If Mercury transits through the tenth house, you will be able to win over your enemies. Mercury gives you fame, wealth and success when it transits the eleventh house.
Inauspicious results of a Transiting Mercury
If Mercury transits through the first house, you may be separated from your loved ones. Your rude behaviour may result in conflicts, loss of wealth and troubles related to government issues when Mercury transits through the third house. Mercury may cause violence when it transits through the fifth house.
If Mercury transits through the seventh house, you may be weak, lose energy and face troubles related to the government. Mercury may make you sad and helpless when it transits through the ninth house. If Mercury transits through the twelfth house, you may lose interest in food.
Remedies for the troubles related to Mercury
You should recite any one of the Mantra sixteen thousand times if Mercury is weak in your Janma Kundali or Varsha Kundali. You should also chant these Mantras when Mercury is the lord of an inauspicious house in your Kundali. The chant of these Mantras should be started from the Wednesday of Shukla Paksha at sunrise. Dashansh Havan should be performed once the chant is complete.
You can also chant any one of these Mantras for 108 times. These Mantras should be recited in the morning. You can also strengthen Mercury by keeping a fast on Wednesdays. These fasts should be started from the first Wednesday of the Shukla Paksha. You should fast for at least 21 Wednesdays.
You should observe fast from the first Wednesday of the Shukla Paksha while worshipping lord Vishnu. Donate sugar, green cardamom, green vegetables, green clothes, Moong dal, green fruits etc. on this day. Do not wear green clothes if Mercury is inauspicious in your Kundali.