The importance of Rudraksha in human life
Rudraksha is the seed of a fruit which is used in spiritual rituals. It is believed that Rudraksha originated from the tears flowing from the eyes of lord Shiva. In this webcast, we will talk about Rudraksha. We will also discuss its qualities and utilities.
Story of origin of Rudraksha
All of you must have seen Rudraksha or heard something about Rudraksha. Some of you might have even worn it. Let us try to know something about Rudraksha. Wearing a Rudraksha is considered very auspicious. Rudraksha is a combination of two words, Rudra which means lord Shiva and Aksha meaning eyes.
According to ancient scriptures and legends, lord Shiva wanted to kill demon named Tripur to free the Devas from him. In order to defeat him, Lord Shiva needed a weapon named Kalagni. Lord Shiva kept his eyes closed for many years to acquire this weapon. When he opened his eyes, drops of tears fell on the surface of the Earth. These drops created Maharudraksha.
Ruraksha is found in India, Nepal, Indonesia, Java, Malaysia etc. Its trees are 50 to 200 feet tall. The fruits on this tree are circular and a Rudraksha is th e seed of these fruits.
Rudraksha has been categorized into three different types on the basis of its size. The best type of Rudraksha is equivalent to the size of Amla. T he second type of Rudraksha gives average results. This is of the size of a Ber fruit. The third type of Rudraksha is considered inauspicious. This Rudraksha is similar to the size of gram seed.
Rudraksha is known by many different names including Shivaksha, Bhavaksha, Falaksha, Haraksha, Neelkanth, Trinmer and Shivapriya.
Rudraksha is considered very important in religious ceremonies
The religious and spiritual importance of Rudraksha has been discussed in Shivpurana, Mahakaal Sanhita, Lingpurana and Kalika Purana. Rudraksha is mostly used for spiritual purposes.
According to Shivpurana, a person wearing Rudraksha or using its powdered form attains salvation.
Wearing Rudraksha provides immense intelligence to a person. It gives freedom from all the sins and gives auspicious results. Saints have been wearing it since ages due to its qualities. Rudraksha is worn to calm down aggressive planets like Rahu, Saturn, Ketu and Mars.
It is believed that wearing a Rudraksha provides results equivalent to going to pilgrimages like Haridwar, Kashi and Ganga.
Medicinal value of Rudraksha
Let us now discuss the medicinal values of Rudraksha. Rudraksha is considered to be a great medicine in Ayurveda. The roots, skin, fruit, seed and flower of Rudraksha tree contain great medicinal qualities.
The paste of Rudraksha and sandalwood if applied on forehead gives relief in headache. This also provides mental peace.
Rudraksha is very helpful in curing the troubles related to Tridoshas (Vatta, pitta and Kafa). Rudraksha can be worn to cure all these troubles.
Rudraksha also helps to maintain a proper blood circulation. It keeps you away from heart problems. Due to the presence of an electro-magnetic field, it controls the circulation of blood in the body. But, one should consult an experienced Ayurveda practitioner before using Rudraksha for medicinal purposes.
Rudraksha is also used in other different ways
It is believed that one can achieve success in business and profession by wearing Rudraksha.
Rudraksha is also considered important in order to achieve success in politics and administrative work. A person gets fame and success on wearing Rudraksha. Rudraksha makes a person witty and good in public-speaking. Rudraksha is also worn if there are some marital problems or if a person’s marriage is getting delayed.
Rudraksha is also categorized on the basis of colours
Rudraksha has been divided into different categories based on its colour. The best type of Rudraksha is considered to be the one which is dark brown or chocolate brown in colour.
The second type of Rudraksha is light brown in colour which is similar to the colour of almonds.
The third type of Rudraksha is white and brownish in colour. Some people believe that Rudraksha are also white, red, yellow or black coloured. These Rudrakshas are also worn.