Jyotish Yogas - Matsya Yoga, Kurma Yoga, Khadaga Yoga, Mridang Yoga and Bheri Yoga
Yoga in Janma Kundali
In this webcast, we will talk about Matsya yoga, Kurma yoga, Khadga yoga, Mridang yoga and Bheri yoga. The presence of any one of these yogas in a Kundali gives auspicious results. These yogas are formed in a Janma kundali on the basis of your name. Let us now give you some information about the formation and impact of these yogas.
Formation of Matsya yoga and its impact on our lives
A lot of different conditions come into play for the formation of Matsya yoga. This yoga is formed only if all the conditions are fulfilled.
It is necessary that auspicious planets are placed in the ascendant and ninth house of your kundali.
The Lord of the ninth house should also be an auspicious planet.
The fifth house should comprise of auspicious as well as inauspicious planets.
Moreover, inauspicious planets should be present in the fourth and eighth house. All these conditions need to be fulfilled for the formation of Matsya yoga.
With the presence of Matsya yoga, a person becomes a skilled astrologer.
You may be intelligent and beautiful if you are born in Matsya yoga. You may even comprise of many other positive qualities if this yoga is present in your kundali.
Due to the effects of Matsya yoga, you become strong, religious and famous. You also have immense knowledge about various subjects.
Formation of Kurma yoga and its effects
For the formation of Kurma yoga, the fifth, sixth and seventh house should comprise of auspicious planets in Deepta, Swastha or Mudit awastha.
It is also necessary that there are inauspicious planets in the ascendant, third and eleventh house. These planets should be in Deepta or Swastha awastha.
Kurma yoga is formed only if these two conditions are fulfilled. This is because the position of planets in this yoga should be similar to the shape of a Kurma.
A person born in Kurma yoga lives his life like a king. He acquires all the material desires. Such a person is also religious and comprises of other positive qualities.
You may even be benevolent and responsible if you are born in Kurma yoga.
Impact of Khadga yoga and its formation
A lot of conditions need to be fulfilled for the formation of Khadga yoga.
First of all, the Lord of the ninth house should be in the second house of your Janma kundali.
In the same way, the Lord of the second house should be in the ninth house.
The presence of parivartan yoga in the second and ninth house also leads to the formation of Khadga yoga.
It is also necessary that the Lord of the ascendant is in a center or triad house.
With the presence of this yoga in a Kundali, you may be wealthy, respected, famous, intelligent, strong and skilled.
You may be content with your life and have immense knowledge about the shastras.
Effects of Mridang yoga and its formation
For the formation of Mridang yoga, the Lord of the ascendant should be strong. It should either be exalted or in its own sign.
The other planets of a Janma kundali should be in the center or triad house. They should be in an auspicious state.
Precisely, the planets except the Lord of the ascendant should be in Deepta or Swastha awastha.
You may be as influential and successful as a king if you are born in Mridang yoga.
The presence of this yoga in your kundali usually makes you a high ranking official in the administration.
Impact and formation of Bheri yoga
For the formation of Bheri yoga, it is necessary that the Lord of the ninth house is strong. All the other planets should be in ascendant, second, twelfth and seventh house.
This yoga is also formed when the Lord of the ninth house is strong and Venus is in the center house along with the Lord of the ascendant. All the planets involved in this yoga should be similar to the shape of Bheri.
You may be wealthy, famous and content with your life if you are born in Bheri yoga. You may even live your life like a king.
Besides all this, you may be principled and enjoy all the comforts in life. You may have a loving wife and children.