Panch Mahapurush Yoga and their impact on your life - Vedic astrology
Importance of Panch Mahapurush Yoga in Human life
Panch Mahapurush Yoga is a very important Yoga in Vedic astrology. Its reference has been found in almost every astrological scripture. As the name suggests, Panch Mahapurush Yoga comprises of five planets. Planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have been included in this Yoga. Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Moon have been excluded.
In this webcast, we will tell you how Panch Mahapurush Yoga is formed and how it affects our lives.
Impact of Hans Panch Mahapurush Yoga on our lives
First of all, let us understand how Hans Panch Mahapurush Yoga is formed. This Yoga is formed when Jupiter is in the Kendra house of your Janma Kundali and is placed in Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer sign. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer sign while it is in its own sign when it is in Sagittarius or Pisces sign. This Yoga is also known as Hansak Yoga.
Hans Yoga is considered very auspicious since Jupiter is a natural Karak planet for wealth. It is believed that lord Vishnu resides in the Kendra house of Kundali. Therefore if a strong Jupiter is in the Kendra, it gives auspicious results throughout your life.
You may be beautiful, fortunate and will have a good character because of taking birth in Hans Yoga.
You will be fond of good food if you are born in Hans Yoga. Sweet food will fascinate you the most.
You will be appreciated by good and influential people due to the auspicious effects of this Yoga. and your work will be noticed by important people.
The formation of Hans Yoga is because of planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the Karaka planet of intelligence and therefore, you would be good in decision making. You may even be influential in the society.
A child born in Hans Yoga usually has several birthmarks on his arms and legs. These marks might resemble the image of a shell, lotus or fish.
Effects of Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Yoga on a Janma Kundali
Bhadra Panch Mahapurush Yoga is formed when Mercury is in the Kendra house of your Janma Kundali and is placed in Gemini or Virgo sign.
Mercury is considered to be a prince of all planets. A prince is always meant to be strong and therefore, you will always be healthy and fit because of this Yoga.
Mercury is considered to be a Karak planet of intelligence. With the presence of Bhadra Yoga, you may be very intelligent and well-mannered.
Bhadra Yoga makes you polite and decent due to the effect of planet Mercury which is a prince among all planets. Due to this, you are usually liked by everyone around you.
You might also become intelligent, famous, rich and influential in the society due to the effect of this Yoga. You will also inspire others and will always be fortunate in life.
In ancient times, it was believed that a person born in Bhadra Yoga lives his life like a king. He could also be a member of the king’s court. Hence, a person born in Bhadra Yoga during modern times might get a high post in a government office.
Impact of Malavya Panch Mahapurush Yoga on a person’s life
Malavya Yoga is formed when Venus is in the Kendra house of a Janma Kundali and is exalted in Pisces sign or is placed in its own signs which are Taurus and Libra.
You will remain healthy and fit due to the auspicious effect of this Yoga.
The formation of Malavya Yoga involves planet Venus. Shukracharya was believed to be intelligent and a great scholar. Therefore, a person born in this Yoga is intelligent, patient, calm and content.
You will be famous and own good vehicles due to the auspicious effects of Malavya Panch Mahapurush Yoga.
This Yoga will also make you fond of good food. You will always be interested in trying new delicacies and dishes.
Your wife and children will be the reason of your happiness if you are born in Malavya Yoga.
Venus is the Karak planet of material desires in Vedic astrology. It can be associated with lust, greed and fame. Therefore if you are born in this Yoga, you will be inclined towards material desires and may want to show off your assets and wealth.
Results of Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Yoga
Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Yoga is formed when Mars is in Kendra house of your Kundali and is placed in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn sign.
This Yoga is formed because of Mars and therefore a person born in this Yoga has a big face.
Mars is considered a strong and energetic planet. It is considered a commander of all the planets. Therefore, a person born in this Yoga is strong and courageous since birth.
You may also be manipulative, convincing and filled with pride.
Being born in this Yoga, you will be talented and will work in the field of your interest. Due to a number of different talents, you will be liked by most of the people around you.
A person born in this Yoga gives a lot of importance to freedom and independence. Therefore, you will want to set up an independent business. You may even achieve success on doing so.
Being born in Ruchak Panch Mahapurush Yoga, you will be wealthy as well as famous.
Shash Panch Mahapurush Yoga
Shash Yoga is formed when Saturn is in the Kendra house of a Janma Kundali and is placed in Capricorn, Aquarius or Libra sign.
You may achieve success in your life with the auspicious effects of Shash Yoga. You will be strong, rich, happy and influential.
You might get attracted to people of other gender with the effect of this Yoga. Men can get attracted to women and vice versa and these relationships may result in marriage.
The internal development of an individual can be faster in Shash Yoga as it is formed with the effect of Saturn.
You are likely to get powers due to which you may get involved in the company of corrupt people. You should be cautious while exercising your authority and should not use them for illegal purpose.