How love affairs bloom and die - A Vedic Astrology Analysis
Analysis of a love relationship according to Vedic Astrology
In this webcast, we will talk about the astrological factors which cause people to fall in love. We will also discuss the yogas due to which many of these relationships are not converted into a marriage.
The time of making love relationships according to various houses
Love has been around as long as humanity has been around on this planet. Neither humans nor gods and goddesses can protect themselves from its effects. The number of love affairs and relationships have increased in these times since men and women work together.
There are specific yogas which cause people to fall in love. You may be attracted towards someone when the Dasha of the lord of the ascendant is running in a Janma Kundali.
Issues related to love are analyzed through the fifth house in a Kundali. A person may fall in love when he is under the influence of the Dasha of the fifth lord or the Dasha of a planet placed in the fifth house. In Vedic astrology, marriage is predicted by analyzing the seventh house. If the Dasha of the seventh lord or the Dasha of planets placed in the seventh house is running, then also the person may fall in love.
Ninth house is five houses ahead of the fifth house. Hence, the Dasha of the ninth house lord or the Dasha of a planet placed in the ninth house will cause a love affair.
Yogas for love relationships according to the placement of planets
Some planets also naturally propel the person towards a love affair when their dasha is running. Mercury is the Karak planet of intelligence. Your mind becomes restless during the Dasha of Mercury. Therefore, there is a strong possibility of falling in love during its Dasha.
The Dasha of Rahu acts as a catalyst for love. The relationships established in this dasha begin quickly and may be passionate, but they do not last for a long time. Rahu does not know the difference between right and wrong. Hence, a person becomes confused in the Dasha of Rahu.
Venus is considered the Karak planet of love. A person is in search and need of love in the Dasha of Venus. Moon is the Karak planet for the mind and heart. It is also considered a restless planet. Therefore, a person’s mind and heart become restless and there is a strong possibility of falling in love during the dasha of Moon too.
Most love affairs begin in the dasha of Mercury, Rahu, Venus and Moon irrespective of their placement in any house.
Reasons for love relationships not turning into marriages
The seventh house in a Kundali is known as the house of marriage. Love is not converted into a marriage if the seventh house or the lord of the seventh house does not have a relationship with the ascendant, the lord of the ascendant, the fifth house, the lord of the fifth house, the ninth house or the lord of the ninth house.
Sometimes, combinations related to the success of love relationships are seen in the Janma Kundali and the seventh house also forms relationships with other houses and their lords but these combinations are not found in a Navansh Kundali. It may also happen that both the fifth and the seventh house are weak and afflicted. Due to all these reasons, love relationships do not turn into marriages.
A love marriage is also not possible when the lord of the fifth house is present in the ninth house or when the lord of the ninth house is present in the fifth house.
Reasons for separation in love relationships
The running dasha is also responsible for ending of many love affairs. Let’s learn about some dashas and yogas that may cause premature ending of a love affair.
The sixth house in a Kundali is the Karak of violence. Love relationships may not be successful if the Dasha of sixth house is running in a Kundali. A love relationship may also come to an end during the Dasha of the eighth house or the Dasha of planet present in the eighth house.
Twelfth house is known as the house of expenses. The relationships may come to an end during the Dasha of twelfth house. Saturn is considered to be the Karak planet of sacrifice. A person’s mind and heart may be restless during the Dasha of Saturn and he may become indifferent towards love. Due to this, a relationship may gradually come to end.
If the fifth house is weak or afflicted which means that if the fifth house or the lord of the fifth house is under the influence of malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars, a love relationship may begin but this relationship would not last for a long time and will be broken before marriage.
Sun is considered to be a planet of separation. Hence, a relationship may come to end if the Dasha of Sun is running in a Kundali or if Sun is present in the fifth house.
Combinations for establishing or breaking up of more than one love relationships
Venus is the known to be the Karak planet of love. If Venus is in its debilitated sign in the Kundali, then the person is likely to have more than one love relationships in his life. More than one relationships are also established, if Saturn and Venus have a relationship with each other in any form in the Navansh or Janma Kundali. The possibility of having more than one relationship becomes strong when the relationship between Venus and Saturn is formed in the sixth or twelfth house.
A person will have multiple love affairs if a debilitated Venus is placed with Mars in a Navansh and Janma Kundali. It is also possible if both of them are placed in each other's sign.
If Venus and Mars are placed in each other's signs in the Navansh Kundali then too this can happen. The number of relationships may be more than one if Venus is placed only in Navamansh of Mars or Mars is placed only in Navamansh of Venus.