Mars in Vedic Astrology
In this webcast, we will tall about the importance of Mars in Vedic astrology. We will also discuss the effects of Mars in a Kundali and the issues and remedies related to it.
Importance of Mars in Vedic astrology
According to legends, Lord Shiva gave a boon to the demon named Andhakasur. According to this boon, the blood of Andhakasur would give rise to demons. Andhakasur started destroying Avantika after getting the boon. People prayed to Lord Shiva and asked for help. Lord Shiva fought with the demon in order to help the people and started sweating while fighting with this demon. Some of the drops of his sweat fell in Ujjain which was divided into two parts because of the heat of the drops. This gave rise to Mars. Lord Shiva killed the demon and drops of his blood were absorbed by the newly formed planet Mars. It is believed that Mars is red in colour because of this reason.
Mars is considered to be the planet of happiness. One usually experience happiness after completing any work with energy and enthusiasm. All the planets have been given special designations. Mars is considered to be a commander of the nine planets.
Mars is known by many different names like Angarak, Kuj, Bhaum, Mahisut, Mirirva, Bhusut, Lohitang, Dharaj, Avnij, Kroor, Netra and Kshitinandan.
The Karakatwas of Mars
According to Vedic astrology, Mars is the Karak planet for Pitt.
It is also the Karak planet of the third house in a Kundali. Among other things, it is the Karak planet of wheat, ghee, jaggery, saffron, red sandalwood, red flowers, red objects, fire, earth, a kingdom and a house. Mars affects all the matters related to land and property. It is difficult to build a house without an auspicious Mars in your Kundali.
Mars is also known to be the Karak planet of courage, bravery, energy and passion. This is because of the fact that it is considered the commander of all the nine planets. The third house of the Kundali can also be related to all these things. Hence, the third house and Mars are analyzed to study the presence of all these factors in a person. If Mars is in an auspicious position in your Kundali, you will be brave and courageous. On the other hand, you will lack confidence and enthusiasm if Mars is weak in your Kundali.
Relationships with younger brothers and sisters are also studied by analyzing Mars and the third house. Hence, relationships are better with younger brothers and sisters if Mars is in a strong position in Janma Kundali.
Copper and Coral can also associated with Mars. It is also the Karak planet for courage, anger and violence acts.
Impact of Mars in the Janma Kundali
In astrology, each planet has its own sign (Swarashi), Mooltrikon sign, exalted sign (Uchcha rashi) and debilitated sign (Neech rashi). It is considered very auspicious if a planet is in its exalted sign. Similarly, it is considered to be very inauspicious if a planet is in its debilitated sign.
Mars gives different results depending on its position in its own sign, Mooltrikon Rashi, exalted sign or debilitated sign. Mars is considered to be in its own sign and auspicious when it is in Aries or Scorpio sign from 0 to 30 degrees. In the same way, Mars is considered to be in its Mooltrikon Rashi when it is in Aries sign from 0 to 12 degrees. This placement of Mars is also considered auspicious. Mars gives auspicious results in Mooltrikon Rashi.
Mars is considered exalted when it is in Capricorn sign from 13 to 30 degrees. Mars is considered most exalted in the Capricorn sign at 28 degrees. it will be exalted. This is the position when Mars is most exalted. Mars will be very strong in this position.
Mars is considered debilitated when it is in Cancer sign from 13 to 30 degrees. Mars is considered most debilitated in the Cancer sign at 28 degrees. A person with this placement in his Kundali has lack of confidence. This situation is exactly opposite to the situation when Mars is exalted.
Relationship of Mars with other planets
In Vedic astrology, planets are either friendly, neutral or enemies towards each other. The natural friendship of planets is called Naisargik Maitri. The permanent enemies are called Naisargik Shatrus. The natural friends of Mars are Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Mars is neutral towards Venus and Saturn. Mercury is the enemy of Mars.
Besides Naisargik Maitri, planets also have immediate friendship (Tatkaalik Maitri) between them. This depends on the position of planets in a Kundali. Mars will be friendly to the planets which are present three houses ahead and three houses back from its original position.
A Panchadha Kundali is formed on the basis of Naisargik and Tatkaalik Maitri which tells about the planets which are friends or enemies of Mars. You will get auspicious or inauspicious results based on the Panchadha Kundali. Let us assume that Mercury is the Tatkaalik enemy of Mars but Mercury is considered an enemy of Mars. Hence, being an enemy of Mars in both the condition Mercury will be very harmful for Mars and will inauspicious results.
Auspicious and Inauspicious results of a transiting Mars
In Vedic astrology, transiting planets are analyzed by taking Moon as the ascendant. If a transiting Mars is in third house, it will provide you success, win over enemies, happiness etc. In the 6th house, it provides success over enemies, fame and success in competitions. When Mars is in 11th house, it will provides liquid assets, land, property etc.
When Mars is in 1st house, you will face problems associated with bad people. You will also be separated from the good people in life. If a transiting Mars is present in the second house, you may face problems with the government, lose money and get into arguments because of your rude behaviour. If Mars is in the 4th house, you may change your residence, face problems with friends and get involved in evil deeds.
When Mars is in 5th house, you may fight with your closed ones and may face problems related to your children. When Mars is in the 7th house, you may face problems with your life partner, children and brother. You may lose respect when Mars is in the eighth house. But, in this case the foreign travel is on the cards. If a transiting Mars is in the ninth house, you may become weak and unemployed. When Mars is in the tenth house, you may be involved in illegal activities to earn money. When Mars is in the twelfth house, it gives inauspicious results related to arguments with closed ones and loss of money.
Remedies for Mars
You should recite any one of the Mantra sixteen thousand times if Mars is weak in your Janma Kundali or Varsha Kundali. You should also chant these Mantras when Mars is the Lord of an inauspicious house. The chant of these Mantras should be started from a Tuesday of Shukla Paksha at sunrise. Dashansh Havan should be performed once the chant is complete which means that 10% of the chant should be done during the Havan.
You can also chant any one Mantras for 108 times. These Mantras should be chanted in the evening. You can also strengthen Mars by worshipping Lord Hanuman everyday. You should read Mangal Stotra. You can even fast on Tuesday in Shukla Paksha to strengthen Mars.
These fasts should be started from the first Tuesday of Shukla Paksha. You should keep at least 21 fasts. Donate sweet Roti, Rewdi made of jaggery, wheat, jaggery, ghee, saffron, red sandalwood, red flowers etc on the day of fast. You can feed a red cow with a Roti and jaggery on every Tuesday to strengthen Mars.
You should read Hanuman Chalisa everyday if Mars is auspicious but weak in your Kundali. Reading Sundarkand on every Tuesday also gives auspicious results.