Career as per the lord of 10th House - Importance of 10th Lord for Career
Now after analyzing the ruling element and the zodiac present in the 10th house, let us analyze the position of the lord of 10th house in different houses.
In this web cast we will talk about the position of the lord of 10th house in different houses.
Career through Astrology
The complete Natal chart can be divided into 4 quadrants. The First quadrant of the Natal chart represents the Ascendant, 2nd house and the 3rd house. This refers to the development of Self Identity.
The Second Quadrant of the Natal chart represents the 4th house, the 5th house and the 6th house. This refers to the awareness of looking outside the self.
The Third Quadrant represents the 7th,house, 8th house and the 9th house. This refers to the more looking of worldly issues and developing relationships.
The Fourth Quadrant encompasses the 10th house, 11th house and the 12th house. This quadrant refers to the natives personal contribution to the humanity.
Lord of professional house placed in the 1st quadrant. – 1st, 2nd, 3rd house
When the Lord of the house of profession i.e. the 10th lord is placed in the first quadrant then the person is mostly seen to be in the profession where he has to implement his self skills. The 1st quadrant represents self.
In the 1st house 10th lord makes a person Self employed or politician or a leader to lead a public at large depending on the planet involved.
Since the 2nd house is related to money, the person is more interested in the banking, investments or accounts related professions.
The 3rd house represents communication, hence the person with 10th lord in the 3rd house is engaged in the profession related to communication, Marketing and sales or computing business.
10th lord placed in the 2nd Quadrant – 4th, 5th, 6th
When the Lord of the 10th house is placed in the second quadrant then the person is mostly seen to be in the profession which are not related to self but related to the field which fulfill the need of the self such as property, education, security etc.
In the 4th house, 10th lord makes a person inclined in the field of real estate, property dealing, builder or Automobile dealer.
Since the 5th house is related to education, Romance and children, the person is more interested in the profession related to entertainment, gambling, stockbrokers, and teaching.
The 6th house represents law, health, daily work, animals; hence the person with 10th lord in the 6th house is engaged in the daily service as employee or worker, Military, police, health and labour.
10th lord placed in the 3rd Quadrant – 7th, 8th and 9th house
When the Lord of the 10th house is placed in the Third quadrant then the person is mostly seen to be in the profession committed to others and away from self.
10th lord in the 7th house makes a person inclined towards business rather than being employed for others. In some cases the native goes abroad for business.
The 8th house is related to worldly issues. Hence, the native is more interested in the career outside the birth country and contractual jobs as he dislikes being engaged in a routine job.
The 9th house represents fortune and religion, hence, the native with 10th lord in the 9th house love to work as teacher of higher universities, as religious preacher, or holding a high administrative post.
10th lord placed in the 4th Quadrant – 10th, 11th and 12th house
The 4th quadrant refers to the personal efforts which contribute to the humanity.
The placement of the 10th lord placed in the 10th house initiates to make a mark on this world.
The native is inclined to become a politician, leader, head of an organization or to work for the state body. They have the mastery in public dealing.
In the 11th house, native is more interested in the job which can generate profits, hence business, trading, financial institutions or accounting are the profession of interest.
10th lord placed in the 12th house indicate profession in the foreign countries, Social work, charities, secret cells, prisons, hospitals etc.
Third step to seek for the most appropriate Career
After understanding the placement of 10th lord in the various quadrants you have to judge that the multiple factors are complementary or not. If the various factors judged related to the 10th house are not contradicting then the profession is more smooth and stable.
It is also important to check the planets position in the D-9 and D-10 charts for confirmation.