The Temperance - Meaning of The Temperance Tarot Card
Different colours that can be associated with The Temperance Tarot card are bright blue, blue grey, slate blue and lilac grey. This card can be closely related with the combination of forces, realization and any action taken for either good or evil. This Tarot card signifies balance and harmony in the life of a person when it is strong. Things around such a person run smoothly as he is able to cope with his environment and surroundings. Powerful aspirations can also be noted with upward desires likely to be manifested.
The image on The Temperance Tarot card can be best explained as : A winged angel, with the sign of the sun upon his forehead and on his breast the square and triangle of the septenary. The figure than can be seen is neither male nor female. It is held to be pouring the essences of life from chalice to chalice. It has one foot upon the earth and one upon waters, thus illustrating the nature of the essences. A direct path goes up to certain heights on the verge of the horizon, and above there is a great light, through which a crown is seen vaguely. Hereof is some part of the Secret of Eternal Life, as it is possible to man in his incarnation. All the conventional emblems are renounced herein.
This card also signifies the various changes in seasons, movement of life and the combination of ideas. This card is called Temperance because when this card rules in our consciousness, it usually tempers, combines and harmonizes the psychic and material natures. It is, moreover, untrue to say that the figure symbolizes the genius of the sun, though it is the analogy of solar light, realized in the third part of our human triplicity. The Temperance Tarot card can be closely related with household economy, moderation, frugality, management and accomodation.
This card signifies all sorts of distribution, from the nervous system and its workings of co-ordination to correspondence by the post office, letters and communications, and the latter not only limited to this physical world but extended to other planes of existence. The function of Mercury is that of the mind in its concrete activities and imparts knowledge, learning, which after all is the beginning or potentiality of all our further relations in this world.