Eight of Wands - Meaning of Eight of Wands in Tarot Cards

The Eight of Wands is a symbol of the onset of action and it’s effects. Before acting, we think, imagine, speculate, talk and dream. This dream is of the air and the sky. Then finally, we decide to make our move. We bring our ideas down to earth and put them into action. This card can be associated with communicating, selling, promoting, marketing and making or hearing news about any action. Hence, it can be related to any kind of business or personal communication. The Eight of Wands is a card that tells you how to communicate with others and gain from it. Domestic disputes for a married person are also represented by this card.

In readings, The Eight of Wands also is often a sign that now is the time to declare yourself. All the elements are ready and will work for you as long as you do not hesitate. This means that the iron is hot and you have to strike. If events are in motion, they will proceed rapidly. You may feel caught in a whirlwind, but soon the dust will settle and you see how your plans have fared. The Eight of Wands also stand for the arrival of news or information. You may see or hear something important. The news could show up in a disguised form, so stay alert. Pay attention to everything that comes your way for a while.

This card also signifies endings. Sooner or later all activities run their course. The eight wands on this card not only symbolize putting events into motion, but also bringing them to a close. They appear to be ending their flight by coming down to earth If you see The Eight of Wands in a reading, it may be time to conclude whatever you have been already been doing. You should then celebrate the past, but prepare to move on to something new which might bring gains and profits.

The Eight of Wands can be closely associated with taking a quick action. A person with this card makes his move and strikes while the iron is hot. Such a person declares himself openly and puts plans into actions. He also rushes into a new area and moves into high gear while getting caught up in change. This card also means that a person finally comes to a conclusion. He culminates an effort and makes all the elements come together. The Eight of Wands can be associated with closing out an activity and experiencing a grand finale. It also means finding a successful resolution and completing some unfinished business.

The Eight of Wands brings some important message. It can be associated with obtaining a needed bit of information and discovering the truth. It can also be related to having a meaningful conversation and learning more through it. This card indicates finding a missing puzzle piece.

The following can be associated with The Eight of Wands :

  • Quick action
  • Conclusion
  • News