Page of Pentacles - Meaning of Page of Pentacles in Tarot Cards

The Page of Pentacles is a messenger bringing you opportunities for prosperity. He delivers real chance to experience wealth, abundance, security and solid achievement - the wonders of the Pentacles suit. In your readings, this Page suggests that an opening may appear that promises enrichment, comfort, trust or the chance to make your dreams real. When you see such a chance, act on it. A person with The Page of Pentacles believes in making real plans and molds the physical world. Such a person uses his body and experience nature. A person with The Page of Pentacles achieves tangible results and acts on his dreams. Such a person is able to get events in motion.

The Page of Pentacles can also stand for a child or young at heart adult whose interactions with you involve stability, trust, commitment, safety and material needs. Sometimes The Page of Pentacles implies that your entire situation is suffused with the spirit of physical enjoyment. At such times, feel free to have fun with your body, skills and possessions in a light hearted way. Revel in the delights of being alive on Earth at this time. A person with The Page of Pentacles takes a realistic approach to everything and uses the tools at hand. Such a person finds a solution that works and uses his common sense. A person with this card does not believe in day dreaming and works with what he has. He concentrates on what is really effective.

The Page of Pentacles can be associated with drawing your heart to what you really need. It is all about increasing your means. A person with The Page of Pentacles knows the importance of growing and expanding. Such a person enriches himself and goes out to meet success. A person with The Page of Pentacles seeks abundance and eventually becomes secure. A person with The Page of Pentacles accepts that the solution is well in hand. Such a person has faith in others and is able to accommodate uncertainty. A person with The Page of Pentacles accepts others at their words. Such a person is able to keep his promises and keeps his word. A person with this card is usually able to prove that he is totally dependable. Such a person always stick by his commitments. A person with The Page of Pentacles is able to establish credibility in the hearts of others.

The following can be closely associated with The Page of Pentacles :

  • Having and effect
  • Being Practical
  • Being Prosperous
  • Being Trusting and Trustworthy