The Pentacles - Meaning of Pentacles in Tarot Cards

The Pentacles in Tarot card are considered to be a part of the minor arcana. These cards are associated with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. These cards can also be associated with the mental aspect of our daily lives.

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents a new beginning of prosperity. The focus is on things coming together, satisfaction, prosperity, and new things replacing the old. Things that have been cut back will grow again. Such a person will prosper.

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles card is about having the ability to handle more than one situation at a time, harmony in the face of change. The focus is on business losses or discouragements, and emotional trials due to difficult schedules. You are spreading yourself too thin. Focus on one thing, and keep an even keel. Pressures will ease and balance will be restored.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles is the card of the master craftsman, and will often appear in a reading for an artist or craftsman. But in any reading, it indicates recognition for your work, and material gain through effort. The focus here pertains to your work and career goals, plans, meetings, and construction.

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles is indication of a lack of generosity here, or perhaps someone who is so focused on fear of losing, that they have forgotten how to focus on winning. The focus here is on financial security, success, and not wanting anything to go to waste. Be honest with yourself.

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles card is about a "dark night of the soul", suffering and loss, or self-doubt, perhaps caused by spiritual impoverishment. You are in need of a spiritual transfusion - well-meaning advice and platitudes from others won't help. However, the suffering you are enduring creates compassion.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is about philanthropy, as well as the idea that what you give, you get back in abundance. The focus here is on career opportunities, investment potential, solvency, and promising enterprises. Stop thinking about your problems, think about the results you want to attain.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is about a pause in progress. This pause can be a source of anxiety, depression, or perhaps a catalyst for a re-evaluation of one's life and/or goals. You have what you need to succeed, you just need someone to show you the way.

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles often appears in the reading of one who is studying the arts or a trade. In any reading, however, it usually indicates the start of employment or employment to come, learning a trade, and small gains. Besides employment, the focus is on the backing of a project, risks, betterment, and accomplishment. Circumstances are going to change for the better, but don't try to assert yourself yet.

Nine of Pentacles

Sometimes Nine of Pentacles appears in the reading of a woman who is successful, but widowed or single, or a person who has great love for home and garden. Otherwise, the focus is on business, corporate enterprises, promotion, mediation, or advancement. A tempting offer will be presented. Eliminate your weak points, and doubts. Promote yourself, your business, and social activities.

Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles is about family stability, increases in wealth, property, and/or prestige, and a happy home. The focus is on family and home, friends, community, expenses, and working environment. You may be frustrated in attempts to gain support from your superiors, and will receive little or no assistance in the form of spiritual guidance.

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles means that a new perspective and a new way of doing things are approaching. The focus is on scholastic matters, employment, status, romantic endeavors, practical idealism, and mental labor. Stop seeking, or expecting. If something is meant to be it will often come on its own.

Knight of Pentacles

Whenever a Knight appears in a reading it means that long term conditions are going to come to an end. An unexpected opportunity will present itself that will give you a chance to promote yourself or your business. You will make connections with people whose company you enjoy.

Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles focuses on hopes and wishes, but also verification and results. Compassion and service, as well as finance and profit are included. There is also a warning here about too much dependence on others.

King of Pentacles

The focus is on expansion, media, arts, communication, contacts with those in power or authority, and finishing old projects while starting new ones.