King of Wands - Meaning of King of Wands in Tarot Cards

The personality of The King of Wands is a combination of the positive fire energy of the Wands suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is creative and never settles for old, tired approaches. He trusts his originality and allows his inspirations to take form. He is enthusiastic. He steps forward and takes the lead if the opportunity presents itself. Others follow when he shows them the way with confidence. He is forceful in pursuing his goals. He is not a quiet, passive observer unless that suits his purposes. He usually jumps into the situations and creates results. He is dramatic and exciting.

The King is never a wall flower, more often the center of attraction. He is bold and daring. He avoids the safe, easy route because he has the energy and assurance to take risks and win. The King of Wands has the courage of his convictions and always believes in himself. This card can be associated with immense power. It may also signify a good marriage. This card can be associated with honesty and unexpected heritage. The unexpected heritage is quite evident with the presence of a King as he usually inherits something from his ancestors. This card is considered to bring wealth in some cases.

In readings, The King of Wands asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example, creating a masterpiece, leading the way, taking a risk or making a splash. As suggested by the name of the card, The King of Wands can be associated with leadership or guardianship. This King can also represent a man or woman who is acting as he does or an atmosphere of excitement, daring and drama. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

The King of Wands can be associated with innovative projects and ideas which open up new areas of experience. A person with this card has natural artistic abilities and uses self expression for useful purposes. Such a person masterminds new strategies and is original and inventive. He communicates enthusiasm and creates an atmosphere of excitement. Such a person sets an example that the others want to follow. He is a powerful, natural leader who seems to dominate the environment. A person with this card has a commanding presence which is assertive when necessary. The King of Wands earns respect and carries authority naturally.

The King of Wands is often showy and theatrical and enjoys making the gesture with flair. He naturally becomes the focus of attention and magnetically attracts others. He is always watched, imitated and talked about. Such a person is willing to take chances when the stakes are high. He confronts opposition directly and dares to stand and be different. A person with this card is unconcerned with hat others think and has the courage of his or her convictions.

The following can be associated with The King of Wands :

  • Creative
  • Inspiring
  • Forceful
  • Charismatic
  • Bold