Position of planets in prashna kundali

Before studying the prashna kindly, it is important to learn about which planet affects which thing and position. Every planet have their special position. Every planet depicts a special effect or a factor. So, in this case when we start solving prashna kundali, we need to understand about all these things.

Sun in prashna kundali

Sun is the karak of raja and is powerful in the day. It is related to the male society. It is aggressive and angry by nature. It is filled with sattva prakriti. It has a stable personality and has a complexion like that of a beautiful flower. It is full of trickleness, has an excessive bile in the body, is brave and have pingal eyes. It has beautiful personality and are full of intelligence and intellect. It have less hair and medium sized cheeks and bones and depicts alkali element. They are the owner of fourth house lord. They indicate the east direction. They love to roam in forests and are the owner of animal land and trees.

Moon in prashna kundali

It is related to the female. They have a fair complexion and are soft spoken. They have beautiful eyes, pure mind, curly hair and have a clear effect. They look like a saint or a bid and strong individual. They are the owner of water bodies, afternoon and elements and have a high cough personality and are full of virtue qualities. They are the owner of water bodies on land, are the lord of snakes and rupees and are the lords of females also.

Mars in prashna kundali

If mars is present in the prashna kundali, then the person is male, have a bitter behaviour and gloomy nature. They are the owner of young generation and have an aggressive behaviour. They have a fair complexion with little traces of redness in it and are the owner of high bile content in the body. They are powerful during noon. They have a square body and are full of satire and sarcasm. They are the owner of element and are goldsmiths and are the owner of burnt land or fascinating places. They are playful and have a generous heart. They love animals. They have pingal eyes, are ruthless and are more proud of themselves. They depict south direction.

Mercury in prashna kundali

If mercury is present in prashna kundali then it depicts feminine behaviour. It depicts childhood, a person living in villages, might have a bluish complexion, and might have sparkling gold body and might be round. They are the owners of even metals. It depicts cremation land. They are powerful in the morning. They might be the owner of birds and shudra, are romantic, clever and have a generous behaviour. They have a wheatish waist and a body full of nerves, they love fighting, are soft spoken, courageous, happy and masters of north direction.

Jupiter in prashna kundali

Jupiter in prashna kundali depicts masculinity. It represents the brahmin community. They are the masters of binomial. They live in villages. They are romantic and are full of even metals and have sattva nature. They are old and have more flesh on their body. They have a beautiful complexion. They are full of gemstones. They are the person of religious place. They have an auspicious form. They are the owner of north direction and are powerful in morning.They have golden hair. It represents those who earn their living by doing business.

Venus in prashna kundali

If venus is present in the prashna kundali, then it depicts the behaviour of woman. They are full of luxurious qualities. They have a positive nature and represents the young age. It represents the water bodies. They have a cough dominated health, master of acid and are the owner of afternoon. They have beautiful eyes and hair. They are strong hearted. They are the owner of cupid and land with water bodies. They have a fair complexion and walking style like that of an elephant.

Saturn in prashna kundali

Saturn has been given the noun of female and shudra and the ownership of evening. They have a cruel behaviour and a bluish complexion. They are considered to be in their old age. They are the owner of iron metal. They are dominated by air. They indicate west direction. They love roaming in forests. They have a dark skinned, big and long body, hairy and strong pores and evil nature. They are the owner of earth which is full of thirst etc.

Rahu in prashna kundali

If rahu is present in the prashna kundali, then it is known to depict saturn. All the qualities that are present in saturn, are also present in rahu. They are nishad or malech by nature. They are playful by nature and have a variable behaviour. They have a complexion like that of lord Krishna or bluish. They are the owner of southwest angle. They depict snake and are full of bones.

Ketu in prashna kundali

If ketu is present in prashna kundali, then it is also considered similar to saturn. And according to some experts it is considered similar to mars. They are nishad or malech by nature. They have variable qualities. They have a little wheatish or lord Krishna like complexion. They are sinful with kashayas taste and have a air dominated health. They are the owner of poor land. They depict old age and are capable of taking many forms. They can be also called as a behrupiya. They have shikha with them.

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