Posts for Tag Lagna

Following is the list of Articles in the tag Lagna

Arrival of Enemy

Many times questioner asks ,”Will the enemy go?”.The yopgas for the arrival and departure of the enemy are as follows: If the Lagna is Char and the Moon is in Sthir sign, then the enemy will definitely come. If Lagna is

Malefic and Benefic Planets for Different Ascendants

Some other factors are also considered while determining malefic or benefic planets from the acendant (lagna) in a horoscope. Let us try to learn about Badhak Place and Badhak Planet in this category. Some of the houses

Characteristics of Different Ascendants

The first house in a horoscope is the ascendant house. A horoscope begins from the ascendant house. The sign in the ascendant house is known as the ascendant sign. Signs in other houses are determined from this sign.

Characteristics of different ascendants-II

In the last chapter we studied about the ascendants in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. In this chapter we will study about the remaining signs in ascendants. Leo Lagna Mars , Jupiter and Sun are benefic for this

Characteristics of different ascendants-III

In last two chapters we have been studying about the planets which are malefic and which are benefic .In this chapter we will study about the malefic and benefic results of the remaining ascendants. Sagittarius Lagna

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