Articles in Category Vedic Astrology

Afflicted Planet and Its Indication in Life

There are 9 major planets considered in the Indian Astrology. These planets if afflicted can be judged in our day to day life. It has been observed that planets whose houses are occupied by the enemy

Strong Planets

There are nine planets in Hindu Astrology that affect the terrestrial phenomena. These nine planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Planets individually or in

Birth Nakshatra and Related Diseases

Nakshatra plays an important role in the predictive Astrology. A resultant of the planet placed in the particular zodiac sign is very much influenced after considering the Nakshatra in which the

Interpretation of Benefics - Can natural malefics behave as benefics

A yoga is formed by more than one planet. The nature of the planets if three types, i.e. benefic, malefic and neutral. According to natural classifications benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Well

Ascendant Lord and its Horoscopic Effect

Ascendant lord or Lagnesh is the lord of the rising zodiac sign at the time of birth. Ascendant lord and its strength is like the filament of the bulb. if the filament of the bulb is strong it can

Natural Benefic and their Dasha Analysis

Vedic Astrology is considered to be more as a guiding science than a predictive science.During the analysis of horoscope it is very important to understand the Dashas and Bhuktis to calculate the

Trik Houses

Human life falls under two grand divisions- fortunes and misfortunes. Fortunes are related to health, personality, success in politics, financial gains, educational benefits, mental strengths etc and


Dasha system is very important part of Indian astrology. All events are timed by the planetary periods called Dashas. The transits called as Gochara. The Dasha System divides individuals life into

Bloody planet-Red Planet

‘Bloody’ is the adjective form of blood. The literal meaning bloody is ‘stained with blood’ or ‘accompanied by or giving rise to bloodshed’ or ‘colour of blood’. The astrological meaning of ‘bloody’

Navamsa Kundli - D-9 Chart

The study of birth chart and the predictions on the basis of it cannot be accurate until the study of the Shadvargas is not done. Shadvargas are the six-fold divisions of a zodiac sign. The main aim

12 Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac is a broad band in the heaven extending 9 degrees on each side of ecliptic. The Zodiac is a circle of light consequently having no beginning or end. The path of the Sun passes exactly

Nadi Dosh in Kundali

Nadis are the thoughts which carry life force energy (Prana). The word Nadi has come from the Sanskrit word ‘Nadi’ which means ‘channel’ or ‘flow’. The active Prana is supposed to circulate inside

Gulika Mandi- A Tail Piece

Background Gulika which is also known as 'mandi' is the offspring of Saturn or son of Manda. It is a very important pseudo planets according to the belief in South India especially in Kerala. Some

Features of Sign

It is necessary to know the facts about the characteristics of a planet, ascendant and signs to make predictions from the Kundali of an individual. It is also necessary to determine the position of a

Results of Sun in Different Houses

What kind of results planets give in different houses. Before knowing this, let us revise our previous study. The number of planets is 9 and there are 12 houses in Kundali. The Karaka elements of

States of Planets

The auspicious and inauspicious character of a planet is decided according to the position of the planet at the time of birth. Apart from this, the results of a planet depend upon the degree of the

Malefic and Benefic Planets According to the Ascendant

How malefic and benefic they are in different ascendants , can be studied in the following way The lord of Trikon Bhava in a horoscope is always benefic.Trikon Bhava is formed with the three houses