Friendly Planets and Panchdha Relationship Part-1
According to astrology, planets behave in the same manner as humans do. Planets give benefic results when they are with their friends. And they tend to give malefic results when they are with their enemy planets.
Let us try to understand the subtle nature of planets.
Venus and Jupiter come under the category of benefic planets or if moon is of Shukla Paksha then they are more beneficial. Auspicious sequence is as follows:
Benefic Moon/Lunar In simple words, from Moon to Mercury, from Mercury to Venus, from Venus to Jupiter are very auspicious planets. The sequence of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu is inauspicious. Thus, from Sun to Mars, from Mars to Saturn and from Saturn to Rahu is malefic. Planets are benefic in two ways. The sequence mentioned above is natural. Planets can be in any location, in any sign, aspect and their natural benefic results are maintained. Natural Planetary Friendship.
Other than this there is one more friendship known as instant friendship. We will try to learn about it in the next chapter. Let us study more about natural friendships.Planet Natural Friendship Table.
Friend Planet
Even Planets
Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu
Sun, Mercury
Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars
Rahu, Ketu
Sun, Venus
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Rahu
Sun, Moon, Mars
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu
Mercury , Venus
Mercury, Saturn, Rahu
Jupiter, Mars
Sun , Moon.
Mercury, Venus, Rahu
Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu
Venus, Saturn
Mercury, Jupiter
Sun, mars, Moon, Ketu
Mars, Venus
Mercury, Jupiter
Saturn, Rahu, Sun, Moon.