Malefic and Benefic Planets According to the Ascendant

How malefic and benefic they are in different ascendants , can be studied in the following way

  1. The lord of Trikon Bhava in a horoscope is always benefic.Trikon Bhava is formed with the three houses in the horoscope. These three houses are the first house, fifth house and ninth house. Due to which in a horoscope Lagnesh, Pachmesh, and Navmesh gives good results.
  2. The lords of  third , sixth and eleventh house gives medium level good results.
  3. The lord of the  places of Kendra (Ascendant, fourth, seventh, and tenth house) planets are somehow benefic from Trikon Bhava’s .But the Kendradhipati defect ,decays the auspiciousness of the Kendra’s.
  4. The lords of second, eight, and twelfth house gives the results according to the planets they are located.But normally it is found that these houses are prone to give bad results.

Other than these , when the planets are Yogkarak then they become benefic.Let us find out when a planet can be Yogakaraka..

When any planet is a lord of either in Trikon Bhava or Kendra , then it is called Yogkaraka Planet. and in this situation it gives results similar to any superior planet.

scendant Sign Yogakaraka Planet Description
Cancer and Leo Mars For Cancer and Leo ascendants Mars being an Yogakaraka Planet gives good result.
Taurus and Libra Saturn For Taurus and Libra , Saturn is the one to give maximum good results.
Capricorn and Aquarius Venus Venus  gives good results for Capricorn and Aquarius