Malefic and Benefic Planets for Different Ascendants

Some other factors are also considered while determining malefic or benefic planets from the acendant (lagna) in a horoscope. Let us try to learn about Badhak Place and Badhak Planet in this category.

Some of the houses in a horoscope are known as Badhak places and their governors are called Badhak Planets. Badhak planets lie in the category of malefic planets. These planets create obstacles in a person’s work with their conditions and positions.

For the following ascendants, lords of the following houses are Badhak planets. Let us study which houses are badhak houses for which ascendants.

Which are the Badhak Planets, and Badhak Houses.

Char Lagna(Aries, Cancer, Libra and Caprocorn Lagna)

Eleventh house is Badhak for Char lagna and the lord of the eleventh house is the badhak planet. People of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs get results after lots of obstacles.

Sthir Lagna(Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius)

Ninth house is badhak for Sthir Lagna and the lord of the ninth house is the badhak planet for these four signs.

Dwiswabhava Lagna(Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)

Dwiswabhao Lagna i.e the seventh house is badhak for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces and the lord of the seventh house is the badhak planet.

Which are the Marak Bhava and Marak Planets

Second and seventh house of the horoscope is known as Marak Bhava or the place of Marak. The lord of marak bhava is known as Maraka Planet or Markesh. Marak Planet, depending on it condition, can give suffering like death. These planets are not good for health.

Which are the Digabali Planets

Planets become exclusively strong when located in special houses and are called Digabali. Digabali are also known as Disha Bali. In the following situation the planets are Digabal or Disha Bali.

The Name of the Planet The Name of the House in which it is Digabali.
Jupiter and Mercury Ascendant House
Venus and Moon Fourth House
Saturn Seventh House
Sun and Mars Tenth House